Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dear Friends, Please pray for all the folks in the way of Hurricane Gustav. I get uneasy when I hear news reporters talk about all the improvements that have been made since Katrina. I get very uneasy when I hear government officials talk about what they have done to help the situation.

Look at our worry in comparison to the Lord God himself, and say, by faith, "the battle is Yours, Lord. It is your battle. We lean on you. We give you all our weapons, all our skills, and We stand before You, trusting You."

It is God's love for us that causes Him to bring us to an end of our own strength. He sees our need to trust Him, and His love is so great that He will not let us live another day without turning over our arms to Him, our fears, our worries, even our confusion, so that nothing becomes more significant to us than our Father.

Never, ever forget it: The battle is the Lord's.

The problem is Man forgets it and put's his faith in himself and other evil things.

Man tries to do his own battle...........The battle is the Lord's

Many are at the end of their own strength..........Sharon and I pray that they will see the need to trust and Love God.


NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- On a cigarette break from washing dishes in the French Quarter, Michael Kennedy swung open the door of Café Maspero, and the briny smell of raw shrimp followed him outside.

A woman walks her dog down the streets of New Orleans, where most have fled in anticipation of Hurricane Gustav.

"You gotta make as much money as you can, because when we shut down -- and we're gonna shut down -- that's it for a long while," the 26-year-old said, exhaling, a dribble of sweat rolling into his mouth.
"The thing is," he continued, "most people don't have cars to leave, don't have money for gas. Pay for a hotel for that long? I mean, you have to do whatever you have to do, and I guess I'm gonna stay and work."
Though Maspero wasn't doing half the business it usually does, customers were still coming in for $2 clam buckets. A few packs of tourists, identifiable by their slightly off-kilter walk and gigantic hot pink test tubes of booze, ambled down St. Louis Street, peeking into bars and asking, "You still open?"
Most were, up until the hour that Mayor Ray Nagin told the public to run for their lives.
"It's the storm of the century," he said.
But Kennedy can't and others just won't leave. They are the few residents who did not make the tortoise crawl down Interstate 10 on Saturday. Do you plan to evacuate? Tell us
"If I left, I'll probably lose my job," said Jeremiah O'Farrell, another dishwasher who is staying put. "I really don't have an ywhere to go if I could leave. I could go home, but that doesn't seem like the thing to try. Too far, I guess."
Wrestling out of his white apron, he explained that he moved from Chicago to work a construction job during efforts to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Don't Miss Leaving home? Share story
Mandatory evacuations to begin in New Orleans
Gustav makes landfall in Cuba as Category 4
"Our boss was into playing his trumpe t down here more than he was into running a business, so that all kinda went to hell, and now I'm working here."
Sure in his choice, O'Farrell still feels a hurricane newbie's nervousness.
"Really, how bad do you think it's gonna get?" he asked. "I've never been through one, and I'm not sure what to believe. You see the national weather people, and they're telling you it's gonna be really bad."
"Aw, it's gonna turn!"
That confident pronouncement comes from Russell "I've-seen-some-hurricanes-so-don't-tell-me-nothing" Gonzalez. He's been making muffaletas at Maspero since 1985.
"I don't leave for nothing. I didn't even leave for Katrina," he said, letting that fact hang in the air for a beat for the benefit of several other young men who have gathered for a smoke.
"I mean, look at the local weather guys, they know what they're doing, not those Weather Channel people. The local people say it's gonna move north, and that's enough for me."
Before Gonzalez goes back inside, he turns and mutters, "Too expensive, anyway."
Across town in the 9th Ward, a neighborhood decimated by Katrina, Sidney William climbs slowly out of his truck. He's 49 but moves like he's 20 years older.
"My legs hurt; my feet hurt a lot," he said. "It's not easy."
William wants desperately to leave his native New Orleans to avoid Gustav. He didn't leave for Katrina because he didn't have the money. He won't talk about what happened to him during that storm.
"I wish I had the money to go." Rejected for disability subsidies, he depends on his 23-year-old daughter, Gloria, to support the family.
"Lot of folks around here are gonna make do with what they have, and you won't hear a terrible amount of complaining," he said. "You can't just come in here and expect to hear people fussing about how they don't have nothing. People just be used to not having much, and so you don't even think too hard about it until someone starts asking you questions."
A neighbor, Victoria, says she has two Rottweilers who she's not willing to leave behind.
"Now, what do you think that would look like, me and my little car sitting there in traffic with two big old Rottweilers," she said, laughing.
Money is tight for her, too.
"Guess I'm just gonna wait. I just don't know. It's all stressful."
A woman who would only give her name as Bette, owner of an antiques store in the French Quarter, says outsiders can't understand. "It's hard to explain to someone who's not from here why anyone would choose to stay."
Bette has the means to leave New Orleans. She and her husband could jump in their car and take off. During Katrina, she briefly relocated to Houston, and while happy she made that choice, she couldn't stay. She had to return to her city.
Like a relationship that suffers a bad break-up and is stronger after a reunion, she worries that she hasn't got the heart to leave and then return a second time.
"When you stand out there by that river and look at that levee," she said, "you are just so blessed to live here. I am in love, and so I make my choice.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Let Nothing Disturb You KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

I pray for Safety for you all this Labor Day Weekend.........I am thankful for my Mom and Dad and Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles.........all who labored hard for the Lord and for they provided the hard work that helped us Moede kids through life. Let us not forget what hard work is this labor day weekend. Let us all continue to Labor for the Lord and His children.

Let me share this with you........I pray it brings as much peace to you as it did to me!

LET NOTHING disturb you,

Nothing dismay you;

All things are passing:

God never changes.

Patient endurance

Attains all that it strives for;

Those who have God

Find they lack nothing.

God alone suffices.

St. Teresa of Avila, from The Pilgrim Praybook: New Edition

An excellent reminder that all things are passing.............except GOD................all things...........except God

PS.....if you would like to see pictures of the wonders of God go to and give a look.

Christ's Love and Peace to you all, Dewey Sharon and family

Sharon and I are both under the weather please pray for us.

Friday, August 29, 2008


A new blessing has arrived!

just wanted to let you know that Isaac Alexander Kennedy was born on August 19th at 10:40am. He weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 20 and 1/4 inches long. Amber is very happy to be a big sister. I have put a few pictures online. I will add more when I get a chance. We are at home and recovering very well. Monica

Some of you will remember that Monica put together the first web site for DDC!!! God Bless you Monica and your new baby Isaac and all the rest of your beautiful family!


Can there be anything sweeter than this? I don't think so-

The adoration of a new child- can you imagine the shepherds bending close to another sweet baby so long ago?

Look at that matching smile!



Good Morning KKIM Family!
If we have no real interest in praising him, it shows that we have never realized who he is. For when one becomes conscious of who God really is, and when one realizes that he who is almighty, and infinitely holy, has "done great things to us," the only possible reaction is the cry of half-articulate exultation that bursts from the depths of our being in amazement at the tremendous, inexplicable goodness of God to men.
By Thomas Merton
Faith in God is an experience that lives and grows by praise. There is continual spiral reinforcement: praising God helps us to appreciate what one is praising God for.
By David F. Ford and Daniel W. Hardy
I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18
Christ provides POWER in our WEAKNESS
Someone wrote in and said they always don't know the ones we are praying don't need to worry as the Lord hears our prayers for those in need.......
Please pray for Oscar's wife has she has cancer and is going through treatment in Albuquerque.
Please pray for Linda and her family of Los Alamos. Linda has been told she does not have much time left here before shoe goes home to be with the Lord. Her husband is also ill.
Please continue to pray for Michael Ramos as he continues to go through medical tests.
I hope you enjoy this cup and I better get going I am behind schedule, but wanted to post before it got to be too late. Little Reno is home and doing well after his treatments. Buffy did not want to come out of the garage well Reno was at the vet. Buffy and Reno kissed each other when I brought Reno home last night.....should have had a camera...they kissed through the gate before I could get it open!

Good Morning, Dewey

Thank you, I opened up this verse and it did me wonders.

Have a great day



DEEPEN YOUR FAITH......................

Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS..........

For the LORD

Your GOD

goes with YOU

Deuteronomy 31:6

GROW my friends...GROW AND GO in the LORD

Thanks for the nice note Dinah!

Hey, remember the old baseball routine by Abbott and Costello?

Now our Buddy Nic has this for us!

You have to be old enough to remember Abbott and Costello, and too old to REALLY appreciate computers and "geek speak", to fully appreciate this. For those of us who sometimes get flustered by our computers, please read on...

If Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were alive today, their infamous sketch, 'Who's on First?' might have turned out something like this:

ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

COSTELLO: Thanks I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer.


COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou.

ABBOTT: Your computer?

COSTELLO: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one.


COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou.

ABBOTT: What about Windows?

COSTELLO: Why? Will it get stuffy in here?

ABBOTT: Do you want a computer with Windows?

COSTELLO: I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows?

ABBOTT: Wallpaper.

COSTELLO: Never mind the windows. I need a computer and software.

ABBOTT: Software for Windows?

COSTELLO: No. On the computer! I need something I can use to write proposals, track expenses and run my business . What do you have?

ABBOTT: Office.

COSTELLO: Yeah, for my office. Can you recommend anything?

ABBOTT: I just did.

COSTELLO: You just did what?

ABBOTT: Recommend something.

COSTELLO: You recommended something?


COSTELLO: For my office?


COSTELLO: OK, what did you recommend for my office?

ABBOTT: Office.

COSTELLO: Yes, for my office!

ABBOTT: I recommend Office with Windows.

COSTELLO: I already have an office with windows! OK, let's just say I'm sitting at my computer and I want to type a proposal. What do I need?


COSTELLO: What word?

ABBOTT: Word in Office.

COSTELLO: The only word in office is office.

ABBOTT: The Word in Office for Windows.

COSTELLO: Which word in office for windows?

ABBOTT: The Word you get when you click the blue 'W'.

