Friday, February 27, 2009




This almost made me cry! (Defeat of SB-12) In a time of such worry for my country's future,
I am so thankful to God for making this happen!


I was not going to write a CUP this am but I had to post Shannon's we should weep tears of thanks and glory! I have received many emails and calls. don't have time to post all but had to have a quick cup! Thanks to you all who emailed and called.


We serve an AWESOME GOD.......We must not forget that nothing is impossible with GOD!

Thank GOD for HIS amazing ability to transform apparent tragedy into ultimate good.

One of the wonderful blessings in this whole thing is that GOD"S people came together. Pray that hearts will be continued to be given over to our LORD. Do not give up on America...that would be like giving up on our Lord. Keep praying!

Let us Pray..........


Loosen our grips on the useless accumulations of our lives that make us unfit for the narrow gate or the needle's eye. In the name of Jesus, AMEN

Before I leave you, We have been praying for is an update...........some of you have asked for an update.....

Hello all, one of our warrior life buddies had some of his leg removed. I'm forwarding this email to you. Please drop him an email or call him. I think it would be nice if he heard from his brothers, even those he has never met. Thanks and keep him in your prayers


Hello Friends & Family,
It looks like they will be discharging me tomorrow. The podiatrist visited today and took out the suction bottle. He says in cases where there is good circulation, the staples usually come out after 2 week, in cases of poor circulation, it is usually 3 weeks. He showed me some exercises to do to begin increasing circulation, so I’ve already begun doig them. I’ve done over 200 just today. Today was also the first day to get up and about. I have in a dual PICC, but didn’t have any IV meds on at the time, so Vicki and I took a short trip to the end of the hall where I could see outside, to the tall pines to the north. It wore me out a bit, but I returned to my room under my own steam and continue to do some exercises.
During the quiet nights leading up to the surgery, I really think God healed my heart, so I wouldn’t experience any long-term sorrow or depression over my leg. Instead, there is a sense of joy that many of the problems I have experienced up til now (long term wound care, wound prevention, etc.) is no longer needed, so it’s almost like a new kind of freedom. I’m very grateful to all of you for your prayerful support, especially those who were with me during the tough spots. You are true friends.
And so it seems I’ll be going home tomorrow. Fortunately, my office has already been arranged and requires no readjustments. I’m not sure how quickly I will be returning to work, but I’m guessing I’ll work some on Saturday and play it by ear from there. I will follow up with the surgeon in 3 weeks for staple removal, hoping he will be encouraged by the signs of good circulation as a result of continued exercise and care to the leg.
Vicki and I appreciate each of you and thank you for your prayers.
Jonathan Thomas | A Member Of the Druie King Family
12411 Antoine Drive Apt 209 | Houston TX 77067
Mailing: PO Box 683266 | Houston TX 77268
C 713-515-5593 | F 832-446-6797 |
Please drop Jonathan a line.

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

This is just a quick Cup........But when the Lord moves me to share a CUP with you...I need to do that!

We pray for you everyday we do a CUP. We pray over your name that is on our email address book! We love you all! Imagine that scene in the movie, "Facing the Giants", where the man is walking by the lockers praying for all the students.That is what we do here at the CUP, praying for you and yours. I miss you so much when I cannot have a CUP with you! You are all blessings to me and Sharon.

Are you praying?

Have your prepared your field for rain?

There were two farmers praying for rain.

One prepares his fields for rain the other did not.

Which farmer received the rain?

Prepare your selves for rain when you pray. Prepare to receive the Lord's blessings.

Men, Are you praying with your wife? Are you praying with your kids? Are you calling them and praying with them if they live out of town? Are you building a wall around your family of love in the Lord? Are you Christ like?

Later this week I will be sharing more on the Weekend to Remember marriage conference......

I close with this........

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her......In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. Ephesians 5:25, 28, 29

And let us close in prayer..........

Dear Father Almighty,

You never leave us to fend for ourselves. May our hearts catch up with our head and feel the certainty of that truth. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

Prepare your fields for rain!!!!!!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Saturday, February 21, 2009


urgent prayer need

Dear KKIM Family,

Liz just emailed this to me.....please keep this in your prayers.........


Please keep the Milford family in your prayers this morning. Gordon House, who drove drunk in 1992 killing Melanie Cramer and her three children, may be released and I am sure they can use some prayer and support.

Thank you,


Thank you Liz, KKIM's Frank Haley has this news story at It is story that has been reported nationally. I pray that Gordon House has had a change of heart and accepted our Lord Jesus Christ.

I also pray that New Mexico will have leaders that will pass a law that states if you are stopped one time for DWI your privilege of driving and car will be taken away for at least 1 strike and you are out! Enough of the talk how New Mexico has gotten tougher when we still have many being stopped for the 19th TIME!!! SAD, BUT TRUE!!! First time at least 1 year in jail. It is time for TRUE LEADERS!! TOUGH LEADERS!!! Stop the NOTHING NOISE!!! Just like the kids that robbed the Starbucks where daughter Gretchen works......yes again..........second hold up in 6 months........again by gun point..........again by repeat offenders!!!! One of the thugs was under house arrest!!!!!

New Mexico needs a Tent City in the desert surrounded with a huge fence and let these thugs fend for themselves! I will let you know what I really think Monday!

But really enough is enough, why do we allow these thugs to continue to hurt the majority????

By the Grace of God the Milford family will pass through the GRACE of God.........the kind of GRACE HE only offers.

Amazing Grace!

Also please pray for Lisa Bryant of Los Lunas whose house burned up! Lisa and her four children escaped without injuries. If you can help this family with clothes or anything would you please email me right away. They where unable to save any of their clothing and personal items.

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Friday, February 20, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

"But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24 I keep reading that verse.........and just keep reading those words......everyday I pray over those words.......Read on my dear friends....

Stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong. 1 Cor. 16:13 also read 1 John 3:16-18.

We ask that God give you a complete understanding of what HE wants to do in your lives. Col. 1:9

Let me share with you these prayer needs..........

Raymond is an old friend of mine from back in the military days....can we please add his request.

thanks Dewey. From Joe Rowe

Greetings all:
Since I know that you are the praying sort, I wanted to ask that each you would pray for an old friend of mine from Vermont, along with his family and church congregation.
Verne Vittum was confirmed today as having stage four cancer, most likely of the bone, which has spread to his lungs. It was not expected at all as he is still quite young, in his 60's. This gentleman was very influential and helpful to my mother, brothers and I as we were growing up and dealing with several issues.
I ask that you would pray for his healing, and the healing and comfort of his family and church.
If you have any other questions, you can let me know.
Thank you each in advance for your consideration in this matter.


Raymond M Harris

Update on Ruth Ann, she is recovering well from her cancer surgery and the Doctor's believe that they got all the cancer! Praise God!

Today, please pray for all those, where ever they may be.........awaiting the results of medical tests. I know some who have been waiting for over a week now.

And who of you being worried can add a single hour to his life? Matt. 6:27

I want to share with you an AWESOME letter that I got from a KKIM listener Billy Lorne. He and his lovely wife attended the Weekend To Remember.......It is one of the best letters I have ever received........feel the passion and love of the Lord in his letter.........

Hi Dewey,

I just wanted to take the time to thank you for choosing us as one of the winners for the free registration into the "Weekend To Remember" conference this weekend. I had no clue what I was in for. If it had not been for my wife and your promotion of the event, we wouldn't have had the opportunity to attend. It's kind of hard at this point to put into words the effect the conference had on me (we) because I'm still digesting a lot of it. But the biggest impression I walked away with was God's presence over the speakers (and attendees) and the message they delivered-regardless of the delivery style (you know, some people might have taken offense at Tim's humor while others yawned during Gary's talks). I've sat in many small groups-Christian and non-Christian-and have been left wanting for lack of content and life. I've often wondered where is the power anymore in our meetings-the power to bring tears of repentance and tears of joy; the power to bring honesty and truth-the truth of what's really going on in our lives as Christians and the power to bare down on our realities and bring transformation. I believe we were visited with a breath of that power this weekend. Of course we know that power to be God Himself. How refreshing! And talk about a nice resort in Albuquerque-sheesh! We had never been there before.

Thank you for promoting the event tirelessly. Most likely, me and my wife will get involved locally with Family Life for now on, whether it be participating in or hosting a group or just simply being open to other opportunities with them. We're already looking forward to next year's conference.

Thanks, again, Dewey. God bless. If there is anything I can ever do for you or your listeners, just drop me a line.

Billy Lorne

I would encourage you to read Billy's letter again..about the TRUTH, the POWER! Good going Billy! You got me fired up.......I am so tired of the NOTHING NOISE in society!

Here is another note on the Weekend to Remember........


It was an honor to meet Sharon. I'm so glad you could enjoy the weekend together.

I want to thank you again for the incredible support you and KKIM gave to this event. I have attached a copy of the top 10 quotes we compile from the conference. Feel free to share them with anyone from the station that would be encouraged to hear of what God did.

I love you, brother. Stay strong in the Lord and I will talk with you soon.

Doug Scarborough
FamilyLife Event Ministries Promotion

Here is a note from Leonard Sanchez after Wed's posting on Marriage.......

Amen. Wow

I needed this. I will pray that the mans cup continue. This would be good for

brothers to share our struggles. God bless ,Leonard Sanchez

Leonard.........good point.........we must always keep ourselves sharp....

Let us continue............

A husband sacrificially loves his wife.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. Ephesians 5:25, 28, 29

He CHERISHES his wife by:

Being trustworthy

Making her load lighter, not heavier

Listening to her

Praying with her (Sharon and I make it a point to pray together at least once a day, we were doing this before the conference and are more committed to pray together)

Putting her needs ahead of his own

He NOURISHES his wife by:

Helping her develop and utilize her gifts and abilities

Helping her fulfill her purpose and dreams (Guys, we get caught up in our mission and sometimes forget our wives purpose and dreams)

Showing her and telling her he loves her

Making romance a priority

Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing her honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7

Okay, guys........let that soak into your hearts and souls...........pray about it over and over...........Ladies.......share this with your husband......also check out for more info

Let us focus on your wives.......let us be the husbands God intended us to be.

Guys, also have good men around you become like those you hang around with!

I had such nice talks with Tim Gannon, David Standridge, Pastor Steve Smothermon, Pastor Mark Tross yesterday......I try and surround myself with men of God!

It is so interesting as we go through this on marriage........marriage is under attack here in New Mexico and all over our country.........Here is an update on SB 12.........

ACTION ALERT - SB 12- Domestic Partnership (the gay marriage bill)
There is High Probability of a Vote on Monday Feb. 23

Do not hesitate to use both telephone and e-mail contact to contact your senators. Ask them to vote NO on SB 12:
• Despite repeated assurance that SB-12 will not lead to same sex marriage, it will. That IS the goal. The bill's language is identical to the language in the MA and CA bills. DO NOT BE FOOLED!
• The majority of New Mexicans DO NOT want same sex marriage.
Please flood the senate will calls, e-mails and faxes. Don't forget your own senator! And PRAY!
All senators may be faxed at 505-986-4280. CALL YOUR SENATORS:

Pete Campos-Democrat 505-986-4311

Carlos Cisneros-Democrat 505-986-4365

Lynda Lovejoy-Democrat 505-986-4310

Howie Morales-Democrat 505-986-4863

John Sapien-Democrat 505-986-4371

Phil Griego-Democrat 505-986-4861

Thank you for defending life, marriage and families.

The vote is so close in the Senate that Lt. Gov. Diane Denish could be the deciding vote and she has said she will vote for SB-12!

Let us hear now from Dr. Deb............

Dear Listeners,

Laurie Westlake is a dynamic woman in Christ. She will share some of her experiences from the mission field. Laurie now serves in marketing for Faith Comes By Hearing ministry here in Albuquerque . Laurie will tell us about the various activities of this ministry and how it touches the world with the words of God spoken in the native tongues of many people groups. Join us this Saturday to learn more about how Faith Comes By Hearing is fulfilling the Great Commission.

The show airs from 8:05 to 9:00 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST) this Saturday February 21, 2009 on KKIM-AM1000 or FM94.7 in the Santa Fe/northern NM area. The show is also audio streamed live on If you have a question or comment, please give us a call. In the Albuquerque area the phone number is 998-0021. You can also call toll-free at 1-866-523-5008. I am looking forward to being with you this Saturday morning.

Until then,

Dr. Deb

Deborah Gunderman, D.Min.

Walking in The Way
It makes the difference in life!
Saturday mornings on KKIM with Pastor Steve Smothermon at 7am, