Monday, August 31, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

It is so AWESOME to have you with us!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!

When you is precious to God, you become important to Satan. Denver Moore

There's something I learned when I was homeless: Our limitation is God's opportunity. When you get all the way to the end of your rope and there ain't nothin you can do, that's when God takes over. I remember one time I was hunkered down in the hobo jungle with some folks. We was talkin bout life, and this fella was talkin, said, "People think they're in control, but they ain't. The truth is, that which must befall thee must befall thee. And that which must pass thee by must past thee by." Denver Moore

The Denver Moore and Ron Hall story, "Same Kind of Different as me" is an AWESOME book. I encourage you to get a copy and read.

Something to pray on today........

Meekness does not mean weakness it means POWER under CONTROL

Here is a note from Gwen who we are praying for..........

Thank you Dewey and everyone for praying for me. I know the Lord has bigger and better things for me to do in His kingdom. Gwen

Also this note.........

Thanks Dewey for the prayers for Lydia and her 4 little children, we are confident that God Is In Control.. Thank you Jesus,

Frank (The Old Texan) Haley cjf

We will continue to pray for Gwen, Lydia and Pastor Larry Moss. Can we pray for you?

Here is a need of prayer............

Hi Dewey,
I just wanted to see if I can email Gwen personally or if I should just email through you. I was where she is at and for such a long time it was a struggle to get out of bed and go to work. I feel much better now and I found that with my job as a checker at a large grocery chain, I see on a daily basis the depression, sickness, and etc. of many people. I'd just like to share my experience with her as I might be able to give her just a little help, in letting her know she is not alone.

I have had these last two weeks, the worst experience at my job with fellow employees. I've been at this same store for 28 years. I opened this store. I work with a lot of younger, poor character people that are giving me a hard time. I have never worked with such poor management as I have at this time in my life. The manager has "favorites" which is not a problem for me until it affected me with a situation where I was verbally attacked as well as pushed in front of 10 customers in line and she used very poor judgement in her actions. Anyway, to make a long story short, she could be in big trouble, but the problem is the manager is going to cover for her. 3 of the 10 customers called in to complain of her shocking and abusive behavior. Now she is retaliating against me. I have to just take care of business and go to my Union and cover myself as she is the type of person who will go to any lengths to get a person fired, should she feel threatened. I have been praying about it and didn't know why I doubted myself when I had done nothing wrong. So it's off to the Union tomorrow and have documented all incidents and will let the Lord guide from. This is the first time in 28 years, I have ever had to go to the Union.
Such corrupt business practices now, it's terrible. The devil tries to get in anywhere he can. I'll keep you posted.
Praise the Lord and thank all of you who prayed for Gail. She just had a CAT scan and she is now CANCER FREE. Thank you to all of you, Dewey, Sharon and family.
God Bless everyone Stay positive and know that the Lord will guide us in every way.

Let us pray for NM as she goes through this trial. We have lot's to pray about!

SE Coleman is back!!!!!.........

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus!!

Listen, I just wanted you to know personally that I am safely back in
the country!!

Praise God!!

Had so much opportunity to work with the people of Ecuador. There is
much to tell!!!

I am starting my newsletter to give all the details and
pictures. This trip I took 860 pictures!! Don't worry, I will only
include about the top 12, but it will be hard to chose.

Blessings cover you and look for an in depth accounting to reach your
hands by the 15th. Sooner , if possible!! :-) :-)

Love to you!!


p.s. I will call you about Bibles toward the end of this
week, really need to get this newsletter going! I do have my layout
and will drop in pictures and captions tomorrow. LORD WILLING!!

Thanks for the update SE and we PRAISE GOD you are back safely! By the way we are still collecting Bibles for SE and her efforts. Please let me know if you can help.

Here is an AWEESOME write up by Rick Warren........

God Is Watching over You
by Rick Warren
“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever” (Psalm 23:6 NLT).

God is watching over you.

When King David writes, “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me,” he’s not saying, “Surely only good things will happen to me!”

The fact is bad things happen to good people. What David is teaching us is that God can take bad, evil, and difficult situations and bring something good out of them.

It’s one of God’s great promises to us: we can know that all things are working for our good “if we love God and are fitting into his plans” (Romans 8:28 LB). If you’re a believer, the Bible says all things are working together for good—not that all things are good, but that they work together for good. There’s no difficulty, dilemma, defeat, or disaster in life that God can’t ultimately turn toward good.

When you understand God’s grace and mercy, there’s no need to fear the future. God isn’t trying to get even with you. Jesus shouldered the penalty for everything you’ve ever done wrong or will do wrong. He paid for it on the cross. So when a bad thing happens, you don’t have to think, “God’s getting even with me.” That’s how God’s grace and mercy work.

Mercy, like goodness, follows us in life. Picture a parent following a little child around picking up after them; God is constantly picking up our messes.

Think about this:

• Christians go to the future, not with a question mark, but with an exclamation point. God will be with you no matter what happens. He will help you out.

• God’s goodness provides and protects; God’s mercy pardons and forgives. God’s goodness will supply; God’s mercy will sooth. God’s goodness will help; God’s mercy will heal.

• Goodness is the fact that God gives us good things in life that we don’t deserve. Mercy means God holds back the condemnation we deserve.

Let us pray..............

Lord today we pray that we will be honest with ourselves and that we shall be honest with each other. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Saturday, August 29, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

This morning the Lord put a lot on my heart for the People of New Mexico! I would encourage you to join us on Twitter! Please go to
We put on twitter, breaking news and urgent prayer needs. Also station contests, information etc. Not always here at the Cup.

Twitter is Free and you can use it on your PC and phone. It is turning out to be an AWESOME Ministry tool as any of this new technology can be if it is used for God's purpose.

Here is my RANT TWEET's for today............PLEASE READ THEM FROM THE BOTTOM UP SO THEY MAKE SENSE TO YOU. If I ever make sense to you! LOL it not AWESOME how God works!!! Yesterday we talked about 90,000 homeless people in LA and 1,000 Children homeless right here in the Albuquerque area and how it is a growing problem.

Well, get a load of this.... Angel Murchison who hosts, "Destiny Moments" here on KKIM Friday's is in LA working with the Homeless!!! She gives us a report below! PRAISE GOD for people like Angel!!!

Okay here are my Tweet rants.........please avoid my picture it could be hazardous to your eye' may go blind!


radiodeweyOr People for Jesus ..........We need to bring back God into our nation....we for the most part have kicked God out!4 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyNeither party is bringing solutions to state and national problems mostly hot air and ego We need a new party called the People's Party5 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyRepublicans some good candidates for higher office but it seems the party is almost split into three's. Democrats too much corruption in NM7 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyFirst of all I am an Independent Democrats have a strong hold on NM until the Republicans get some leadership they will continue to lose.9 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyFirst of all I am an Independent12 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyA brother in the Lord looking to leave NM State government because of corruption he thought he could make a difference He is worn out13 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyStand up let your voices be heard New Mexico we cannot let this corruption continue. For one thing what an awful example for our youth17 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyAwesome editorial in Journal calling for a start over at the PRC as Comm members, Block, King, Jones, and Sloan Questionable ethics AWFUL19 minutes ago from web

radiodeweysource says someone in Washington stopped the last case what will happen this time? Am I the only one out ragged by this Gov's tactics?24 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyMeanwhile the Fed's continue to investigate state investment deals surrounding the Gov. Will the Fed's press charges this time?28 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyFouratt said that non prosecution of the Gov and aides should not be interpreted as exoneration of any party's conduct. leaves a cloud31 minutes ago from web

radiodeweyI'm still shaking my head Us Atty Fouratt said that pressure from the Gov's office resulted in the corruption of the procurement process36 minutes ago from
Okay Folks, Hope you read those Tweet's from bottom up so they made sense! Here is Angel's email to me sent yesterday as she works the mission field right here in the USA.....I think we really need to pay attention to the mission field right here in the USA! She is in LA feeding the hungry...Angel lives in Maine and is on KKIM Friday's at 2:30.

Hi Dewey,

I rec'd your message today. We were on a mission truck to the inner city feeding. My I have never seen anything like this Dewey. It breaks my heart. I pray the Lord will increase my ministry to the extent I can help make a difference in fighting world hunger and homelessness. At least make more of a contribution.

......All I can see right now is these hungry hot people on skid row. In Maine we don't have anything like this. I am getting more of a vision for the center the Lord has spoke to me years ago. A safe house for women, a place of hope, healing and deliverance. So many women on the street here.

They have a floor here for Human Trafficking. Tonight and tomorrow I will go to the red Light District and do ministry with a team going out. Last weekend we brought three male prostitutes back to the males dorm. I prayed with so many female prostitutes. A lot of them have praying parents, grandparents, etc. I want to interview one man and one woman that was on the street and have been in the disciple program and graduated now doing ministry. Dewey it blows my mind what is going on here. Have you heard of the Dream Center LA? Jim Bakker was here after his time in prison. It was Franklin Graham that brought Jim here.

Please continue to pray for me for strength as this is very hard work both physically and spiritually.



Let us pray............

Lord we pray for the strength You can give for people like Angel who serve You and are feeding Your children. We pray that American Christians wake up and look at the mission field we have right here. Let us move into action for You right here in America. Let us hit the streets and put Your word's into action for You. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Powerful name of Jesus Christ we wish you all a very Blessed day! Dewey Sharon and family

Friday, August 28, 2009


1 John 3:17-18 Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth."

1 John 3:17-18

Sharon got the movie "The Soloist" good message in it for all of us........true story......Over 90,000 homeless people in Los Angeles! This movie will move you! 90,000 homeless people..........That is about 20 times the size of my home town! Albuquerque is seeing a dramatic increase in homeless people.........right now over 1,000 CHILDREN in the County! Please keep this in your prayers and pray what you can do.

Just goggle Steve Lopez, the writer for LA Times who wrote this true story. Let us pray over this.........nothing happens without prayer!

Prayer is the essential activity of waiting for God: acknowledging our helplessness and HIS power, calling upon HIM for help, seeking HIS counsel.

Common sense prevails among God's is a note from KKIM listener Paul...........


I have had little time to correspond, on break time, and put much thought into some writings I want to work on. Thank you for your focus on the State DUI problem. Alcohol is a problem with or without the drivers under the influence.

I believe the people working class of this state who are and are not drinkers have a tough time taking the problem seriously for two reasons.

First the system is has been corrupted by people in positions of authority finding lop holes to get out of DUI' as well getting friends and family out of DUI.

How about the DUI police sergeant who was called, while on duty, to recover his son from State police after a possible DUI stop. Take him home and the City stated DUI Sgt. Was ok in his actions.

And the list goes on, and on.

Part two, the source.

On just about every corner there are liquor stores masquerading as gas stations and pharmacies. Not to mention a bar in just about every franchise din- in restaurant and liquor sales down the aisles of milk sales. We won't mention beer and wine tasting and promotions at the shoppet/ gas station/liquor store at Kirtland AFB. At the closest convenience store to my home, at 7:00 every morning there is a line for coffee sales and a line for beer sales. The convenience of it is there is a cooler adjacent this register the size of a pool table that has bear of all flavors and sizes, iced down ready for the ride to work. Some of these places are so overwhelmed with beer advertisements you can really y lose track of what gas is going for per gallon.

Dewy I am writing this having experience of the ugly side of alcohol. God saved me from the pit of alcohol and all it brings. The promises of alcohol are really very simple, death ,divorce, abuse, broken homes, murder, jail, institutions, psychosocial rehabilitation, broken hearts, impossible fellowship with God, and this list goes on and on.

Statistics are staggering,

More than 400 Americans will die this week in alcohol-related car wrecks; many of them innocent people, victimized by a drunk driver. That's more people than fit on a 747 jumbo jet! What if a packed 747 went down once a week every week and everyone died? Would we be up in arms? Would there be a congressional investigation? Yes, of course!

From -DUI: Dying Under the Influence. By David J. Stewart

Paul M. Perez

A lot of common sense Paul!

"Show me your paths and teach me to follow; guide me by your TRUTH and instruct me. You keep me safe, and I always trust in you." Psalm 25:4-5

Hello everyone,
You can see my latest update on our trip to Israel at the following:

Please feel free to post your comments on the site. I'd love to hear your thoughts. AND ONCE AGAIN, MY FRIENDS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS. THEY MADE A DIFFERENCE!

Love in Christ,
Pastor Don

Dear Listeners,

Joining me this week is a woman who has been on the mission field, in some capacity, most of her life. You will be blessed as Audra Grace Shelby shares her stories about being a missionary in the Middle East . Her sensitivity to the women of another culture will be apparent as she talks about her experiences and how the Lord used her during this season of her life. Be sure to tune in to learn what it is like to step out of the comfort of our own cultural ways and be impacted by the lives of women in another part of the world.

The show airs from 8:05 to 9:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) this Saturday August 29 on KKIM-AM1000 or FM94.7 in the Santa Fe /northern NM area. The show is also audio streamed live on If you have a question or comment, please give us a call. In the Albuquerque area the phone number is 998-0021. You can also call toll-free at 1-866-523-5008. I am looking forward to being with you this Saturday morning.

In obedience to Him,

Dr. Deb

Deborah L. Gunderman, D.Min.
Walking in The Way
It makes the difference in life!

P.O. Box 21283 Albuquerque, NM 87154-1283 505-385-7063

Let us Pray...........

Lord, we turn our lives over to you........we give all to You! We pray for a deeper bond of fellowship with You. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey

Thursday, August 27, 2009



From the News Desk of KKIM's Frank Haley............

SANTA FE, N.M. -- New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and former high-ranking members of his administration won't be criminally charged in a yearlong federal investigation into pay-to-play allegations involving one of the Democratic governor's large political donors, someone familiar with the case said.
The decision not to pursue indictments was made by top Justice Department officials, according to a person familiar with the investigation, who asked not to be identified because federal officials had not disclosed results of the probe.
The un-named person said, "It's over. There's nothing. It was killed in Washington,"
A federal grand jury began an investigation in 2008 into a possible pay-to-play scheme in which lucrative work on state bond deals went to a Richardson donor. The federal probe derailed Richardson's appointment as commerce secretary in President Barack Obama's administration.
Richardson withdrew his nomination in January, saying the investigation would have delayed his confirmation although he said expected to be cleared. A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Albuquerque said he had no information about the Justice Department's decision and couldn't comment.
Federal investigators reviewed whether political contributions influenced the selection of California-based CDR Financial Products as an adviser on state transportation bond transactions, and whether Richardson's former chief of staff, David Contarino, played a role in the hiring of CDR.
Prosecutors also subpoenaed records of another former Richardson aide, David Harris, and one of the governor's close political advisers, Michael Stratton.
Harris served as Richardson's deputy chief of staff and then became executive director of the New Mexico Finance Authority, which selected CDR for the bond financing work. Stratton, a Denver-based political consultant, served as a senior adviser to Richardson's 2008 presidential campaign and was a consultant to CDR and another financial firm when the Finance Authority put together the bond deals in 2004.
The state work generated almost $1.5 million in fees for CDR in 2004-2005.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



Congrats GLORIA!!! WOW!!! You drank that CUP fast!!!

I really appreciate your daily emails!

Gloria Johnson

Gloria wins two tickets to the casting Crowns Concert Sept. 17th at the Santa Ana Star Center........We are giving away tickets on the air at KKIM and here at the Cup!!!

WOW! I just heard something that I would never have dreamed of hearing on the radio when I started 35 years ago.........Pastor Don Kimbro on Nuggets of Truth this morning saying hello to his Pastor friend in Israel listening to KKIM on the Internet!!!!

PRAISE GOD for what HE is doing with KKIM!!!


GOD's Word for Your Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

It is right to give PRAISE and THANKS to the LORD!

This is the day the LORD has made;

We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Save now, I pray, O Lord;

O LORD, I pray, send now prosperity.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!

We have blessed you from the house of the LORD.


And HE has given us light;

Bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar.

You are my GOD, and I will praise YOU;

You are my GOD, I will exalt You.

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good!

For HIS mercy endures forever.

Psalm 118: 24-29

PRAISE the LORD, all you Gentiles!

Laud HIM, all you peoples!

For HIS merciful kindness is great toward us.

And the truth of the LORD endures forever.


Psalm 117: 1-2


In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Here is a surprise for you!

Be the first to reply to this CUP and you win two tickets to the Casting Crowns Concert performing at the Santa Ana Star Center Sept. 17th!!!

I want to really encourage you to follow us at we have many things to share with you thru out the day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


? on Socialism and Communism KKIM NEWS

Dear KKIM family,

Melecio and Linda have asked this question like many of you.......

Could you please explain to me what socialism is?

We have gotten feedback that many you would like to see the definitions of Socialism and Communism. This feedback, I believe is because of what is going on in our country this day. Such as Health Care Reform and other important matters.

I never thought for the life of me that I would be asked the questions I am being asked.....People are concerned and many confused as to all the information out there. I think also it shows that many do not know basic history of our World, because our Education system has in many ways failed.

So thank you for your questions.........We are here to serve you. Thanks to Joe for his help.........

Communism (from Latin: communis = "common") is a family of economic and political ideas and social movements related to the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, or stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general, as well as the name given to such a society.[1][2][3] The term "Communism", usually spelled with the capital letter C, is however often used to refer to a form of government in which the state operates under a one-party system and declares allegiance to Marxism-Leninism or a derivative thereof, even if the party does not actually claim that the society has already reached communism.

Modern socialism originated in the late 18th-century intellectual and working class political movement that criticized the effects of industrialization and private ownership on society, however, socialism itself is not a political system; it is instead an economic system distinct from capitalism.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels used the terms "socialism" and "communism" interchangeably, and posited that it would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution.[4] Vladimir Lenin, perhaps influenced by Marx's ideas of "lower" and "upper" stages of socialism[5], later used the word "socialism" as a transitional stage between capitalism and communism.

Nazism, officially in German as National Socialism[1][2][3][4] (German: Nationalsozialismus), refers to the ideology and practices of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Nazis sought a Third Way managed economy that was neither capitalism nor communism. [14][15] Nazi rule effectively ended on May 7, 1945, V-E Day, when the Nazis unconditionally surrendered to the Allied Powers, who took over Germany's administration until Germany could form its own democratic government.

Social democrats propose selective nationalization of key national industries in mixed economies, while maintaining private ownership of capital and private business enterprise. Social democrats also promote tax-funded welfare programs and regulation of markets. Many social democrats, particularly in European welfare states, refer to themselves as "socialists", introducing a degree of ambiguity to the understanding of what the term means.

Libertarian socialism (including social anarchism and libertarian Marxism) rejects state control and ownership of the economy altogether and advocates direct collective ownership of the means of production via co-operative workers' councils and workplace democracy.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.........we are here to serve. We are here to provide you with God's Truth. See ya on NM News and Views today at 4:30!

God Bless you, Dewey


A CUP with Dewey on Cool Tue. KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

“This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

As one of my mentor's Pastor Garland Moore, Sundays at 9:45am and 5:05pm and Mondays at 3:45pm on KKIM says, "Keep your eye's fixed on Jesus."

Pastor Garland has been so instrumental in my growth as a follower of Jesus Christ! I carry those words he spoke to me a few years ago.......right in my heart, mind and soul.

"Keep your eye's fixed on Jesus"

We love you Garland!

Sharon and I are so thankful for all the Godly people HE has brought into our lives!

God is the Ultimate Leader, and He calls every believer to lead others. God could have arranged His creation any number of ways. He chose to create human beings who posses spirits and the capacity to relate to Him and follow Him, yet who are not forced to do so. When mankind fell into sin, God could have easily executed a plan of redemption that did not include sinful people in the process. But He has called us to participate and to lead others as we follow Him. He makes that clear from the beginning: "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion....." Gen 1:26 from The Maxwell leadership Bible.

Thank you for stopping by for a CUP today! We love to have a CUP of coffee with you!

Pastor Alan Hawkins, Weekdays at 2pm and Sat's at Noon on KKIM is on twitter. Here is what he tweeted this morning.........
AHawk7Today is the first day of my 38th year of seeking to follow Jesus... I am still a kid when it comes to my gratefulness to his kindness

Thanks Pastor Allan........I have to say that I am still a Child to when it comes to my grateful relationship with the Lord......I did not have a day when the light suddenly came on and I gave my life to the Lord like many. I grew up in the Church from day one and have always knew Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. What has grown over the years is my walk with Jesus Christ, it's become so close. Ed Moore taught me years ago to ask myself everyday, "How is my walk going with the Lord?" My walk is so close now that I talk to Him almost every second of the day and I also listen for Him all the time. Now don't get me wrong I have my down moments, but thanks to my wife Sharon, Kids and friends I get back on track. The key is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you wake up with Him and stay by him during the day and to you go to sleep praying to Jesus, your number one friend?

I love what pastor Alan had to say about being grateful for His kindness. Let us all be grateful and give Thanks and Praise to God!

As I drink my CUP this morning on a cool start to the day here in Albuquerque,The Lord has really put it on my heart to share with you like Pastor Alan just did.......a Personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I had paused to fill my CUP again with freshly brewed coffee, and the Lord is telling me to tell you all that HE wants a close, very close loving relationship with you! Even if you have a relationship with HIM, as many of you do HE wants to get closer to you! I am no fancy dancy highly educated person......I am just a simple follower of Jesus Christ like you........who wants to serve our Lord and have a wonderful relationship with Him. It is about turning your life over to HIM, it's like giving we did when we played tug-of-war when we were kid's...just let go of the rope..... and follow Christ with all your heart!

Please join us on twitter at

I still want to go back to two things we posted yesterday........I also should mention we are so blessed to have Jannetta back with us after a well deserved vacation! Thanks and Love for all you do on the web site!..........anyhow I need to repeat two things..............

As I study to become a Pastor.........A lot of my broadcasting experience of 35 years sure comes in handy. I was taught years ago at Brown to repeat, repeat, till the message sinks in. People need to hear the message 6 to 8 times.

I found this very interesting from the True story "Same kind of Different as me"........

"Brother Brown, we done heard that message about a hun'erd times,"
one of the older women would say, somebody with gumption like my auntie, Big Mama's sister. "When you gon' change the sermon?"

Brother Brown would just gaze up at the holey roof and shake his head, kinda sad. "I work out there in the cotton with y'all, and ever week, the Lord shows me what's goin on in the congregation so I'll know what to preach on Sunday. When I start seein some changes out there," he'd say, pointin toward the plantation, "I'll be changin what I preach in here."

WOW! What word's of wisdom........Let us not always search for the sermon or message of the week.......let us stay focused on God's Word..the basic's of God's Word. There is a message for all of us in that quote.

Today, I leave you with this quote from one of the greatest Human beings God created........Coach John Wooden..........

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." AMEN!!!!!!

All that as my dad used to say, is worth repeating. I think that is a challenge we face in our society is that the basic's of the Christian life are not repeated enough. Maybe we spend to much time trying to package it for Sunday's?

Joe Scott hosts a new program on KKIM every morning at 5:30. "Farmview" Today Joe talked about the small family farm. Since Agriculture is a very important part of the New Mexico way of life, we though it was important to bring you this program. The Lord brought us this program to serve the Farm and Ranch community. Joe does an excellent job is his 3 minute commentary. The Lord has really put it on our hearts here at KKIM to serve His people. We continue to receive the message from the Lord to provide solid news and information, so with our solid Teaching programs both of national and local nature, solid news and weather dept's, now Farm/Ranch news we very much have the bases covered. KKIM is certainly a full service radio station. Not many full service stations out there anymore. Did you know that nearly 150 stations have gone off the air since the first of the year? PRAISE GOD for what HE is doing with KKIM! Please keep us in your prayers.

Pastor Don Kimbro has this very exciting announcement...........

Hello everyone,
I would like to introduce you to my new blog on our church web site, "Israel Insights With Pastor Don," that offers additional comments and thoughts on what we learned and experienced on our recent trip to Israel. I invite you to join me and I welcome your thoughts and comments. My latest posting dated today, "God Expects Results" speaks of my meeting with a well known evangelist to the MIddle East, Dr. Elias Malki. Enjoy and again thank you all for your prayers. They made a difference. Please feel free to forward my new site to anyone you feel might be interested in Iearning more about what God is doing in Israel:

Love in Christ,
Pastor Don

Sharon and I are thankful for all of you! Thank you for your prayers and let us keep praying for each other and our families.

Prayer is the way we acquire wisdom. James 1:5

Let us pray............

Lord, may Your truth so live in us, oh Lord, that every form of deceit is wrung out of our lives. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Monday, August 24, 2009


CUP on Rainy Day KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

It is such a blessing to be with you on this wet Monday in the desert! Praise God it is raining here in New Mexico!

Why do we have a lot of flat roofs in New Mexico? To keep our pocketbooks flat? LOL!!!!

Here is a note from Pastor Leonard.........

Hey my brother.

Praying for you, my brother. You are a mighty warrior for the Lord. Satan doesn't waste his time on those who are weak, lie, deceive and are not willing to take a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ. Only those who have chosen to go to war experience the trials and struggles of battle. Those on their soft sofas and Lazy Boy's never experience the heat of war or the stench of battle, but they also never experience the joy of the victories in others lives and being able to actually see and experience God's move of joy and grace in others. What a view my friend, you have, as people tune in to KKIM and tell of how God is touch and moving in their lives because of your willingness to go to war.

"be strong IN THE LORD and in HIS mighty power". Eph. 6:10

praying for you, love ya,


Here's more from Andrew Murray from his book,

"Again, I say, let us meditate on the divine glory of the salvation God purposes working out in us, until we know the truths it implies. Our heart is the scene of a divine operation more wonderful than Creation. We can do as little towards the work as towards creating the world, except as God works in us to will and to do. God only asks of us to yield, to consent, to wait upon Him, and He will do it all. Let us meditate and be still, until we see how meet and right and blessed it is that God alone do all, and our soul will of itself sink down in deep humility to say: "I have waited for Thy salvation, O Lord." And the deep blessed background of all our praying and working will be: "Truly my soul waiteth upon God."
The application of the truth to wider circles, to those we labor among or intercede for, to the Church of Christ around us, or throughout the world, is not difficult. There can be no good but what God works; to wait upon God, and have the heart filled with faith in His working, and in that faith to pray for His mighty power to come down, is our only wisdom. Oh for the eyes of our heart to be opened to see God working in ourselves and in others, and to see how blessed it is to worship and just to wait for His salvation!"

—Waiting on God

Thanks to Pastor Leonard Navarre for sharing! His encouragement is AWESOME!!

Well our friend, Ken, from the National Weather Service who was on NM News and Views last week, Ken's forecast of liquid sunshine is certainly holding true! Thanks to Ken and his lovely wife Namoi for joining us. Ken plays first base and also is one of our pitchers on the Heights Christian Softball Team. We learned a lot about the national Weather Service, including every tax payer pays JUST 5 dollars a year for the service, WOW! If every Government agency was as efficient as the National Weather Service we would be in great shape. How much is that a day? The National Weather Service protects us.......they work with Homeland Security, Police, Fire, even Insurance companies to confirm weather conditions.

As I study to become a Pastor.........A lot of my broadcasting experience of 35 years sure comes in handy. I was taught years ago at Brown to repeat, repeat, till the message sinks in. People need to hear the message 6 to 8 times.

I found this very interesting from the True story "Same kind of Different as me"........

"Brother Brown, we done heard that message about a hun'erd times,"
one of the older women would say, somebody with gumption like my auntie, Big Mama's sister. "When you gon' change the sermon?"

Brother Brown would just gaze up at the holey roof and shake his head, kinda sad. "I work out there in the cotton with y'all, and ever week, the Lord shows me what's goin on in the congregation so I'll know what to preach on Sunday. When I start seein some changes out there," he'd say, pointin toward the plantation, "I'll be changin what I preach in here."

WOW! What word's of wisdom........Let us not always search for the sermon or message of the week.......let us stay focused on God's Word..the basic's of God's Word. There is a message for all of us in that quote.

Today, I leave you with this quote from one of the greatest Human beings God created........Coach John Wooden..........

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." AMEN!!!!!!

No matter how you feel..........If you are feeling down and out and about to give up.......YOU CAN ALWAYS CALL ON GOD!!!!

HE will answer the phone.........Will you listen?

Let us pray.............

Lord, We ask You today for courage to stand up from the crowd with selfless caring..Let us be awesome witnesses for You. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Sunday, August 23, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; conservative in preserving the faith and radical in applying it. John Scott British Preacher

Please join us on twitter so you can get prayer requests and news alerts. Keep up to date at

First I want to remind you about a special event this weekend at Pastor Mark Tross's Church............

Ekklesia Outreach Presents Larry Huggins

Ekklesia Outreach Presents Guest MinisterAmbassador Larry Huggins,August 22-23 at Star Heights Recreation Ctr., 800 Polaris Blvd. Larry Huggins, D.D. is a Christian Ambassador in his 36th year of full-time ministry. His duties as a Christian Ambassador have taken him to thousands of cities, in scores of nations, and to all fifty states of the USA. Rev. Huggins has founded numerous churches and bible schools in the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Nigeria, England and India. He is also the founder and director of The Commonwealth of Christ; a global ministry serving the International Christian Community since 1984. In 2008 Ambassador Huggins personally traveled to every state capital in the United States of America and had open, public communion with Christians of every denomination. This historical project was called the SEAL America Campaign --National Communion 2008. For more information on this event please call (505) 417-4332.

Please keep this effort in your prayers.

Last night before heading to bed.......I called Uncle Joe to see if he was watching the Twins. We both have been sadden by the teams performance the last couple of months. My 93 Uncle lives and dies with his Twins and now at least the Vikings have started to play to help out the terrible season the Twins have had. Anyhow, Joe asked me to read him scripture before he hit the hay.........

I turned my Bible to.........For I am not ashamed for the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith."

Romans 1 16-17

Martin Luther called Romans "the chief part of the New Testament and.....truly the purest gospel." God used the book to change the lives of Luther, John Wesley, John Calvin, William Tyndale, Saint Augustine, and millions of others.

Then I turned to James.........

Come now, you who say, "today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit."

whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."

James 4 13-15

I think our leaders, or so called leaders need to read James.

At 2:30 yesterday KKIM broke this story..............

Thanks to all of the KKIM listeners who called and wrote the Dept. of Education!!!! We had State Rep. Nora Espinoza on with us on NM News and Views sharing the good news....Another case where the People let their voices be heard.........We need to keep making that happen as we go on..........

SANTA FE, - New Mexico's state education secretary says she will not make any changes to a rule requiring the Pledge of Allegiance to be recited every day in public schools.

Secretary Veronica Garcia had been considering amending the rule to allow students to opt out of the pledge and tomake clear there would be no retaliation if they did so.
But Garcia said Friday that most school districts already have policies in place to address that. And she said matters related to students' rights should be handled by local school districts.
Garcia also said changing the state rule could give the mistaken impression that the Pledge of Allegiance is not important in New Mexico's classrooms.

We need to keep the pressure on the Gov. to address the law and Judges on the DWI issue here in New is the craziest thing I have seen in awhile.........(it seems I am saying that almost everyday)

Sentenced to 48 hours; freed in three

John Higgins' Thursday booking photoAn Albuquerque DWI defense attorney convicted of DWI himself on Thursday and sentenced to 48 hours in jail served less than three hours before being released.
Higgins was arrested on suspicion of DWI back in January near 12th and Mountain Road after crashing his car into a curb.
He refused a breath test and was charged with aggravated DWI.
Video of the arrest showed Higgins arguing with and threatening officers and was shown during Higgins trial, which ended with a conviction Thursday afternoon.
Judge Sharon Walton immediately sentenced Higgins to 48 hours at the Metropolitan Detention Center, or MDC, followed by a year of probation.
Higgins attorney appealed the sentence to district court requesting that Higgins be allowed to remain free pending an appeal of the verdict.
Jail records show that Higgins was booked at 9:32 Thursday evening and released at midnight.
Heather Lough of MDC says the jail received a second order from District Court Judge Albert "Pat" Murdoch at about 4:00 Thursday afternoon releasing Higgins on his own recognizance under the supervision of the court’s pretrial services pending his appeal.
Walton says that, if Higgins' appeal is turned down, she will have him serve the remaining 48 hours.

Judge Murdoch is all wet on this one. As we have suggested for months now the Gov. needs to get the Judges all together in a room and clamp down on them or remove them!!!

The President's Circus tent is starting to come down.............This man's inexperience is showing so much. He is being exposed..........

Obama's 'big bang' could go bust
By Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei
Updated: 08/21/2009 02:34:45 PM CDT

President Barack Obama listens to a question as he speaks about health care during a town hall meeting at Central High School in Grand Junction, Colo. Saturday, Aug. 15, 2009.(AP Photo/Alex Brandon) (AP)
Barack Obama's "big bang" is beginning to backfire, as his plans for rapid, once-in-a-generation overhauls of energy, financial regulation and health care are running into stiff resistance, both in Washington and around the country.
The Obama theory was simple, though always freighted with risk: Use a season of economic anxiety to enact sweeping changes the public likely wouldn't stomach in ordinary times. But the abrupt swing in the public's mood, from optimism about Obama's possibility to concern he may overreaching, has thrown the White House off its strategy and forced the president to curtail his ambitions.
Some Democrats point to a decision in June as the first vivid sign of trouble for Obama. These Democrats say the White House, in retrospect, made a grievous mistake by muscling conservative Democrats in swing districts to vote for a cap-and-trade energy bill that was very unpopular among their constituents.
Many of those members were pounded back home because Democrats passed a bill Republicans successfully portrayed as a big tax increase on consumers. The result: many conservative Democrats were gun -shy about taking any more risky votes — or going out on a limb on health care.
The other result: The prospects for winning final passage of a cap-and-trade bill this year are greatly diminished. And, while most Democrats still predict a health care bill will pass this year, it is likely to be a shadow of what Obama once had planned.


majority-makers are the freshman and sophomores from conservative districts where there's this narrative building about giveaways, buyouts and too much change at once," said a top House Democratic strategist, who requested anonymity to discuss internal politics candidly. "There's this big snowball building in those districts. That's why those folks are so scared."
David Axelrod, Obama's political architect, said it was "very clear early in the transition" that Obama would have to attack a number of festering issues simultaneously.
"The times demanded it," he said in an interview. "We didn't have the luxury of taking things sequentially, year after year, and hoping we got there. That's the reason that all these major issues had been deferred for decades: Change is hard."
=0 A
Axelrod said the president is "looking forward to an active fall" when he returns from next week's vacation on Martha's Vineyard, and is not as worried about the outlook as the denizens of Washington, where "every day is election day."
But the "big bang" theory of governance, as some White House insiders called it, is not without risk and consequences.
By doing so much, so fast, Obama gave Republicans the chance to define large swaths of the
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debate. Conservatives successfully portrayed the stimulus bill as being full of pork for Democrats. Then Obama lost control of the health care debate by letting Republicans get away with their bogus claims about "death panels." The GOP also has successfully raised concerns that the Obama plan is a big-government takeover of health care — and much of Middle America bought the idea, according to polls.
By doi ng so much, so fast, Obama never sufficiently educated the public on the logic behind his policies. He spent little time explaining the biggest bailouts in U.S. history, which he inherited but supported and expanded. And then he lost crucial support on the left by not following up quickly with new and stricter rules for Wall Street.
On Friday, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman echoed a concern widely shared among leading liberals. "I don't know if administration officials realize just how much damage they've done themselves with their kid-gloves treatment of the financial industry, just how badly the spectacle of government-supported institutions paying giant bonuses is playing."
By doing so much so fast, Obama jammed the circuits on Capitol Hill. Congress has a hard time doing even one big thing well at a time. Congress is good at passing giveaways and tax cuts, but has not enacted a transformative piece of social legislation since President Bill Clinton's welfare reform of 1996.
"There's a reason things up here were built to go slowly," said another Democratic aide.
By doing so doing so much, so fast, he has left voters — especially independents — worried that he got an overblown sense of his mandates and is doing, well, too much too fast. A Washington Post-ABC News poll published Friday found that independents' confidence in Obama's ability to make the right decisions had dropped 20 points since the inauguration, from 61 percent to 41 percent.=0 A
Axelrod and others argue Obama had no choice but to tackle all of these issues at once. That might be true for a stimulus bill and the bank and auto bailouts — but that case is harder to make for energy and health care, which have been the focus of intense debate for decades past and probably will be for decades to come.
Go-big-or-go-home isn't the only theory of the case that a new president can adopt. The most promising alternative is to build public support over time by showing competence and success, then using that to leverage bigger things.
So imagine if Obama had focused on fixing the economy, and chosen presidential power over congressional accommodation and constructed his American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as a true, immediate stimulus without the pork and paybacks.
He then could have pushed through tougher regulation of financial institutions, making it clear people were paying for their sins, and would have a much harder time doing it again. This would have delighted the left and perhaps bought Obama more durable support among independents. Instead, the left thinks he's beholden to investment banks, and much of the public sees no consequences for the financial mess.
Add in some serious budget cuts, and Obama would have positioned himself as a new kind of liberal with the courage to tame Washington and Wall Street, as promised. Under this scenario, Obama might be getting more credit for the economic recovery that appears to0Abe under way. This would have positioned him to win health care reform starting next year — a mighty achievement, and clear vindication against the doubters. Some White House officials said they are skeptical of moving controversial bills in an election year, when lawmakers are often more timid.
White House officials say they never seriously considered a more incremental approach to the year, though they did privately discuss trying to get regulation of the financial sector done right after the stimulus bill. There was too much disagreement among Democrats at the time over how far to go with regulation to proceed.
If the current strategy fails, the same person who got much of the credit for the crisp first 100 days will get some of the blame: White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. It was Emanuel who has strongly advocated the "big-bang" approach, declaring during the transition: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. Now, what I mean by that, it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do."
The confidence of Obama's aides was bolstered by their fresh memory that a similar approach had worked very effectively for then-President George W. Bush after the 9/11 attacks. With the public on edge, Bush was able to enact restrictive policies under the banner of protecting American soil, and build an entire new department of government that voters otherwise might have opposed. The economic meltdown would be Obama's 9/11 — the predicate for swe eping legislation that he wanted to enact anyway.
Just past halftime in his first year, the president has won passage of a long list of bills that the White House points to as proof of their approach. In addition to the stimulus, Obama signed major bills on tobacco, pay equity, children's health insurance, national service and the mortgage rescue.
If he gets health care and either energy overhaul or financial regulation this year, it would be hard to argue the "big-bang" plan wasn't a success.
Former Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., now president and director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, cautions that any verdict on Obama would be "kind of like judging a major surgical operation in the middle of the operation."
With Obama reaching the defining season of his freshman year, Hamilton said the current agenda reminds him of the scale of the Great Society programs Congress was tackling when he came to Congress in 1965. "This president thinks big but I also think he acts pragmatically," Hamilton said. "So many things in a congressional session come together at the last few hours, the last few weeks."
But sometimes they just come undone.

Having been raised in the American Lutheran Church in Windom, Minnesota this story makes me so sad........Does not the Church read Romans? What Bible are they reading?

Lutherans vote to allow sexually active gays as clergy by 68 percent margin
By Patrick Condon
Associated Press
Updated: 08/21/2009 06:54:49 PM CDT

Members Pastor Orinda Hawkins-Brinkley, Diane Yeager. Marj Ellis and Steven Schnittke along with other members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) stop for a moment of prayer Friday morning Aug . 21, 2009 during their assembly at the Minneapolis Convention Center. (AP Photo/Dawn VIllella) (Associated Press: Dawn Villella))
The nation's largest Lutheran denomination took openly gay clergy more fully into its fold Friday, as leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted to lift a ban that prohibited sexually active gay and lesbian people from serving as ministers.
Under the new policy, individual ELCA congregations will be allowed to hire homosexuals as clergy as long as they are in a committed relationships. Until now, gays and lesbians had to remain celibate to serve as clergy.
The change passed with the support of 68 percent of about 1,000 delegates at the ELCA's national assembly. It makes the group, with about 4.7 million members in the U.S., one of the largest U.S. Christian denominations yet to take a more gay-friendly stance.
"I have seen these same-gender relationships function in the same way as heterosexual relationships — bringing joy and bl essings as well as trials and hardships," the Rev. Leslie Williamson, associate pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Des Plaines, Ill., said during the hours of debate. "The same-gender couples I know live in love and faithfulness and are called to proclaim the word of God as are all of us."
Conservative congregations will not be forced to hire gay clergy. Nevertheless, opponents of the shift decried what they saw as straying from clear Scriptural direction, and warned that it could lead some congregations and individual churchgoers to split off from the ELCA.
"This will cause an ever greater loss in members and



finances. I can't believe the church I loved and served for 40 years can condone what God condemns," said the Rev. Richard Mahan, pastor at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Charleston, W.Va. "Nowhere in Scripture does it say homosexuality and same-sex marriage is acceptable to God. Instead, it says it is immoral and perverted."

David Keck, a delegate from the Southern Ohio Synod, said he feared that by embracing partnered gays as clergy that the ELCA was heading down a road that would ultimately
Former Republican Governor of Minnesota Al Quie speaks in opposition of allowing gay clergy to lead churches unless they remain celibate while debating during the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) convention. (Associated Press: Dawn VIllella)
lead to "the blessing of same-sex unions as the policy of this church," he said.

Mahan said he believed a majority of his congregation would want to now break off from the ELCA.
Other leaders indicated they might leave as well; the Rev. Tim Housholder, pastor of St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Cottage Grove described himself during the debate as a rostered ELCA pastor "at least for a few more hours." The Rev. Marshall Hahn, pastor at St. Olaf Lutheran Parish in Dubuque, Iowa, said he'd need to talk to his bishop "to discuss what this means for my future with this church."
In September, Lutheran CORE — the group that led the fight against the changes — is holding a convention in Indianapolis to discuss the next steps. It also encouraged ELCA members and congregations to direct finances away from ELCA church-wid e organizations and toward "faithful ministries within and outside of the ELCA."
Other Christian denominations in the United States have struggled to remain united in the face of such debates. In 2003, the 2 million-member Episcopal Church of the United States consecrated its first openly gay bishop, a move that alienated American Episcopalians from its worldwide parent church, the Anglican Communion. The divide has led to the formation of the more conservative Anglican Church in North America, which claims 100,000 members.
But ELCA supporters of its change said that failure to ratify it ran just as great a risk of alienating large portions of the membership, particularly those from younger generations.
The Rev. Katrina Foster, pastor at Fordham Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Bronx, said that Lutherans heard similar warnings about flouting Scripture when they made past changes that are now seen as successful — chiefly, the ordination of women.
"We can learn not to define ourselves by negation," said Foster, who is a lesbian. "By not only saying what we are against, which always seems to be the same — against gay people. We should be against poverty. I wish we were as zealous about that."
Tim Mumm, a gay man and an assembly delegate from Whitewater, Wis., said the Scripture that guides opponents of the more liberal policy was written by mortals, at a much earlier time, and doesn't reflect what many Christians now believe.
"I b elieve for me to marry a woman would be wrong — even sinful," Mumm said. "I don't believe God intended to put me and others in a no-win situation."
Some ELCA congregations had already been flouting the ban on noncelibate gay priests by hiring pastors in gay relationships. Some synods looked the other way, while others removed such priests from their rosters.
It was such divisions and inconsistencies in enforcement that an ELCA task force aimed to finesse when it began several years ago to draw up the ministry recommendations and a broader social statement on human sexuality, which passed earlier this week.
Under the new policy, heterosexual clergy and professional lay workers will still have to abstain from sex outside marriage. The proposed change would cover those in "lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships."

How have we come to this??????

(CNN) -- A controversial bill that California legislators say would allow the early release of more than 27,000 inmates from crowded prisons will be taken up by the state Assembly on Monday.

Inmates at Mule Creek State Prison in Ione, California, interact in a gym modified to house them in August 2007.

The Senate on Thursday passed the corrections package 21-19, after Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, assured senators the changes would protect the public from the most violent offenders.
The legislation also would direct more resources toward parolees, he said.
Senate Republicans say the bill would undermine public safety. All 15 Senate Republicans voted against the measure.
Both houses of the legislature are controlled by Democrats.
Consideration of the bill comes as California faces a mid-September deadline for reducing its prison population by about 40,000 inmates. A special panel of three federal judges issued the order, contending the crowded prison system violates prisoners' constitutional rights.
The judges said they will make the reductions themselves if the state fails to act.
The measure would save the financially strapped state $524.5 million, according to a statement from Steinberg's office.
When coupled with budget revisions that lawmakers made in July, the total corrections savings would be $1.2 billion, he said. That is the amount that Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants as part of his efforts to cut state spending and balance the budget.
Don't Miss
250 inmates hurt after California prison riot
California cuts deep to close $25 billion budget gap
Republicans said the bill would lead to the release of about 27,000 prisoners, while Democrats estimated it would reduce the prison population by 27,300 in the 2009-10 fiscal year and 37,000 during fiscal year 2010-11.
"It is undeniable that the real failure of our criminal justice system is that it fails to distinguish between violent offenders and nonviolent offenders," Steinberg said.
"Of course, we want to keep violent criminals off our streets and out of our communities, and this reform package is a necessary step to do that because it concentrates our incarceration efforts on the violent criminals and ensures that nonviolent offenders have more contact with parole officers," he said.
Some nonviolent offenders could serve shorter sentences.
According to Steinberg, each parole officer in California is responsible for about 70 parolees, many of whom recommit crimes and go back to jail. If the legislation is passed, the ratio would be reduced to 45 to 1, he said.
"They [parole officers] cannot adequately supervise those who are the most at risk and those who are the most risk to the public safety," Steinberg said. With a lesser workload, the officers also can make more home visits and arrange more meetings with the people they supervise, the lawmaker said.
Senate Republicans called the legislation a threat to public safety.
"Among the inmates who could be eligible for early release under the Democrat plan include felons convicted of human trafficking, stalking, identity theft, violent child abuse and threatening to use a weapon of mass destruction," the Republican Caucus said in a written statement.
"Unfortunately, this proposal exploits a fiscal crisis in order to advance a dangerous liberal agenda that seeks to undo successful anti-crime laws," said Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth of Murrieta.
GOP lawmakers in the Senate also strongly opposed the creation of what they described as "an unelected and unaccountable sentencing commission that would be given broad authority to alter important public safety laws."
The legislation would establish a 16-member Sentencing Commission that would put in place new sentencing guidelines by July 1, 2012. Unless vetoed by the legislature and governor, the guidelines would become effective January 1, 2013.
The 13 voting members of the commission would include the chief justice of the California Supreme Court, a judge appointed by the chief justice, the state public defender and the secretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. A crime victim would be among the three ex-officio members.
California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, D-Los Angeles, issued a statement early Friday morning, explaining that the assembly recessed around midnight and will reconvene Monday.
On Thursday and into Friday morning, she said in the statement, "we have been taking into account many of the concerns raised by law enforcement, and are working toward a bill that the people of California can agree makes sense," and that process will continue through the weekend.
"Our target remains a responsible approach that will achieve our public safety and budgetary goals, and allow us to prevent the wholesale release of prisoners by federal judges."
"Relieving prison overcrowding and reducing recidivism are monumental challenges, but they are challenges that we will not retreat from," Schwarzenegger told an audience of prosecutors in June.
And if they don't want to live in the United be it..........

HONOLULU - Hawaii welcomed its entry as the 50th state with a new postage stamp Friday but independence supporters marked the day with passionate protest — including an effigy of Uncle Sam being beaten and Hawaii's star cut out from the U.S. flag.
State leaders called Friday's events a "commemoration" of Hawaii's 50 years of statehood rather than a "celebration" out of respect to Native Hawaiians and their unresolved claims since the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom.
A few hundred Native Hawaiians marched through the street of downtown Honolulu with an effigy of a 15-foot Uncle Sam holding machine guns and riding in a tank made of cardboard. They chanted in Hawaiian, blew on conch shells, waved ti leaves, carried upside-down Hawaii state flags and yelled, "We are not Americans! We want our country back!"
"Genocide" and "imperialist" were written across the cardboard machine guns.
At the end of the march, protesters knocked off Uncle Sam's hat, which contained a U.S. flag from which they cut out a star that represented Hawaii. They lit the star on fire and held it up to a crowd yelling "freedom."
"We were never the 50th state," said Kaleo Farias, one of protesters that cut the U.S. flag. "It was an illusion, fabrication, something that was told to us that never happened. ... We're not part of the United States."
The events commemorating Hawaii's 1959 admission into the union have been light on flag-waving and para des. Instead, they have focused on the state's economic future with panel discussions on tourism, alternative energy and Hawaiian rights.

And this is the World we live, for August 22, 2009 God Bless, Dewey and Sharon and family

Let us pray...........

Lord, We thank you for our right to voice our opinions in the United States of America, the country You founded! May we as your children keep on being the salt and light of the world as You tell us to be. We pray for the Church's that are ignoring Your word Father. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

Friday, August 21, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

I PRAISE GOD and give GLORY to GOD for all HIS blessings!

I thank God for all the new listeners we are hearing from, many this week!!!! .........Love to hear from you folks in Santa Fe FM 94.7 territory! PRAISE GOD!

I just thank God for all the wonderful Godly folks we have on KKIM Saturday mornings starting off with Pastor Steve Smothermon of Legacy at 7.........Shona Neff at 7:30 then Pastor Jim Montoya of Church of God at 7:45..........then Dr. Deb at 8:05.........then Dr. Wayne Barber of Hoffmantown at 9am ..........Dr. J Vernon McGee at 9:30.....Lane Brown at 10.........Mabel Lopez at 10:30..........Pastor Marvin Capehart at 11:05...........Pastor's Allan and Gail Hawkins at Noon...........Kyle Martin at 1:05!!!

What a Godly line up on KKIM! PRAISE GOD!!!!

And it does not end there at 1:30...Front Page Jerusalem, Focus on the Family weekend at 2.........Pastor Jesse Dompreh of Powerhouse Fellowship at 3!!!! Frank Haley at 3:30...........Pastor Ann at 4pm!!!! WOW

Talk radio all Saturday night long from 7 to midnight on KKIM....check it out! People all over the world are tuning into KKIM at Give all GLORY to GOD!!!

Here is a note from Dr. Deb...........

Dear Listeners,

In Ephesians 5:22-32, the Apostle Paul speaks to wives and husbands. He tells wives to submit to their husbands, as to the Lord. He tells husbands to love their wives, just as Christ also loved the church. At the end of this passage, Paul says that the wife is to respect her husband. Ever wondered what this really means? Dianne Christianson, wife, mother, and Women Ministry Director at Hoffmantown Baptist Church will be my guest. She calls this the R Factor and will be letting us know what in truth it means to respect our husbands. All women, and men, married or single, will want to hear what Dianne has to tell us about the R Factor.

The show airs from 8:05 to 9:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) this Saturday August 22 on KKIM-AM1000 or FM94.7 in the Santa Fe /northern NM area. The show is also audio streamed live on If you have a question or comment, please give us a call. In the Albuquerque area the phone number is 998-0021. You can also call toll-free at 1-866-523-5008. I am looking forward to being with you this Saturday morning.

In obedience to Him,

Dr. Deb

Deborah Gunderman, D.Min.
Walking in The Way
It makes the difference in life!

Thank you for your generous contributions to this ministry and radio show. For more information about the ministry and how to provide a donation, contact us at

Let us here now from Pastor Don Kimbro of Nuggets of Truth weekdays at 7:30am..........

Hello everyone,
I received this email from Pastor Philip Saa'd today. Thank you for your prayers for him and the church in Haifa, especially as they step out in faith to renovate their building, that it might be a glorious place of worship for our Lord for all to see. If any of you would like to help in this project, please contact me and I will explain how it may be done. - Pastor Don

There you go.......Enjoy your weekend in the Lord and see ya on the radio at 4:30 with NM News and Views!

Dear brother Don and Sister Dorothy,
We send you our warmest greetings and hope you are well. Thank you for your gift of offering and for Nasrine's offering.

Isaiah 55:10:11

I am sure you remember Elaine Najjar and her husband Shaker. Elaine and her children were always faithful in the church ministry, in music and worship in Sunday school and other things. Shaker was a key and promising member in our church, but unfortunately he backslid and quit coming to the church. We kept visiting and encouraging him but always heard from him excuses and excuses. Praise God that he joined his family for the conference.
Shaker repented and rededicated his life to Jesus and to the church ministry. He is now on fire for Jesus, attends all meetings, helps with the youth meetings and brings coffee for all for the Bible studies and prayer meetings. Almost every meeting, Shaker shares about you and how God spoke to him through you. He and his wife like many others were indeed blessed by your ministry and fellowship. Please pray for Shaker and his family members they all are gifted and have great potentials for the Lord and for His church.

Allow me brother Don to keep sharing with you all our urgent prayer requests, I know you are serious and diligent about prayer, you and I know that we have a great and almighty God and savior, nothing is too big and too much for him
Please start praying for our center building in 38 Haganeem St. In few days we will start in faith to renovate our Center. We want to demolish walls and make a big enough hall, fix bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, youth activity room, Sunday School classes and a small guest house for people like you that would like to visit and minister in our community. People in the church are excited about this project. I believe there are some who are able to give money and they will give sacrificially, others will offer hours of work. I expect that God will use this project to strengthen the unity and belonging of the church people. Please pray that God will remove all kind of obstacles and will provide all what we need to complete this project before the winter, pray as we keep worshiping and praising our almighty God the walls which need to be demolished will fall easily by the power of prayer and praise.

Pray during Ramadan, the month of Muslim fasting, that God will use the satellite Christian channels, use our witness and the Christian literature we are distributing to break through this darkness of Islam, and many will see dreams visions of Jesus, Joel 2:28, 29 and many will know the Holy One of Israel. Keep praying for Rawan and for her family.

In all these things let God be magnified
In His Love
Philip & Violet Saa'd


One Step Away from STUPID CUP KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

God does not primarily delight in using what we bring to the table. He delights in what we surrender to Him. -Crawford Loritts, Jr.

Read that again please........pray over it.

Let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions 1 John 3:1

It is so AWESOME to be with you today!

Let us give PRAISE and GLORY to GOD!!!

Here is a question for Pastor's and congregations..........

Is your Church viewed as a negative, irrelevant, or positive factor in your community? What might need to change if anything?

And I ask that of myself of the Cup and KKIM!

As posted above Let's not merely say that we love each other, let us show the truth by our actions 1 John 3:18

According to the New Testament, God wills that the church be a people who show what God is like. Stanley Grenz

Last night on NM News and Views weekdays at 4:30 on we talked about how everyone of us is tempted by sin everyday.........and how we have to remain strong in God's we have to be strong we have to put the Armour of God on everyday! We need to be praying constantly.
We are all one step away from doing something stupid!
In recent days we have heard about the Albuquerque Baseball Coach who has been a role model for many over the years get fired for doing something very stupid......
The former Sec. of State of NM was indicted this week on several charges........
We read yesterday how Elizabeth Edwards is dealing with her husband, John, former Democratic candidate for President, and his affair and apparently fathering the child of his mistress, and how Mrs Edwards is fighting for her life as she has cancer.
We get weak in the flesh..........and can sin........remain strong in God's word.......remain strong in friendships with Christians.

We here at the Cup and KKIM are here to help you in your daily walk with Jesus Christ. Ed Moore taught me that years ago.....How is your walk with the Lord going Dewey? A question we need to ask ourselves everyday! I ask it of myself several times a day!

Here is a note from a friend...............

Hi Dewey,
I'd like to request prayer to lift this depression and anxiety I've been experiencing. And to learn to live day by day, in the now, without worrying about the future. And for the Lord to show me my purpose so my life has meaning.

Gwen, I have been where you are is no fun! What we have been talking about today...The love of the Church.........praying.............reading God's word.........being around other Christians........will be a big help. Also reading two books on worry.......I have handed out all my copies of the Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. Also Max Lucado has a new book out titled, Fearless. We will be praying for you......I know you will find so much comfort in God's word..........picture yourself being held in the arms of God!

Also Gwen and my dear friends read the following from Max Lucado and it will bring you peace.............

Death: Because of Christ, You Can Face It.
by Max Lucado
As heart surgeries go, mine was far from the riskiest. But any procedure that requires four hours of probes inside your heart is enough to warrant an added prayer. So on the eve of my surgery, Denalyn, I, and some kind friends offered our share. We were staying at a hotel adjacent to the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. We asked God to bless the doctors and watch over the nurses. After we chatted a few minutes, they wished me well and said good-bye. I needed to go to bed early. But before I could sleep, I wanted to offer one more prayer…alone.

I took the elevator down to the lobby and found a quiet corner and began to think. What if the surgery goes awry? What if this is my final night on earth? Is there anyone with whom I should make my peace? Do I need to phone any person and make amends? I couldn’t think of anyone. (So if you are thinking I should have called you, sorry. Perhaps we should talk.)

Next I wrote letters to my wife and daughters, each beginning with the sentence “If you are reading this, something went wrong in the surgery.”

Then God and I had the most honest of talks. We began with a good review of my first half century. The details would bore you, but they entertained us. I thanked him for grace beyond measure and for a wife who descended from the angels. My tabulation of blessings could have gone on all night and threatened to do just that. So I stopped and offered this prayer: I’m in good hands, Lord. The doctors are prepared; the staff is experienced. But even with the best of care, things happen. This could be my final night in this version of life, and I’d like you to know, if that’s the case, I’m okay.

And I went to bed. And slept like a baby. As things turned out, I recovered from the surgery, and here I am, strong as ever, still pounding away at the computer keyboard. One thing is different, though. This matter of dying bravely?

I think I will.

May you do the same.

Pleas pray for Pastor Jim Montoya and his family as they vacation in Colorado.............Please pray for Pastor Mark Tross's family as they gather for the funeral of their Dad........Please pray for Pastor Marvin Capehart and Pastor Larry Moss for health concerns.

Let us pray..............

Lord, we know there are other believers everywhere praying right now. We are glad that we do not pray alone. Whatever is on their heart, we share with them. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family please join us!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Controlling People and Press Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Be filled with the spirit.......submitting to one another in the fear of God. Eph 5:18,21

As we shared with you yesterday Pastor Mark Tross's father passed away. Fred Tross was 79. Some of you have asked where to send a you go.......

Thanks for this Dewey, you're a true friend In Jesus.
Here's my address you requested:
5561 Gladstone Dr. NE
Rio Rancho, NM
Blessings to ALL and thanks for your prayers,

Let us continue to pray for the Tross family as they gather in New jersey for the funeral.

We have been talking for week's on NM News and Views what a joke these Town Hall Meetings are. They are more like a love fest. Pre-arranged High School pep rallies! Last night I got an email from our dear friend Jose Vasquez who keeps us posted on all the news at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. It confirms what we have been saying. Also in this mornings Albuquerque Journal Thomas J. Cole writes about the same meeting Jose does and his take is the same. Cole was not even allowed in the meeting. And when the American people speak up they are called trouble makers!!! WOW! Most of these guys in Washington are hiding out and do not want to face the public and those that are having these so called Town Meetings, are a joke. Washington is treating us tax payers like we are so dumb!

Before we get to Jose's report, Journal reporter Cole writes, "The site picked for the event, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Fe, one of the most progressive churches in one of the city's most liberal neighborhoods. Questions would be submitted in writing on note cards. You could tell that Lujan got the crowd he wanted. Lots of Toyota Priuses and Subarus, and many sporting Obama, Free Tibet and anti-war bumper stickers.

Read Cole's entire write up in this mornings Journal.

This is like controlling the people and press!!! This is crazy stuff!!! It's happening all over the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!!!

Here is Jose's report...........

Dear Friends,

"Outrage. That's my adrenaline." The woman referred to as the "First Lady of the Press," Ms. Helen Thomas, was not actually talking about Santa Fe. She had been manipulated by what the Obama administration called a "town hall" meeting to promote health care reform. In an interview on July 1, 2009, Ms. Thomas said, "Nixon didn't try to do that. They couldn't control [the media]. They didn't try. What the hell do they think we are, puppets? I'm not saying there has never been managed news before, but this is carried to "fare-thee-well" for the town halls, for the press conferences," she said. "It's blatant. They don't give a damn if you know it or not. They ought to be hanging their heads in shame."

The disgust Ms. Thomas expressed was as the result of the insistence by President Obama that all questions be submitted prior to the meeting. That same shamelessness characterized Congressman Ben Ray Lujan's manipulation of a "town hall" here in Santa Fe on Monday night. Hosted by the Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Santa Fe, the event was staged to help the Congressman promote the Health Care Reform Bill, HR 3200, of which he is a co-sponsor.

The Ben Ray Lujan manipulation didn't stop with screening questions. First, seating was li mited to 150 persons. Of those, 72 seats were reserved for Unitarian Church members and those close to Lujan. Their support was obvious when the Congressman reached his first applause line. The front rows erupted, as did about a third of the hoi polloi behind.

To set the tone for the evening, Mr. Lujan had written a piece for the ABQ Journal Santa Fe headlined "Stakes Too High for Shouting Match." A member of the host church's Social Justice Committee stated that anyone shouting or making derogatory remarks "will be forcefully removed." Rev. Jim Grant, the church's pastor, gave a "make nice" speech. Then everyone had a timed 30 seconds of quiet time to meditate on making nice.

Besides Mr. Lujan, the panel consisted only of two avid supporters of the proposed bill including the so-called "Public Option": Dr. Taylor Tyler, a physician from Los Alamos, and Lydia Pendley, a private citizen who is president of Health Care Action New Mexico. Rationalizations for the government takeover of the health care system were followed by the forceful demonizations of insurance companies. All the Democratic talking points were reinforced: how terrible insurance profits are, how those with pre-existing conditions are denied insurance, how claims are denied, how inflated health care CEO salaries are. Some how, unstated, 80% of American like like their coverage.

Nothing was said of the government's failure in its current programs; Medicare and Medicaid, no r about tax increases, bloated government bureaucracies, health care rationing, failed systems in other countries, government funded abortions, or the lack of a "conscience clause" to protect medical personnel from having to terminate life. No one mentioned New Mexico's Insurance Pool that insures those with 53 preexisting conditions such as AIDS and metastatic cancer. It was an evening of "let's all make nice about this wonderful new Obama government program."

Dr. Taylor produced his personal evaluations of various elements of the plan. Although he had given failing grades (Fs) to certain aspects, he did not fault the program, saying only, "Low grades do not necessarily mean failure, but those things need to be worked on."

"Government can do it better. The public option is the answer," was the mantra, with the adoring crowd applauding on cue. Congressman Lujan states that he favors a single payer system, and both Ms. Pendley and Dr. Taylor agree that was the only solution.

One question made an alternate point: "If most Americans are insured, why do you have to revamp the whole system?" The question went unanswered, as Mr. Lujan stood up to proclaim, "This bill would improve health care for those who are already insured."

Another question dealt with cost. Mr. Lujan answered by completely mis-stating the Congressional Budget Office's estimate. "The CBO says the plan will yield $6 billion more," he s aid. The CBO Report estimates "a deficit of 239 billion over the next decade." [See Wall Street Journal, Aug. 6, 2009, page A12.] Many other questions were not addressed, such as the question "Will my taxes pay for abortions?" [Yes.]

Yesterday in Santa Fe, there had been some concern that outside supporters might be bused in. However, there was absolutely no need for such a visible measure. When you fill half the room with guaranteed supporters, when you control who can sit where, when you control what questions are being asked, when extensive security ensures that no opposing voice will be heard - you've gone beyond Nixon.

Nixon had nothing on this evening of blatant, shameless propaganda.

Please be in prayer. God bless you.

Jose Vasquez
New Mexico Watchman

Thank you for that report Jose and I am thankful for your truthful reporting and that of Thomas J. Cole of the Albuquerque Journal. By the way Jose will be with me on NM News and Views today at 4:30 and rumor has it we will have a surprise guest singing the National Anthem, that is what I am hearing!

We are here to bring you the TRUTH! Even if you do not care, or you support the new health care bill, you should be very concerned how Washington is trying to control the media and the people. I have been a journalist for 35 years and I have never witnessed what I am seeing today!

Dear Lord, You are an all sufficient God, We turn to You in recognition of our insufficiency. Be our sufficiency as we pray. Enable us to be the intercessor's that You desire. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

I the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family


Back from the Rockies Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

It is so AWESOME to be with you today!

Praise God!!!

Oswald Chambers said, "I don't care what God does. It's what God IS that I care about."

Think about that............pray over it.........

Chambers said that in response to his wife asking what God was going to do about a severely sick friend. Biddy, Chambers wife, knew her husband cared deeply about their sick friend, but he knew that God's actions could be very confusing, while the Lord himself never was.

Read that again..........please pray over it for a better understanding.

Please come and follow us at twitter! You are missing many things, like news updates, prayer needs, day to day happenings, commentary. Please do, we miss you! Just go to

Let us pray over these needs.........

On the road today to Amarillo for a graveside funeral with Grammy, grandkids, Zach and Libbie. Please pray for us as we travel.

Praying for each of you and your families.

God bless.


Let us pray for Vern who is dealing with issues that are effecting her life in so many ways.

Gary has a prayer need...........

My grandson's other grandpa just died yesterday (heart-attack/45yo)...his I only talked (briefly) with one of his (two) daughters...of course, she is dealing with this as well as expected.

Gary W./Orr Shreveport Auto

Let us be in prayer this day and everyday for each other!

Here are some thoughts from our trip to Estes Park, Colorado.......

The Pastor who did the wedding was AWESOME!! What a heart for the Lord. Baptist Pastor Tom Hovestol whose Church is in Longmont, Colorado. I spend about a half hour talking to him. He told me that he had been to Israel 7 times.or was it 8?......I showed him an email I had just gotten from Pastor Don Kimbro who had just returned from Israel. Pastor Tom said that the Arabic Christians are subject to much persecution. He told me that when I get to go to Israel, My walk with Jesus will even become more clear to me.

Pastor Tom also had the line of the day to Bride Michelle when the rings were exchanged, "Some say the ring cuts off the circulation........yes, you are now out of circulation!"

Lot of Michelle's family farm in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. It was so interesting to get their feedback on the current affairs in Washington. Of course they said if they spent money like Washington they would be out of business. The consensus was that Washington, both parties, are out for themselves. That is a huge comment because of those states are mostly democratic.

One of those that shook is head was 85 year old Victor from Iowa, who was 6 miles from Berlin when WWII ended. He still runs three farms. He said that he cannot believe this is the United States that he grew up in and fought for. He just shook his head in disbelief.

The feeling I got from this wedding, or you could even call it a Town hall meeting, was that people are so discouraged with their government and so called leaders they really do not know what to do. Many are just hoping and praying that things turn around.

Very clear to me that most of our leaders are out of touch and 67% of them are not holding Town Hall meetings, and some that do, the meetings are staged, like the Presidents.

I find it so wonderful to get out and talk to people and to feel what they feel. remember these polls that are taken very few, if any, get to have a face to face lengthy discussion with the party they are polling!

Have you ever met a Politician that really cares about you? Really cares?

If you have, you are blessed!

God needs to be brought back into the United States and we will heal our land.

I look at what is happening to the Lutheran Church and it makes me sad. I grew up in the Lutheran Church.

Please read Romans.

The first skirmish of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's churchwide assembly was won Monday night by those advocating for the acceptance of gay and lesbian clergy, but people on all sides of the issue said that there still is much arguing to come.

The ELCA's weeklong meeting at the Minneapolis Convention Center eventually will consider a proposal to repeal a ban on gay and lesbian ministers from leading churches unless they promise to remain celibate. At issue in the first plenary session Monday night was a push by opponents to have the vote on that matter changed from a simple majority to a two-thirds supermajority.

The motion was rejected by 57 percent of the voters, but supporters of the gay clergy proposal warned against reading too much into the result. This was a parliamentary issue, not a vote on gay rights, said Emily Eastwood, executive director of St. Paul-based Lutherans Concerned/North America, a group that supports the change in rules.

"Most of the representatives are able to make a distinction between the voting procedure and the clergy issue," she said.

In a news conference before the opening of the assembly, Bishop Mark Hanson agreed that the evening's vote "might provide something of a landscape but shouldn't be considered a predictor of what is to come."

One thing he knows is coming: By the end of the week there are going to be some ELCA members who are "deeply and profoundly disappointed" by the vote on the clergy issue.

"Do I expect that reaction?" he asked rhetorically. "The answer is: Yes. But the bigger question is what form that disappointment is going to take, and that is a conversation that I am committed to have and keep having as long as necessary."

A similar issue threatens to divide the U.S. Episcopal Church, something that Hanson, the Minneapolis native who leads the ELCA, is determined to avoid.

That is taken from the Mpls Star Tribune.

We have so many books on the Christian way of book that is getting overlooked even by the Church is the Bible, God's Word's to us.

Man has made such a mess of things here in the United States, because of chasing God out. The Church is even guilty of that.

Have you ever been to Estes Park, Colo? That is where the wedding was and it is our favorite part of America. There is even snow on the top of the Rockies right now.

Had the door open and sitting and listening to God Saturday morning with the wind blowing and water from the river running. It was so peaceful to hear God in those moments.

Be still and know that I am God.

Many of the people running our Government do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We the Church, as Pastor Mark Tross says, "Need to keep giving them a piece of heaven."

Here is a write up by Rick Warren that I think is so timely..........We are to serve and not to be served........

We Are Here to Make a Contribution
by Rick Warren
“It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others” (Ephesians 2:10 LB).

God calls you to a service far beyond anything you could ever imagine. You were put on earth to make a contribution.

You weren’t created just to consume resources—to eat, breath, and take up space. God designed you to make a difference with your life. You were created to add to life on earth, not just take from it. God wants you to give something back.

The Bible says, “God . . . has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10 TEV). These “good deeds” are your service to the world. Whenever you serve others in any way, you are actually serving God and fulfilling one of your purposes (Colossians 3:23–24; Matthew 25:34–45; Ephesians 6:7).

What God told Jeremiah is also true for you: “Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work” (Jeremiah 1:5 NCV).

When most people think of this “special work,” they think of pastors, priests, and professional clergy, but God says every member of his family is to minister. In the Bible, the words servant and minister are synonyms, as are service and ministry. If you are a Christian, you are a minister, and when you’re serving, you’re ministering.

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t just immediately take us to heaven the moment we accept his grace? Why does he leave us in a fallen world? He leaves us here to fulfill his purposes. Once you are saved, God intends to use you for his goals. God has a ministry for you in his church and a mission for you in the world.

Is there anything holding you back from accepting God’s call to serve him?

I pray that you will join us Twitter!

Thanks for stopping by for a CUP!

Let us pray..........

Lord, We pray that we will remain strong in YOU! That we will stand by Your Word! In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

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