COSTELLO: I'm going to click your blue 'w' if you don't start with some straight answers. What about financial bookkeeping? You have anything I can track my money with?

ABBOT T: Money.

COSTELLO: That's right. What do you have?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: I need money to track my money?

ABBOTT: It comes bundled with your computer.

COSTELLO: What's bundled with my computer?

ABBOTT: Money.

COSTELLO: Money comes with my computer?

ABBOTT: Yes. No extra charge.

COSTELLO: I get a bundle of money with my computer? How much?

ABBOTT: One copy.

COSTELLO: Isn't it illegal to copy money?

ABBOTT: Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money.

COSTELLO: They can give you a license to copy money?


A few days later.

ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you?

COSTELLO: How do I turn my computer off?

ABBOTT: Click on 'START'.............

WOW! Get this NEWS out of Texas yesterday...........What a blessing!!!..........
Attorney General: State Mandates Bible Teaching
in Texas Schools

AUSTIN, Texas – Attorney General Greg Abbott decided today that Representative Warren Chisum’s bill (H.B. 1287) requires all Texas public schools to offer instruction on the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
The 80th Texas Legislature passed into law Rep. Chisum’s bill that requires all Texas school districts to provide instruction in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and New Testament.
Jonathan Saenz, director of legislative affairs at Free Market Foundation, was instrumental in helping to pass H.B. 1287, and said, “For too long Texas school districts have been threatened and oppressed by enemies of academic freedom, for simply daring to offer instruction on the Bible.”
At the request of the Attorney General, Liberty Legal Institute filed a brief which argued that H.B. 1287 mandates all Texas schools provide instruction on the Bible and that the course outlined in the law is a permissible way of accomplishing that mandate. Abbott’s statement agrees with Liberty Legal, saying that schools must include instruction on the Bible’s impact on literature and history.
Hiram Sasser, director of litigation at Liberty Legal Institute, said, “I applaud the Attorney General for deferring to the legislature, upholding the law and being a part of giving Texas students the cultural currency they will need to compete and be successful in the 21st century.”

CLICK HERE to read the Attorney General’s decision.

For interviews with Jonathan Saenz, Hiram Sasser, or other Liberty Legal attorneys, please contact Jennifer Grisham, director of media, at (972) 423-3131 ext. 102, or

Liberty Legal Institute, Free Market Foundation’s legal division, is a legal organization committed to the defense of religious freedoms and First Amendment rights. For more information, visit our website at

And then this!!!.........What a Blessing a REVIVAL in Santa Fe!!!...........

KKIM Supports REVIVE Santa Fe!

KKIM is proud to support REVIVE Santa Fe, a 7-day gathering for individuals within the body of Christ in Santa Fe to be blessed, encouraged, and revived by the Holy Spirit ~ working through the means of prayer, music, art, testimonies, and telling stories from the Word of God. During these 7-days, we encourage anyone and everyone needing to know and experience the refreshing presence of the Lord. Because Jesus said, 'He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water'' (John 7:38).Prayer time will be held from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m., and the evening worship session will be from 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., with the doors opening at 6:15 p.m. with music, art, storytellers and worship leaders among the events over the 7-days. For more information on this FREE event click here.

This week I have been getting the following in emails.........we have posted this a couple of times, but many still is lovely.........a break from all the political stuff..........

How To Plant Your Garden First,

First, you Come to the garden alone,
while the dew is still on the roses....


1. Peace of mind
2. Peace of heart
3. Peace of soul


1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness


1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another


1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another


1. Thyme for each other
2.. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends



GOD IS GOOD!!! From Karen Rowe

Good Morning! God is good…all the time …and all the time …God is good!
This is the day that the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!! It is time that we take a stand for God! It is time that we stand up for God!!! It is time that we honor God in all that we do!!!

Yesterday, I was blessed by a man bagging my groceries. His words to me were with a genuine smile as he asked my son’s name. When I told him “Daniel” he said, “that is Biblical; that is Biblical,” and as he repeated, he said, “Mine too… My name is Biblical too” as he pointed to his name tag with such excitement in the LORD!

I said “yes, his name is from the Bible” and before I could think to say another word, he said, “God is good!” He said it with meaning!

My brain was scattered watching Daniel get a balloon as I was paying for our groceries…all I could say is “yes HE is” and the man said it again, “God is good” All I could say was “yes HE is, all the time”.

All the way to the door, he walked with us and we were just saying, back and forth “God is good”, “all the time” and “all the time God is good!”

“I tell you what” hee hee (chuckle) … It was beautiful!!!

His greeting lifted me up so much that it made me start to think that I wanted to start greeting people like that too!
It would be so great to rejoice in the LORD together with greetings coming and going as we say to one another…“God is good!”

I wonder who was listening too. Only God knows!!!
I am certain that I was lifted in my day by the power of that man’s believing faith and I am certain that another was encouraged and lifted up in that praise of two people in unity believing together.

Even if we were to say God is good to someone and the reaction was one of shock…as long as we mean it …God IS power in our faith!

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…God can do great things!!!

I wonder…What if we spread the love of God when we felt our worse…
I wonder…What if we spread God’s love when things are tense…
How much power could come from God if we took that moment away, prayed up and returned with a new smile and simply said, “God is good”

I wonder…What if we shared Christ’s love with others…with a smile that says “Jesus is Alive” and “God is good”… and a confidence that says, “God provides” and that is “all that I need!”

A seed of hope to someone who may be struggling with a tough decision…

We can trust God to do the work …we can plant a seed of love, hope; obedience…God will convict the heart to create change in a person…
However, we do have a responsibility to show up and be obedient as God leads us…

Christ’s love is more valuable than anything that we posses!!! We need to let the world see that in everything we do…we never know who is watching or listening…

Praise God; Honor God; Stand solid for obedience to God.

Sharing the love of Christ in such a way can bless so many people in Christ’s Name!!!
We receive joy from God and blessings from God’s by HIS amazing Grace and Peace…others see it and it is contagious!

What a difference a little faith can make!!! Someone may need to lean on our faith until they are stronger in theirs…

God is our teacher!!!
I knew of God, but now I know God.
….How??? …
We can ask…and only God knows that!!!
God called on me… now how great is that???
…All I do is try and by that I mean, I listen, wait and learn and really it comes down to being obedient.

Today, I am going to share with you something that I never planned on anyone seeing.
My very 1st writing that God put on my heart to share! I knew when I wrote this that it was not from me, but afterward, I was too shy to reveal what came from within me…I did not understand and could not have the faith to share…but now I do.

I have grown and I know the power in God!!! The innocence in this writing is fresh from the Spirit…no training and no wisdom…just from my heart and fed by the HOLY SPIRIT…Today, I have that faith and confidence to share what I wrote in a school parking lot right after God started making HIMSELF real to me…I pray that you may be touched by the realness in the words…

My first writing, by Karen Rowe and God, because they are not and were not my words, but I believe them to be true…

“It is not about me and how the world can make me happy. It’s about serving God and loving each of God’s people.
It’s about (crossed out ‘feeling’) letting God come inside you and opening your eyes and mind and heart to feel (crossed out ‘hear’) God’s presence. It’s about knowing God loves each one of us so much that HE forgives us, guides us, comforts us.

If we let HIM we already have all the happiness in the world.
It’s about believing and serving and happiness is already there.

It’s about not blaming others for our problems ~~~ instead pray for patience and understanding and guidance.

In any situation:
Don’t expect, just receive Blessings will come in one form or another.

Pick out the good in a problem and pray for the bad.

Love one another
Even those we may not like. God created everyone. It’s not up to us to approve or disapprove of behaviors.

Do not be selfish; just because we worked hard and did it on our own;
Don’t judge; and loan what is yours…

No matter the weight on your heart, God can lift it.

Accept responsibility and bear what you can but God will lift the rest.

He may just take the whole load!

Love God, Praise God and thank God. Talk to HIM…HE will listen.

He also answers…
He is here with us and true happiness lies within each of us.

Happiness by searching for something more, new or different without God in your heart doesn’t exist.

That wonderful feeling only can be found through our acceptance of our Father in Heaven.”

Later I will share, the growth in “it is not about me”…God is still teaching me and I am not ready, but today, I am ready to share the innocence in my 1st writing (untouched) from God with God in my heart. I literally wrote this before I heard preaching on this…

How many times, has God spoke something to your heart and THEN you hear a preaching on the very same thing??? Don’t you think that God has us in unity for a reason??? I do…I am convinced! God is the creator and HE IS in control of all things…Don’t be afraid, just trust HIM.

May you be blessed by the presence of God!!!

Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe...I am humbly grateful for all that God has done…more than you can know and more than I can say…God has blessed me now and into eternity (I do not doubt)…It may be hard to loose a loved one or for a loved one to loose me, but God promises more!!! I give thanks to the ONE who sacrificed for me…Jesus Christ the Son of God! Amen and Amen!!! God is good!!!

And may you be blessed today….
A blessing is a gift from God that is received with thanks and praises to God…
In the name of the Son, Jesus Christ, may you be blessed today!!!

From Nic,

I thought of my mentor J.E. Wells as I was reading this
God's Surprising Grace, by Danny Sims
I'm reading Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler and I absolutely love it.Just as the title suggests it is a walk in the scriptures, a wonderfulhike with God through the land of the first five books of Moses.
I've been spending quite a bit of my time in the Old Testamentrecently. It occurs to me that while archaeologists would love to findgenuine remnants of either ark -- Noah's Ark, where Feiler begins hisbook, as well as the Ark of the Covenant -- our souls yearn for thediscovery of grace. And, believe it or not, grace is all through theOld Testament, just waiting to be discovered!

There's grace in both of those arks. A family is saved from the floodin one and the seat between the cherubim on the other is called the"mercy seat."

And speaking of arks, as an infant, Moses floated in the Nile in a tinyark of grace. When he returned to Egypt as a redeemer, Moses put hisfaith in the Passover sacrifice of the lamb. That was, and remains, amonumental statement of grace: We are saved by blood.

In the Greek version of the Old Testament we often read "grace." Onesuch example is when the young woman who saves the Hebrews is said tohave found "grace and favor in the eyes of the king" (Esther 2:17).Esther stands as an example for all who want to find "grace and favor"before the King of kings.

Even some of the beautiful poetry of the Psalms can be translated toread "grace" where we might be more familiar with "mercy." Somescholars suggest one of our favorite psalm passages can be translatedthis way: "Surely goodness and grace will follow me all the days of mylife, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalm 23:6).
You will find His grace.

The reason grace is embedded in the stories, prayers, poetry, and evenlaw of the Old Testament is because grace is who God is. He didn't makegrace up on the fly when Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us. Just asJesus has been since the creation, so has been God's grace.
Sure, the Old Testament challenges us with the full picture of God'sjustice, even just war. Grace must always be understood in balance withall the character of God, as must His justice. As the walls of Jerichofall and one of those Old Testament wars ensues, guess what you find? Awoman -- a prostitute no less -- named Rahab who receives the grace ofGod and becomes part of the lineage of Jesus!

Still not persuaded? Maybe you still think the idea of grace is hiddenin the Old Testament. If so, it's hidden in plain sight! Just considerthe well known benediction God gave the priests to place the name oftheir God on the people:

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

My encouragement to you today is this: Spend time in the Old Testament.You will encounter God and you will find His grace.

May God be with You and Yours, Dewey Sharon and family

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good Morning KKIM Family,

Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." James 4:15

Dick Eastman President of Every Home for Christ says this about prayer.............

Although it may seem that sometimes God answers prayer instantly, a closer look reveals that God constantly is involved in the process of brining about answers. As He says in Isaiah, "It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear" (65:24)

The way God works is often a mystery, and I can't explain it. But obviously God is involved and our prayers play a vital part in the working out of HIS will for our lives. Whatever the cause and effect, I know that what's really important is that we keep praying and listening.

Words of wisdom from Dick Eastman. He also has a book called, "The Jericho Hour"

Thought For the Day: From DeweyThere is nothing like knowing GOD has you right where you are at! There is so much GODLY POWER in that..............Knowing HE has you doing what HE wants you doing! That came to me so strongly yesterday while I was doing New Mexico News and Views. Thank you for letting me share this with you! This is a short posting I know but this is so important.........knowing God has you right where HE wants so POWERFUL!This came about while I was interviewing Susan Swafford of Albuquerque a women who ministers to those who have had abortions or are thinking about it. Susan shared that she had an abortion and how she struggled with it............and now How God has her working with others on abortion.......God has her right where HE wants her!I did not know Susan was going to talk about having an abortion............the interview went a different route that I thought......but that does not surprise me........I always say that God is in control of the show..............and HE certainly was again yesterday.We are going to replay the interview with Susan Monday (Labor Day) at 4:30pm MST

How do you know God has you right where HE wants you? HE will tell you!!! I have learned to LISTEN........When you listen to the interview with Susan you will feel the emotion of the conversation....sometimes there is just God was guiding us both........and sometimes silence says it best. God speaks in the silence.

I have a new friend, Deb Gunderman of "Walking in The Way" an Albuquerque based ministry. Deb and I are praying about her having a program on KKIM. Visit her at

Test results are back on our little doggie Reno, heart worm has come back on him.he start treatment today. Please keep him in your prayers.

"One Nation Under God"

Join KKIM and Heights Christian Church for "One nation Under God" Prayer meeting Friday Sept. 5th at 7pm. We will be praying for our nation and our Men and Women of our Military. Heights Christian Church is at 6935 Comanche Rd in Albuquerque call 881-9889 for more information.
Check out for more KKIM activities.

It is so neat with modern technology to have listeners of KKIM all over the world! Karen is in Elkhart Indiana my old stomping grounds where I spent a lot of time at WFRN Radio working for the Moore family. Karen caught up with my old friend, well I am the old one. Doug Moore the other day...Doug is morning man on WFRN! She also gives us an update on Amanda.........The pictures she sent would not post.......maybe next time.

Well, with me getting hit by some "bug" I didn't read this in time to make the deadline for you :-) I don't know if you've heard/talked to Brenda, but we are praising God for the remission of difficult and life threatening status epilepticus, seizures that wouldn't stop. Amanda & family are home in Ft. Sumner, again now. Praying that Amanda will not have to go through that again. She is an awesome wonder and testimony for the tremendous things God has done in and through her life already; and we do know that He works all things together for good for those who love him.

Because of Jesus,Karen

Here is a note from Sam.......

Dear Dewey and Family, Gods peace and Joy to you. What a powerful message today. I praise GOD for you and all the truth that GOD has put on your heart to share with HIS children.
I loved the section on 'from the mouths of babes'. How very special they are. I learned at an early age that we can learn alot from children, just by listening. They can open our eyes very quickly, without a second thought.
Dewey, I have a request for the Prayer Warriors. My Grandson has such a precious heart. But he is having a hard time with Life in General. Being attacked by all the temptations of this world. His name is Travis, and I pray our Heavenly Father will touch his heart, and give him GODS precious Peace and Joy. Please help me with this prayer. I too know there is extreme Power in Numbers, when we pray.

We all have our hands full with prayers for this election. I Pray with all my heart that everyone takes your message very serious about praying for our new President. We have to stand together on this. And Pray so hard that GOD will hear and Bless us all, for Praying for HIS WILL BE DONE.
Thank you again Dewey, Sam in Ca.

Here is some feedback from this weeks posting............


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Susan said...
Consider that our national debt has increased from $5.7 Trillion to almost $10 Trillion during the Bush administration, and focus your political energy on improving the lives of all Americans instead of on religious issues. I have listened to the religious arguments against homosexuals and find that almost all of them are based on the Book of Leviticus. I have looked through Leviticus, both in the King James Version and the New Revised Standard Version, and there are certainly a lot of rules. And Leviticus Chapter 26, verses 14—39, list a multitude of punishments for breaking the rules. Here’s a sample: “But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do ALL [my emphasis] these commandments .... I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies .... your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste .... and ye shall perish among the heathen, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up.” It is understandable that people who believe that these words are the literal command of God should be very fearful of disobedience. But why are they only concerned with trying to prevent the acceptance of a New Mexico domestic partnership law?It is true that Leviticus 20:13 states, “If a man also lie with mankind [“a male” in the NRSV], as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Women are not mentioned. Perhaps this is because of the low status of women in the society of the time.But there are many other prohibitions that, if disobeyed, will incur God’s wrath. Chapter 11:9-10 forbids the eating of shellfish; ““These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales.... And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, ...they shall be an abomination unto you...” So lobster, crab, and even crayfish are forbidden—but you can eat locusts, beetles and grasshoppers. Chapter 12 states that a woman is unclean for 7 days after the birth of a son, and must then go through 33 days of purification, and the days are doubled if she bears a daughter. But those who believe that “all these comandments” must be obeyed are not demanding that Red Lobster restaurants be closed down, or that a woman should be locked up for one or two months after she has a child. Then there are the sexual prohibitions listed in Chapters 18 and 20. There are a lot of verses that start with “Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of...” and in 18:20 we find “Moreover, thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbor’s wife, to defile thyself with her,” which is repeated in 20:10, “And a man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife .... the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” We no longer kill adulterers, in fact sometimes we elect them to public office. John McCain divorced his wife, the mother of his three children, to marry a rich young woman after he got back from Vietnam. Obama has been, and still is, married to the mother of his children.Then in Leviticus 19:19 we find “...neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.” I wonder what Leviticus would have said about polyester/cotton blends. And don’t forget that procedures for worship (Leviticus Chapters 1—10) almost invariably require killing an animal and sprinkling its blood on the alter. We don’t do this any more. So isn’t it time that we no longer despise and reject homosexuals, and deny them the comfort and legal protections of a domestic partnership?

August 25, 2008 6:30 PM
Irv said...

OBAMA SUPPORTS SAME-SEXERS(and supports the "rights" of young kids to view public depravity!)Google "Americans for Truth," click on "Zombietime" [or go directly to:], then click on "Up Your Alley Fair"! After recovering from the uncensored photos, Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up" on the "ucmpage" listing (even Jesus told Judas to hurry up - John 13:27). Also Yahoo "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right." See all of this before the predicted California earthquake happens a la Rev. 16:19 ("the cities of the nations fell") - and before hurricanes and other conscience-stirring disasters occur elsewhere!Irv(Obama, Pelosi, and Newsom did NOT approve of this message.)
August 25, 2008 9:24 PM
Christ's Love to you all, Dewey Sharon and family

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Archives Now Available/Update at Deweys Daily Cup! KKIM/DDC

Hi KKIM Family,

I just wanted to pass along the word that I have a HUGE praise note! For more than a couple of years, and I am sure some gave up on us, we have said that one day we would have Daily Cup Archives. Well PRAISE GOD that day has come thanks to Our Lord and Jannetta La Mort. I remember years ago my dear friend Doug Moore at WFRN said we should do it has happened! So just go to you can read many past DDC's! Read and enjoy and PRAISE GOD!

before I leave..........

Put in a few good words........

If you've ever said hurtful things(like me), you know harsh words impoverish the spirit.

"Words challenge and change us. Words deeply effect us. An unruly and unkind tongue can wound us." explains Paul F. Davis, author of breakthrough for a Broken heart. "That being said, anything spoken to you contrary to the Word of God can be discarded as you renew your mind according to Scripture."

Learn to combat negative words with God's Word. If someone says to you, "You are a loser," don't think on that untruth. Instead, remind yourself that God says, "You are the head and not the tail. You are an over comer! You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength."

What are you saying to your friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances? Do you build up with your words, or do you tear down?

"taming the tongue begins with harnessing your emotions and the anger within," Davis said. "Our words essentially are an overflow of what dwells within our hearts. Purify your heart and your speech will coincide."

Practice building up the people in your life this week. Start with phrases like these:

"You make my life happier just being in it."

"I love you, and believe in you."

"You have special qualities that no one else has."

"You are a gift from God."

And finally these words: "You can do it!" Yes, you can change the way you give and receive words. And it's a powerful choice.

This is from the August edition of Home Life magazine.

I did two things as I wrote this...........asked for forgiveness from those who I have offended by my words and then told Sharon and text the kids many "BUILD UP" words.

Singer John Waller is encouraging people to consider the power of their words through his hit song, "The Blessing"

He says he based the song's lyrics on Deuteronomy 30:19 "The power to bless and to curse is in the tongue."

I was not going to post and write all this but the Lord moved within me today to share this with you all...................

One more thing from Jose at Jose reports for KKIM during the Legislative season.

The Bible is Illegal at the Democratic Convention
Jose Vasquez August 25th, 2008

Dear Friends,

Please pray for those attending the Democratic Convention this week.

On May 29, 2008, Colorado’s Democratic Governor Bill Ritter signed into law Senate Bill 200, which makes it illegal to say anything derogatory about homosexuals. Senate Bill 200 expands Colorado’s “anti-discrimination” law to cover sexual orientation, not only homosexuality and bisexuality, but also an undefined condition called “transgender” which appears to occur only as a perception of the individual so affected. The result is that a transgender man is now legally allowed into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms.

To speak ill of anyone’s sexual orientation is a violations of this law and is punishable by a fine up to three hundred dollars and imprisonment for not more than one year.

The Bible speaks clearly and definitively against homosexuality in several passages as it does in Romans 1:26-27. There is a problem here, then, with anyone traveling to Denver this week to the Democratic Convention. These Bible verses are “hate speech” and therefore against the law. And you may not want to share a bathroom with a person of the opposite sex.

Just to make sure, we checked the 2008 Democratic Platform. The convention states, “Democrats will fight to end discrimination based on race, sex, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and disability in every corner of our country, because that’s the America we believe in.” [Democratic Platform Page 52]

Apparently freedom of religion includes everything but Christians and freedom of speech does not include our Bible.

God bless you for your prayers.

In the name of Jesus,

Jose Vasquez

God's Love to you all,

Dewey Sharon and family

Monday, August 25, 2008



Good Morning KKIM Family!

May the PEACE and STRENGTH of the LORD be with You and Yours!

And Jesus said,"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." Matthew 7:19

Please keep our little doggie in your prayers, Reno, we are taking him to the vet today.......we are praying he does not have a reoccurrence of heart worm. Reno is so much of our life!

Those of you who have pets know how that goes!

Yesterday we played in a double header and swept "No Excuses" As many as you know I play on the Rapid MVD team on Sundays in Rio Rancho. I had 6 hits and played lady asked me what medicine I take to be able to play short-stop!!! I said I am married to Sharon and the POWER of the Lord!

Tonight is the night of Heights Christian Church and First Family Church go at it on the softball. After Nathan, from KFLQ and First Family and of Heights Christian Church squared off on both of our radio stations we will see who has it on the field! As Nathan and Dan from KFLQ said about all this, "There is GOOD blood brewing here!" It is so cool to see Christian Radio come together and have fun in the LORD together! Nothing but GOOD can come out of this!!!!

WOW! Becky and Mike from New Mexico Marriages First, heard Sundays at 8:30am on KKIM, told me that by Monday morning their web site has over 500 hits now because of listeners going to their web site for the notes from the show! PRAISE GOD!!!! That means many things........people want to work on their marriages and the listener ship for KKIM continues to grow with excellent New Mexico based programs like Becky and Mike put on every week. KKIM has more local ministries on than ever before and the Lord has guided us this way to be locally connected. I PRAISE GOD for this, it is all of HIS making! If you have not caught Becky and Mike's show you need to! KKIM is now the number One Christian Station in the Santa Fe market! PRAISE GOD!!! We give all PRAISE and GLORY to the LORD!

We now have another new feature on KKIM!!! John Paul is our own weatherman! Send him your Church's or organizations announcements and he will talk about them during is weather reports! You can email him from the new KKIM web site.

Have you visited the new KKIM web site? Let me know what you think!

Do you still get the CUP by email or do you just go to the web site? Let us know as we think all this through.........wether we should keep sending it through AOL, or just post on the web site. Your feedback on all this is so important, so would you please let us hear from you!

We do have challenges, so keep us in your prayers!

Our dear friends in Santa Fe, Jose and Miki Vasquez have started a web site They have sacrificed much in fighting for Families here in New Mexico. Jose reported for KKIM from the Roundhouse (State Legislature) during the past session. This web site is full of excellent info for us all. Please visit the site and support Jose and Miki's efforts!

Hey Dewey:Like your web page. Home page shows some edit commands. Didn't have time to check them out. Maybe a review is needed to make sure "edit" is the appropriate name for the link. (NOW FIXED THANKS JANICE)Terrific job. When I get lost in the policy part of serving, I check Dewey's Daily Cup to be reminded of what touches people everyday. Thank you for your service to New Mexico.
Janice E. Arnold-JonesRepresentative, House District 247713 Sierra Azul NEAlbuquerque, NM 87110(505) 379-0902 cell(505) 938-3141 work(505) 938-3160 fax

Janice is such a blessing to New Mexico!

Also just got this from Janice on the Special session.........

Hey Dewey!Back home. Weary! Great cup! Just what I needed today.We did our best and surprisingly there was more reasoned discourse than I have experienced in any other session.Being asked to spend, money now, that is based on a projection of volatile oil and gas prices, and declining GRT revenues, money that really won't exist until 2010 made us very queasy. What we appropriated was $1,000,000.00 beyond are existing reserves. Liquid reserves are supposed to be about 10% of the budget. Closer to 4%. We have on hand today about $125 million. We appropriated 126 million.The "Refundable Tax Credit" was diminished, will not arrive until November and IS taxable income for Federal Income Taxes. Looking for a silver lining -- perhaps the small amount will not hurt those on the cusp of SSI etc.Unseen, we got to a number of process issues. As a result, I am hoping for an improvement of services (and attitude) for and toward our citizens.

Thanks for the update Janice!

I am very thankful to our Lord for the relationships we are building with our State Legislators like Janice and State Rep. Notra Espinoza...........

Dear Friends in Christ,

There will be a Faith and Family rally at the State Capitol of New Mexico August 29, 2008 at 3:30pm. The rally aims to create a supportive platform on the value of the family and on issues of general concern will be highlighted by the people who are trying to help this state. We are delighted to extend this formal invitation for you and anyone that represent you.

3:30 Welcoming everyone to the Faith and Family Rally on the Capital steps.
3:35pm Posting of the Colors
3:40pm -Praying over the People of New Mexico, also praying for the Senators and Congress of the State Capital.
3:45pm Rev. Burns
3:55 State Representative and Senators speak about what they are doing in the legislature to help strengthen the families of New Mexico
Close 4:30pm

I will be going to Santa Fe Friday and wanted to inform you of this event.
Nora Espinoza
State Representative

Here is a really neat prayer guide from Pat Outlaw............

Prayer Guide for the Presidential Election
It is critical that Christians pray for the coming presidential election. There is amazing power in united prayer. Please print out this prayer guide and pray daily until the election. Pray with others whenever possible. The power of prayer can overcome any obstacle or ungodly influence and, indeed, do great things! Please forward this to every Christian you know.
08/01 –08/07
32:6-7 - Pray that Christians will be motivated to pray faithfully for this election and that the Lord would deliver us from the wrong leaders.
08/08 –08/14
Psalm 16:7-8 - Pray that the Lord would give wise counsel and guidance to His choice for president in this campaign.
08/15 –08/21
Proverbs 16:13 - Pray that our nation will listen to the truth and not be led astray.
08/22 –08/28
Psalm 18:32-36 - Pray that the Lord would arm the man of His choice with strength; that He would guide him in battle (this election), and that He would sustain him and give him victory.
08/29 –09/04
Hebrews 11:32-34 – Pray that God's man could, through faith, persevere and maintain his courage throughout this election.
09/05 –09/11
Psalm 125 - Pray that those who trust in the Lord will not be shaken.
09/12 - 09/18
Psalm 86:14-17 - Pray that the Lord would defeat those who have no regard for Him in this election.
09/19 - 09/25
2 Cor. 12:9 – Pray that the Lord would empower and enable his man in any area of weakness.
09/26 - 10/02
II Kings 13:16 - Pray that the Lord would put His hands on the man of His choice for president (and his team) and guide them in this election.
10/03 - 10/09
Proverbs 1:5-6 - Pray that God's man will listen with discernment, add to his knowledge, and receive wise counsel in this campaign.
10/10- 10/16
John 16:33 - Pray that the man of God's choice would be given wisdom and ability from the Lord to overcome any obstacle or difficulty during this campaign.
10/17- 10/23
Acts 17:30 - Pray for repentance for yourself and for our nation.
10/24-10 /30
Luke 12:54-57 – Pray that God's man and our nation will be discerning and do what is right.
10/31- 11/06
Phil. 4:13 - Pray that the Lord's choice for President will have special strength and unusual ability from God.
11/07-11 /11
1:5 and 3:2 - Pray that the Lord would do something that would utterly amaze us and give His servant victory.
During the days of Nov. 7 - 11, be encouraged to set aside a time of fasting during these days to commit this election to the Lord in whom we put our trust. Acts 14:23
Remember 2 Chronicle 7:14: 'If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.'

Thank you so much for sharing Pat. many ask what can we do........we can PRAY!

Sandy gives us an update on Janet...........

My friend Janet may go home on Monday or Tuesday. She has come a long way in her recovery. She is trying to eat solid foods but is having a hard time digesting them. She is finally off her oxygen and was able to walk from her room outdoors today. While she has a long way to go, she is doing a million times better than when I first saw her a week ago! Praise God for HIs healing hands!Sandy

Here's the latest on Paul Rieth's condition... as of Saturday Aug 23,08Paul seems to be becoming more aware and with that knowledge comes a greater struggle within him. He is fighting pain, fever and pneumonia. This was not an easy day for him. Please pray for his physical healing and peace of mind."To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; In you I trust, O my God." Ps. 25:1-2Frank

This prayer need from John Robb of Vision America..........

Dear Friends,
David, leader of the prayer network in Angola is asking that we once again pray for his nation. Six years ago some of you will remember the marvelous prayer breakthrough that brought peace to this nation after three decades of bloody conflict. Since then, he reports that much has been done to resettle war displaced families and in building infrastructure that had been destroyed by the civil war. David shares the following prayer concerns for the upcoming national elections on September 6:
“The country’s first elections in its history held in 1992 were contested by the opposition, resulting in the eruption of war in which over one million people were killed and 200.000 families were displaced. The second elections have been convened for September 5 this year with a mixture of optimism and pessimism as to what the outcome of these elections will be.... The fear that these forthcoming elections may again result in bloodshed is a trauma that has to be overcome. We thank God for what He did in the past, bringing peace to our country as the result of your prayers. We once again appreciate your prayer support in following issues:
1. That evil spirit powers involved in stirring up violence and destruction will be bound in the authority the Lord gives us in united prayer.
2. That a clear framework for elections will be established and that honest good leaders will be raised up to lead the nation.
3. Pray for church leadership and for a strong, united prayer response by Christians inside and outside of the country.
4. For the healing of trauma and effects of war that still affect many people and families.
5. For true peace and stability to come, enabling an end of social injustice, corruption and violence that may continue to hinder the country from obtaining its full potential.
6. For the strengthening of the prayer movement which is spreading throughout the country and for raising up and enabling more intercessors.
Next week, the North American Prayer Summit will be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, August 26-28. Canadian, Mexican and American prayer leaders will be joined by others with a strong burden to pray for our region. They will be coming from England, India and the islands of the South Pacific at their own expense to intercede with us during this critical time, especially for the USA in our national election. Would you please join us in prayer for His anointing, guidance, unity and clarity as we meet together? Pray that as a diverse international group, we will be able to get on the Lord’s wave length, hearing clearly what He is saying and responding appropriately.
Immediately after the North American summit, August 29-30, the Mexican leaders will come down to New Mexico to visit our native American tribal groups (pueblos) to ask forgiveness for the sins of their ancestors (Spaniards and Mexicans) who were guilty of awful exploitation and even atrocities in their conquest of this land over 400 years ago. The wounds of history persist, manifesting in alcoholism and depression, suspicion of outsiders and resistance to the Gospel. Please pray with us for open doors and hearts and for true reconciliation and healing that will bring Christ’s liberation to the pueblo peoples.
Thanks so much for your keeping these concerns in your hearts over the coming week.
Warm greetings,
John Robb

Jan and Mike sent in this FUNNY BONE from their 87 year old cousin............

Hospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet, who insisted he didn't need my
help to leave the hospital.After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator.

On the way down I asked him if his wife was meeting him.'I don't know,' he said. 'She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of her hospital gown.'

What Love means to a 4-8 year old (and some baby boomers) :0)

Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes. A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?'The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore.So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love.'
Rebecca- age 8
'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.'
Billy - age 4
'Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.'
Karl - age 5------------------------------------------------------------

Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.'
Chrissy - age 6------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'
Terri - age 4------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.'
Danny - age 7------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more.My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss'
Emily - age 8------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.'
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)------------------------------------------------------------

'If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,'
Nikka - age 6(we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.'
Noelle - age 7------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.'
Tommy - age 6------------------------------------------------------------

'During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore.'
Cindy - age 8-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'My mommy loves me more than anybodyYou don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.'
Clare - age 6------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.'
Elaine-age 5------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.'
Chris - age 7------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.'
Mary Ann - age 4------------------------------------------------------------

'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.'
Lauren - age 4------------------------------------------------------------

'When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.' (what an image)
Karen - age 7------------------------------------------------------------

'Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross.'
Mark - age 6------------------------------------------------------------

'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.'
Jessica - age 8------------------------------------------------------------

And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.

The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.

The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's
yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said,
'Nothing, I just helped him cry'------------------------------------------------------------

When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need. Heavenly Father, please bless all my friends in whatever it is that You know they may be needing this day! And may their life be full of Your peace, prosperity and power as he/she seeks to have a closer relationship with You. Amen.

Thanks Nic AND HERE IS kAREN rOWE........

Good Morning!!! This is the day the LORD has made!!! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!! I hope this finds you all well…No matter what our circumstances, “All is good when all is well with my soul! “

Thank you for allowing me to come to you again today. I write and share as the LORD enables me. I share because I want to exalt Jesus and for the glory of God, because
What HE does for me, is no different than all HE can do for you. I write to encourage seeking God and receiving Jesus…only God knows how HE will use this, but I am certain that HE can use all things to do great things in the name of Jesus!!!

Do we have a choice? By Karen Rowe

John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives."
"Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Thank you Rev. Jesse Alston!!!...My friend and Spiritual mentor.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled”…“Do not”…means we have a choice…

This is an awesome scripture!!! To me, I received it yesterday, as I received God's grace in other areas… that all kind of encircled this ‘training’ …growth in Christ that I was going through...

I was going through some ‘growing pains’...

I was seeking balance…in serving God, my husband, children, …, …, … and feeling like a failure at all of them!

So I took a walk with God…

I asked God, "How do I please you?"

HIS answer was simply,
“Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul.”

I knew too in that moment, that it also pleases God to serve my family, whom HE loves too!
I already knew this...and I love my family and I love pleasing my family, as I enjoy pleasing God, but I was struggling with balance...
God wants us to be well balanced and not troubled...we can seek to be too perfect in our self.... to the point of a troubled heart...we can only be made perfect in Christ...

Being obedient to God IS… 1st loving HIM and then the learning begins…

We can do great things though Christ…We need to trust HIM in our heart for all things and not be held down or troubled by anything that sits uneasy inside of us…

On this same day, same walk, I was also ‘troubled’… (I called it beating myself up) for making a mistake that I would never make, but I did…

We all make mistakes…I made a mistake in the checkbook that made me ‘feel’ stupid…I was allowing that thought to fester inside of me about all after noon…until on this walk, I remembered what God said, “Do not let your heart be troubled”

Is there anything that makes you feel like this??? We have a choice not to let our hearts be troubled!!! In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we have a choice!

I had a choice!!! I quit beating myself up and realized how silly it was to fret over that little mistake…no matter how big or stupid it was…and it went away…Praise the LORD!!!
I allowed God’s peace to come into me…once I took my mind off of that ‘trouble’.

So what? We make mistakes!
We are not supposed to live under mistakes!!!
We are supposed to live under the Grace of God!!!

My prayer for you is to remember that scripture and “Do not let your heart be troubled” and to love God with your whole heart, mind, body and soul. The blood of Jesus is powerful enough to cleanse each of us of all sin…don’t carry it with you when Jesus can forget it…and the Grace of God is so wonderful that He makes us new!!!

To be a new and changed person…a scripture that God has placed on my heart to share…because we do have control over “choices” that offend our body…and remembering what God spoke to my heart, ...
HIS answer was simply,
“Love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul.”

1 Corinthians 6: 18
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”

And through Christ we are made new…ask, receive, and thank HIM. And do not be troubled or afraid…

Mark 12:29-31 (About commandments):
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord our God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

…we can carry a guilt that gets us no where!!!
But why, when we have the strength of Christ to make good and wise choices today!!! Praise the LORD!!!

I believe that scripture is needed very deep in our mind and soul...
...serving God is not about 'me' it is about HIM, so let not our hearts be God and lean on HIM in all things.

Remember, we are not to be held down by our mistakes of the past, or by feelings of failure; ...
We are to grow steadily toward pleasing God in all that we do and it all starts by making that 1st choice
…our mistakes may be different, but the love and forgiveness of God is the same...

Sharing as I learn and for the…
Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe

ELECTION 2008Obama promoting homosexuality, report card revealsAssessment outlines stark difference in leading candidates' positions
Posted: August 22, 200810:39 pm Eastern© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama has a long and established record of promoting homosexuality in contrast to the presumptive GOP candidate, Sen. John McCain., according to a new report card issued by a pro-family organization in Cali fornia.
The report card, which has been posted online, was produced by the Campaign for Children and Families, which said it isn't taking a position on the political candidates but wanted people to see the "unrepudiated positions" of the candidates on issues including homosexual "marriage," teaching homosexuality to school children and adoption by homosexuals.
"Let the record show that John McCain and Barack Obama are polar opposites on partial-birth abortion, parental notification of abortion, marriage protection on the ballot, homosexual indoctrination of schoolchildren, gay adoptions, gun-owner rights, activist judges, and raising taxes," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families. "No one should base their vote on personality or mere feelings. Our carefully researched report card shows you exactly where Obama and McCain stand on issues of importance to voters, their families, and our nation's future."
(Story continues below)

Obama in June told a homosexual activist group he opposes the "divisive and discriminatory efforts" to install in the California constitution a definition of marriage limiting that status to one man and one woman, the report card says.
His wife, Michelle, told the Democratic National Commmittee's "Gay" and Lesbian Leadership Council, "Barack has made crystal clear his commitment to ensuring full equality for LGBT couples … that's why he opposes all divisive and discriminatory constitutuional amendments, whether it's a proposed amendment to the California and Florida constitutions or the U.S. Constitution."
McCain has said he supports California's marriage amendment proposal, which voters put on the November ballot.
Obama also has supported teaching school children to think favorably about homosexuality, the report card said.
During a Democratic presidential debate at Dartmouth last year, former Sen. John Edwards, responding to a question, said he would want children exposed to positive portrayals of homosexuality in the second grade.
"You know, I feel very similar to John," Obama said. "That … you know, the fact is my nine-year-old and my six year olds, I think are already aware that there are same-sex couples. And my wife and I have alrea dy talked about it."
Meanwhile, McCain voted against federal funding for schools that promote homosexuality to school children.
On a third issue, Obama opposes a ban on adoptions based solely on sexual orientation, according to his response to a questionnaire from the Human Rights Campaign. He said in a letter to the Family Equality Council "we have to extend equal treatment in our family and adoption laws" to LGBT families.
McCain, who with his wife has an adopted daughter, said, "I don't believe in gay adoption."
The report card reveals additional opposite positions on allowing local governments to ban gun ownership, with Obama supporting a District of Columbia handgun ban that later was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. McCain has affirmed the 2nd Amendment "guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms. And to argue anything else is to reject the clear meaning of our founding fathers."
Obama also has affirmed he would select judges because of their "heart" and "empathy" as well as their ability to have a "broader vision of what America should be." McCain has stated his desire for candidates with "a proven commitment to judicial restraint."
On taxes, the report card said Obama will raise then, while McCain "has pledged to veto any tax increase and says he supports making existing tax cuts permanent."
The two remaining assessments involve abortion, an issue that has enveloped the Obama campaign in recent days as reports have confirmed his statements as a state lawmaker appeared to express concern about the "burden" of offering medical assistance to a baby who survives an abortion.
The report card said Obama has opposed government regulation of even partial-birth abortions, while McCain has sponsored a ban on the procedure he described as "odious." Obama also has opposed notifying parents before an abortion can be peformed on their minor daughters, while McCain co-sponsored legislation to prohibit taking minors across state lines to circumvent parental notification laws.
"The American people have come together to say that partial-birth abortion offends our national conscience, that taxpayers should not be forced to pay for elective abortions, and that states should be allowed to enact parental notification laws," McCain told the National Right to Life convention in July.
The CCF, a leading California-based organization representing children and families in California and America, says it stands for marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom and back-to-basics education. The group said it provided the report to document candidates' positions "that matter to families."

May God be with You and Yours,

Dewey Sharon and family



Dear Friend of KKIM Radio,

I just want to share with you how the LORD is blessing the Radio Ministry of KKIM. We Give Glory and honor to Jesus Christ!

WOW! Becky and Mike from New Mexico Marriages First, heard Sundays at 8:30am on KKIM, told me that by Monday morning their web site has over 500 hits now because of listeners going to their web site for the notes from the show! PRAISE GOD!!!! That means many things........people want to work on their marriages and the listener ship for KKIM continues to grow with excellent New Mexico based programs like Becky and Mike put on every week. KKIM has more local ministries on than ever before and the Lord has guided us this way to be locally connected. I PRAISE GOD for this, it is all of HIS making! If you have not caught Becky and Mike's show you need to! KKIM is now the number One Christian Station in the Santa Fe market! PRAISE GOD!!! We give all PRAISE and GLORY to the LORD!

We now have another new feature on KKIM!!! John Paul is our own weatherman! Send him your Church's or organizations announcements and he will talk about them during is weather reports! You can email him from the new KKIM web site.

Have you visited the new KKIM web site? Let me know what you think!

And.............We are thankful to our LORD for the relationships we are making with leaders of our State..........

Hey Dewey:Like your web page. Home page shows some edit commands. Didn't have time to check them out. Maybe a review is needed to make sure "edit" is the appropriate name for the link. (NOW FIXED THANKS JANICE)Terrific job. When I get lost in the policy part of serving, I check Dewey's Daily Cup to be reminded of what touches people everyday. Thank you for your service to New Mexico.
Janice E. Arnold-JonesRepresentative, House District 247713 Sierra Azul NEAlbuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 379-0902 cell (505) 938-3141 work (505) 938-3160 fax

Janice is such a blessing to New Mexico!

Also just got this from Janice on the Special session.........

Hey Dewey!Back home. Weary! Great cup! Just what I needed today.We did our best and surprisingly there was more reasoned discourse than I have experienced in any other session.Being asked to spend, money now, that is based on a projection of volatile oil and gas prices, and declining GRT revenues, money that really won't exist until 2010 made us very queasy. What we appropriated was $1,000,000.00 beyond are existing reserves. Liquid reserves are supposed to be about 10% of the budget. Closer to 4%. We have on hand today about $125 million. We appropriated 126 million.The "Refundable Tax Credit" was diminished, will not arrive until November and IS taxable income for Federal Income Taxes. Looking for a silver lining -- perhaps the small amount will not hurt those on the cusp of SSI etc.Unseen, we got to a number of process issues. As a result, I am hoping for an improvement of services (and attitude) for and toward our citizens.

Thanks for the update Janice!

Friday, August 22, 2008



Good Morning KKIM Family!

May the Peace and STRENGTH of our Lord be with You and Yours!
I have got to start this off with a FUNNY BONE from Jan and Mike it is so AWESOME!
Hi Dewey,
Mike’s cousin from Minnesota sent these, he is 87 years old…..looks and acts like he is 50!!! Take care, Jan B.

You older folks will enjoy this. You younger folks can use it to see into the future.
An elderly gentleman...Had serious hearing problems for a number
of years. He went to the doctor and the
doctor was able to have him fitted for a set
of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman
to hear 100% . The elderly gentleman went
back in a month to the doctor and the
doctor said, 'Your hearing is perfect. Your
family must be really pleased that you can
hear again.' The gentleman replied, 'Oh, I haven't told
my family yet. I just sit around and listen
to the conversations. I've changed my will
three times!'

Thanks Jan and Mike we all needed that!
I am going to be on KFLQ Family Life Radio this morning at about 8:15........with a softball challenge for Nathan and Dan. I play on the Heights Christian team and we play the team Nathan manages, First Family, Monday night! This should be FUN!!!! Nathan may join Grant and I today at 4:30 on KKIM!
You missed this if you did not catch New Mexico News and Views yesterday.........
Jenny talked how she was arrested 24 times as a juvenile. Jenny also spent time not just in D hall as they call it, but in prison. She has turned her life over to Jesus now and is clean and married. She lives in Albuquerque. We have for months talked about the problem of repeat offenders on New Mexico News and Views, but we must not give up on them. Jenny is proof of that and now she ministers to people that are in the same boat she was in at one time in her life! New Mexico News and Views can be heard weekdays on KKIM at 4:30! What a gift this program has been from the LORD!
Brenda writes that she would like to see a KKIM/DDC breakfast! How about you? Would you all in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area want to get together for coffee some day in the coming months? Send me an email if you would be interested so we can plan accordingly. I just wish you all could be here for that event if we end up holding it.
A couple times this week I have read scripture to my Uncle Joe by phone, he lives in an assisted living center in Apple Valley, Minnesota. One of those verses was..........
"and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
"but everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand Matthew 7: 25-26
Is your life built on the rock or sand?
Please pray for Sharon's Dad as his dementia has worsened.
Please pray for the David North family. David's wife, Cindy passed away this week.
Please check out the new KKIM new web site!!!! It is AWESOME!!! Let us know what you think. Take the KKIM poll while you are there.
We have had a lot of emails since my posting on abortion. I am now going to empty some of the mailbag...................

Dewey, we so admire you for getting serious about LIFE. We arebehind you 100%, and are so impressed (and glad) to see that youare a man with the courage to take a stand that will not necessarilybe admired by the politically correct media. Thank you for followingGod's call in the middle of the night.A friend forwarded me the message below, which talks about two veryimportant men who don't have the insight and God's strong call thatyou have declared to the world.God bless you!Miki Vasquez----- Original Message -----From: Anna HigginsSent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:31 AMSubject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Men Running for President Need to GetSeriousFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 20, 2008FOR MORE INFORMATION:NATALIE BELL(202) 488-7000, ext. 126The Men Running for President Need to Get SeriousAbortion Is Not a Political GameWashington, D.C. - Concerned Women for America (CWA) today called on boththe Republican and Democrat candidates to get serious about thedeadliest issue facing America. Wendy Wright, president of CWA, hadsome tough words for the men running for president of the United States."These two men need to stop acting like abortion is a game of politicaltheater. To treat abortion as they have both been doing over the lastfew days, as a mere means of manipulating voters, is not acceptable toAmericans but especially not to women. Abortion is no more a politicaltool today than slavery was 150 years ago. Today's paramount humanrights issue - the right to live - is not a toy for political cynics. They need to realize that Americans care too much for women - many ofwhom have suffered from abortion's effects - and babies to accept howthese men have treated abortion. Unborn children deserve basic humanrights and their struggling mothers need better options. Obama andMcCain need to get serious."In recent days, John McCain appeared at a major evangelical church wherehe seemed to stand firm on pro-life principles. Yet he followed up afine performance with public hints that he is considering a pro-abortionvice presidential pick. A running mate, the person who would be oneheartbeat away from the presidency, must be as serious about protectinginnocent life as the person on the top of the ticket. As the nation'slargest pro-life women's organization, CWA calls on John McCain tovalidate his pro-life credentials by choosing a running mate thatsupports his party's pro-life position. Anything short of a 100%pro-life running mate will lead to conservative women staying home onElection Day.In recent days, Barack Obama created an embarrassing spectacle in whichhe was shown to be less than candid about his position on importantbills to protect already born babies who survived abortion. CWA helpedexpose the inhumane practice of "live birth abortions" and worked topass "Born Alive Infant Protection" bills at the federal and statelevel. Contrary to Obama's claim that there was no need for a statebill, CWA requested a legal analysis from the Illinois Attorney Generalwho clearly stated that the current law did not extend to babies bornalive after abortions. Obama can't seem to decide whether that kind oflegislation is worth understanding much less supporting. Pay attentionSenator! The bottom line is that Obama opposed life-saving legislationfor babies who were already born. In his own words, that "defiescommon sense" and "defies imagination." Women don't think the ideaof protecting children is above anyone's pay grade.Wright noted, "Americans deserve better than this from theirpresidential candidates. We are talking about real people here, realwomen who are carrying real babies. Abortion is a horrific blot on ournational honor and we need some real men with a backbone to stand up forthem. John McCain and Barack Obama need to get serious about thisparamount issue. Don't leave all the tough battles for us women tofight. Come on, guys, get serious. Join us in fighting for life."Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policywomen's organization.
Amen Dewey! Thanks for your courage. May the Lord bring you wisdom in your dealings with political people! ~Shelly
AMEN Dewey. Protecting the weak ones from being murdered is at the top of God’s commands to His children…end of discussion. How can a Christian not vote for the best candidate on this issue in this Presidential race?!

Have a great day.

Dear Dewey,

Your heart is so close the God and I appreciate all that you do for God.

God is so good!!! Jesus is alive and all is so good!!!

I don't know why I feel lead to write to you today, but I just wanted to encourage you in the LORD!!!

From The Daily Bread:

"If we keep doing what is right--
And serving Christ each day,
We need not fear what others think
Nor what the critics say.---D. De Haan

1Peter 2:12
"When they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God."

I am sure that you are far ahead of me, but God just took me through breaking my worry of trying to please people....
What a freedom to just try to please God! I am just so thankful for God teaching me and loving me and I just wanted to take a moment to encourage you in the LORD!!!

Also, I am glad that you had time for a vacation! You sounded so refreshed!!! Love all that you are doing with the web sites! Keep up the good work...kkim is growing like wildfire isn't it!!! Praise the LORD!!!

The last writing from you about abortion and the election was powerful in the LORD. What a blessing that HE is watching over our country and HIS people. I received it well! The world needs to hear God's heart...

Have a blessed day!
Love and Prayers

Amen, Amen, Amen........ Keep spreading the truth Dewey.
Please pray for me. My wife is a Hopeline counselor on Dawson McAllisters show and I have been going through the training to start soon. The evil one keeps trying to put doubts about my inadequacy in my mind. Please pray for me. Thanks a million Dewey and God Bless!! Paul

Dewey,The website is great. You are so right....we must be unwavering in proclaiming the truth. It is time the adults were in charge.Blessings,Larry

Obama under fire over his votes against 'born alive' legislation in Illinois
By CHRISTOPHER WILLS , Associated Press
August 19, 2008
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - Painted during the Democratic primary as weak on abortion rights, Barack Obama is now being portrayed by opponents of abortion as an extremist who literally supports killing babies.
Both portraits are based on his handling of a related issue in the Illinois Senate, and Obama insists they distort his position.
The Democratic presidential candidate says he firmly supports a woman's right to choose but can accept some restrictions — including a requirement that medical care be provided for any fetus that survives an abortion.
"For people to suggest that I and the Illinois Medical Society, so Illinois' doctors, were somehow in favor of withholding lifesaving support from an infant born alive is ridiculous," he recently told the Christian Broadcasting Network. "It defies common sense and it defies imagination."
But as a state senator, Obama repeatedly voted against that requirement and other restrictions on what opponents label "bor n alive" abortions. Obama says he opposed it because of technical language that might have interfered with a woman's right to choose and because Illinois law already required medical care in such situations.
Hillary Rodham Clinton argued during the primary that Obama hadn't been vocal enough in his opposition to this and other abortion legislation, and questioned his commitment to protecting women's access to abortion.
Abortion opponents say Obama's position amounts to an endorsement of killing babies, and that he has lied about it.
"Barack Obama is so radically pro-abortion he supports infanticide," Jill Stanek, an Illinois nurse and anti-abortion activist, wrote on her Web site.
"Justifying the killing of newborn babies is deeply troubling," former Sen. Rick Santorum wrote in a column early this year.
Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor called such statements "distortions and lies."
"The suggestion that Obama — the proud father of two little girls — and others who opposed these bills supported infanticide is deeply offensive and insulting," Vietor said in a statement Tuesday.
The dispute revolves around what happens in rare circumstances when a fetus survives an abortion.
Illinois abortion opponents repeatedly tried to pass laws defining any fetus that survives an abortion as a person with full rights, requiring a second doctor be present to provide medical care and creating=2 0a right to sue on behalf of the infant.
They argued the U.S. Senate had voted 98-0 for a federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act that defined such a fetus as a person, so Illinois lawmakers should have no trouble doing the same thing. President Bush signed the legislation in 2002.
Abortion rights supporters, led by Obama, opposed the Illinois legislation, arguing that it was designed to interfere with abortion. They said doctors were already required to care for any fetus that might survive an abortion; abortion opponents dispute that.
Over the years, Obama repeatedly has said the Illinois measure was different from the federal version in a key way — it lacked language spelling out that it would not interfere with abortion rights. If the Illinois legislation had that provision, he said, he would have backed it.
Now, however, abortion opponents have pointed out that Obama opposed a version of the bill that included a "neutrality clause." The bill was killed in 2003 by a state Senate committee Obama chaired.
"He needs to explain misleading people. He needs to explain why he apparently covered that up," Stanek said.
The Obama campaign's explanation is that even if the federal and state versions had identical language, they would have very different consequences.
The federal government doesn't have a law regulating abortion, so Congress could pass a "born alive" measure without actually affecting anything. But Illinois has an abortion law that would be muddled by changing the definition of a person with full rights, the campaign says.
Pam Sutherland, president of the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council, backs Obama's position. The federal law essentially does nothing, she said, but the same language in Illinois would complicate state abortion laws.
Sutherland noted that Illinois eventually adopted a version of the "born alive" law but only after including a section that specifically states abortion rules would not be affected.
"They're being very dishonest about their depiction of what happened with that bill — or just clueless," she said of abortion opponents.
Sutherland also scoffed at the idea that opposing the legislation is the equivalent of supporting infanticide. "It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous," she said.
Now focused on the general election, Obama wants to show that he may disagree with abortion opponents, but understands and respects their views.
The Democratic Party platform is being revised to bolster the section on reducing the need for abortion. The version awaiting approval at the Democratic convention in Denver says the party supports efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancies and understands the need to help women who choose to have children.
Democratic officials also gave a convention speaking slot to Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Pa., who opposes abortion rights.
On the Net :

Here is a note from Carrie............
Hi Dewey,

This is a teaching we (my husband and I) came across as we are studying more of the old testament and teachings from a Noah-ide perspective.

Thought I’d share…..

THE COST OF URGENCYA Teaching from Gershon Salomon
The second-century Rabbi Tarfon was best known for his practical aphorisms, one of the most famous being: "The work is not upon you to finish; nor are you exempt from trying" (Mishnah, Avo't 2:16). This lesson appears to discourage urgency, the desperation we often experience around completing something, fixing something, achieving, accomplishing. We would love to just make everything okay in this world, and we suffer severe disappointment in our failure to do so. No matter how many peace protests we attend, no matter how many petitions we sign, no matter how many rallies for this or that or the other...things just don't seem to always change that much, or make a difference. After a while, it gets tiring and we start to wear down, even throw up our arms, stop trying altogether, and automatically delete those pesky emails that beckon us to forward it to others.And so, Rabbi Tarfon's addage comes along and soothes our dampened spirits with reminding us to cool-out our urgency, our drive to complete, to accomplish -- that the task is not upon us to finish, rather it is upon us to keep trying anyhow. This life is not so much about accomplishment as it is about effort. "In accordance with the degree of the effort," taught Ben Hayhay, one of Tarfon's contemporaries, "is the degree of the reward" (Mishnah, Avo't 5:22).What puzzles me regarding Rabbi Tarfon's teaching about stepping back from urgency is his teaching that appears immediately before it: "The day is short, the work is great, the laborers are lazy, the remuneration is magnanimous, and the master of the house is anxious" (Mishnah, Avo't 2:15) -- seemingly a completely opposite teaching from the more laid-back addage that follows it!Way back in my early days as a yeshiva boy in Jerusalem, I asked one of my teachers, the sagely Rav Efrayim Zeitchik about this. He gave me one of his warm grandfatherly smiles, stroked his long grey disheveled beard and said: "Timing and context. It's all about timing and context. There is no contradiction. Life is short, there is a lot to do in our short lifetime, and to do this work is richly rewarding. But alas! we grow lazy, tired, worn down from trying and trying and trying and seeing little or no results. And God is urging us on, reminding us that -- and this is Tarfon's next sentence in the Mishnah -- that the work is not upon us to necessarily complete, but neither are we exempt from the work itself, from the effort, from the endeavor."Good. Fine. That explains the Context part of the equation. What of the Timing factor?"Timing?" he continued, "timing is everything. The Golden Calf, for instance. David and Bathsheba, for instance."As was his way, he paused and waited, watching me ponder, waiting for me to remember by his clues the teachings of the ancient rabbis about how the Golden Calf was not such a horrible thing to create. What was wrong about it was the urgency with which we built it, not that we made it altogether. We strayed from the path hurriedly, with urgency (Exodus 32:8 and Deuteronomy 9:16). It was the urgency in building it that spun us into worshiping it (Exodus 32:8). Otherwise, it was a meaningful enough sculpture --meaningful enough that several of them adorned the sacred sites of the northern kingdom of Israel without incident and absent the wrath of God or anyone else (Second Kings 10:29). Had our ancestors built the Golden Calf like a week or two later, a couple months later, not out of their desperation for a Moses-substitute, it would have been inconsequential (Rabbi Zeitchik in "Toras Hanefesh," (folio 656).As the third-century Rabbi Shimon bar Chalafta taught: "You set out on a journey, perhaps after the second or third mile you might err in your sense of direction; but certainly not in the first mile! Likewise, did the Holy Blessed One say to our ancestors after they hurriedly built the Golden Calf, 'I would not have expected you to be on the right track in the second cycle of your wanderings, or the third -- but on the first?! I am mystified" (Midrash Exodus Rabbah, Ch. 32).As for David and Bathsheba, they indeed belonged together, just not right then, not in the bubble of time that was born out of David's urgency, out of his desperation to have her right then and there. Had he waited, she would have become his wife under more legitimate circumstances. After all, Solomon, who was destined to continue the dynasty and build the Holy Temple, and whose life mission was so divinely ordained that God called him "My son" (Second Samuel 7:14 and First Chronicles 17:13, 22:10, and 28:26) -- was eventually born of the union of David and Bathsheba, but years later, after the tragic incident of their illicit union (Second Samuel 12:24). Had David waited, had he not acted out of urgency, circumstances would have shifted and Bathsheba would have been unmarried and it would have coincided with the actual time of Solomon's time to arrive on earth. As the ancient rabbis put it: "David and Bathsheba were destined for one another from the time of Creation, but alas! David ate raw [Rashi: 'meaning, he jumped ahead of the destined hour and joined with her illicitly]" (Talmud, Sanhedrin 107a).Context and Timing. What a concept.In the story of David's later warfares, it seems he has indeed learned his lesson. God advises him not to respond to the charging Philistine army until he is given a sign: the branches of the nearby trees will start to shake. The Philistines charge at the Israelites in full force, yelling, screaming, their spears at the ready, aimed right at the hearts of David's warriors who stand firm under his orders, puzzled as to why David was delaying the order to charge. They start complaining to David: "What are we waiting for? We can see the whites of their eyes!" And David says "I am instructed by Adonai not to make a move toward them until I see the branches of the trees begin to shake; and if we attack them before that time, we will surely die. Rather let us die asrighteous beings than we die in disobedience to God. So let you and I lift our eyes toward the Holy Blessed One." In that moment, the branches of the trees began to shake, the Israelites attacked and the victory was theirs (Second Samuel 5:23-25; and Midrash Yalkot Shimo'nee on Second Samuel, No. 142).These ancient lessons clearly advise us to not jump the gun, to work at being patient with what comes at us, with what we study or experience and cannot in the moment understand -- to wait, to let a little time pass before rendering judgment, before jumping to hurried conclusions, before worrying. In so doing, we may stand a far better chance at achieving that which seems to elude us the most: Clarity.

And here is our Karen Rowe..........
Dear God, I thank you for today. In rain or shine, hot or cold, I thank you that my needs were met today.
Through tests and trials, you are above them all. I trust in your name to conquer them all.
I will not worry and do not doubt, because I trust that you know my heart. I know your love and know you say, ‘trust in me and just obey’.

Dear God, You are so wise you already know that I am weak, but made strong through you.
I do and I try, but that won’t do, for through the struggle I need to depend on you.
When I will remember that I forgot you again, I will call upon your name for forgiveness again.

You know in me my every need and I thank you for seeing that I succeed.
I see you unveil the weak heart within in order to make it strong again.
It is more than a try and deeper than a hope, I trust you Dear Father in order to cope.

Dear God, There is no way that I will stray, but I must confess Father that I am weak today.
I ask you to come and I know you say, trust in me and just obey.
You teach me so much from beginning to end and I know that you are with me till the end.
Our hope is in Jesus, I know that is true, because dear Lord I have a friend in you.
These things are just known and I can not doubt; I know you with confidence because you are my heart!

Our life on earth is a mere vapor to you, we are to serve and love and be like you.
Our promise of Heaven is more than hope; your Word is stronger than anyone knows. We take your hand and you won’t let go, your love for us just seems to grow.

Dear God, I fail and I stumble often it seems, but you offer your hand to carry me through.
Your mercy is Greater than I understand for you walked upon this great land.
You set an example, walked in our shoes, taught us that you are the Word and with authority, you set the rules.
You asked us to love even explained why. You made it so easy to live by and by.

Dear God,
Your grace is sufficient and your gifts continue to flow. I must stop and say, thank you dear LORD for my blessings in overflow!
I ask you dear Jesus how I may serve Our Father today and trust that the Holy Spirit will show me the way.

Dear Jesus, You live with Our Father in Heaven and wait. You watch over us now and know our fate.
For us who come to know you now we enjoy you as a friend; An amazing gesture from you, Jesus! You made the Sacrifice that, has no end.

Nothing in this world is above what you did. We thank you Dear Jesus for carrying our cross!
You have blessed so many whether they know it or not…
The last days will come, in that there is no doubt, but for those of us who know you as Christ, it is only the beginning of our new life!
My hope is to serve you and in all that I do and I thank you Jesus for my strength in you. I know you by name and I know who you are…I profess your name Jesus; you are our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ!
I have seen you Jesus and I know you to be true, so many are aching to know you too. My hope is to tell this in all truth that many will come and by found in you.

We have that choice to say those words, “I know you Jesus as my Lord.”

Dear God, Things may seem to some unreal, too much to hope for that you could be REAL! Maybe too much for some to grasp that you really did give Your life for our wrath.
Through violence and torture you endured even more. How much you must love us for a gift so pure.
No price you ask of us to pay, just the offer of love and invitation to come and obey.
Three days you were buried and you rose again, all for us that we have forgiveness for all sin.
And now we live, just as You are alive! Thank You dear Jesus for giving me everlasting LIFE!!!

Just to share and offer a prayer...
God's Blessing be on you...
In Christ's Name, karen rowe

And Now Nic.................
We must stay in the race...and yes it's been extremely difficult at times...yet we know the Lord will make a way some how!!!


"YES, YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS TRIAL"I saw in the Spirit that some are now in the midst of a circumstance so potentially devastating that fear is drawing near. Others worry that they are beyond the point of recovery. Be reminded that you have a Friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24) and His adhesiveness is stronger than super glue. Do not agree with the accusations of the devil (Revelation 12:10).
The enemy has whispered to some: "You are a loser, a failure; you're washed up, never to recover, always to be known as one who didn't measure up to the call."
Some know what David meant when he said "no man careth for my soul" (Psalm 142:4) and Job when he wrote "My soul is weary of life" (Job 10:1).
This mess, this "no way out" dilemma can and will be turned around (Isaiah 65:24). God's view of what is happening is much different than yours. He will restore your soul (Psalm 23:3), renew your mind (Romans 12:2) and enlighten your eyes (Isaiah 35:5). Yes, He will deliver you (2 Peter 2:9).
Have all deserted you? He will not. If you are in the place of despair and heartache; do not turn away from God, instead:KNOW THAT GOD HAS ALREADY CREATED A PLAN FOR YOUR RECOVERY
While you're having those occasional thoughts of quitting, keep in mind that God is currently behind the scenes putting things back together better than they were before you entered this mess (Jeremiah 29:11).
Some have asked, "God, how long do I have to stay in this valley before You do something?" That's the wrong question. The right question is, "God, how should I conduct myself while You are working on this thing?"
The timing is up to God (and the attitude is up to you), but I'll tell you this: It will take no longer than it has to. Not one second longer. God takes no pleasure in you going through this and seeing you suffer. Yet, He will not waste one of your tears (Isaiah 25:8).
No matter what the obstacles, no matter how many times you have failed, no matter how big the pit you have fallen into, His plan for your recovery is sure (Isaiah 65:24).
Feel like you're being chased by giants? God doesn't lie and He has promised to deliver you even if giants with twelve fingers and twelve toes are chasing you (2 Samuel 21:22).
"He shall deliver thee in six troubles; yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee" (Job 5:19). "Six troubles, yea even seven" is a Biblical idiom or phrase that means no matter how many troubles (i.e. ka-Zillions) He will deliver you. Get that in your head.
As soon as Peter denied Jesus (John 18:25), God had a plan for Peter's restoration (John 21:17). This wasn't the first time Peter blew it, and it wouldn't be the last; so it is with each of us (Romans 7:19). God knew it was going to happen long ago and He made provision for it. You're not going under, you're going through.
Come high water, come fire or come all the demons of hell, the Lord will deliver you.
David wrote "Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through the fire and through the water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place" (Psalm 66:12).
This word wealthy means "rich fulfillment." Even though the enemy (and even your own mistakes) may have drained you of hope and strength, God will again bring the rich fullness of His presence into your life. There is no "ifs," "ands," or "buts" about it. He will do it. Why? He's so madly in love with you it's beyond your comprehension (Romans 8:35-39).
When we get discouraged and satan tells us the situation is hopeless, we need to resist (James 4:7) and take a stand (Ephesians 6:13). Remember though, no one overcomes by sitting down. Whatever you do, don't start sulking all day and feeling sorry for yourself. Stop with the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" stuff, dust yourself off and get back to the business of the Kingdom.
Don't try to figure out how He will help you. Don't imagine that suddenly He will say, "Abra Kadabra," like Houdini. Oh, yes, He could do an instant miracle and just might, but He wants you to trust Him to do it His way no matter what that may be.
Paul was stoned (and this was on a good day). His friends supposed he was dead (Acts 14:19-21), but the next day he was on the road to preach the Gospel. Some of you feel like you have been stoned, but you will get up like nothing happened.
The enemy likes to whisper to you that things will not change or turn around. Do not listen to him or anyone who speaks with unbelief. Like a bolt of lightning it will hit you that Jesus won the battle for you and you are called to be a conqueror with Him (Romans 8:37).
No, you may not feel like a conqueror right now, but Jesus has passed the baton to me and you (John 20:21) and He did not promise feelings would always accompany the call.
Rejoice, in all the pain, bewilderment and inner turmoil, God is working to reverse the circumstance and use it for your re-commissioning. You, who thought you were unfit, will re-emerge stronger than ever and the devil will see his work backfire.
Stand up...the horizon is before you. The dawn breaks. Victory is coming and you are one of His warriors!
Here is a note from Franchesca on Red Skelton..........

Some of you will remember this man and some of you weren't born then. He had his own tv show and of all the variety shows on 'back then' - I LOVED HIS THE BEST!! 39 Years ago. How did he know?? .....How right he was. (is) This is so unbelievable. In 1969, how did he know? He passed away many years ago. Red Skelton was a good & funny man. He ended every show by saying, 'GOOD NIGHT AND MAY GOD BLESS.'
Listen to the end of this. It is something he said 39 years ago. Important you listen to the very end! Eerie! Take a moment and listen (from 1969). How would he have known this is what's happening?

May God be with You and Yours, Dewey Sharon and family

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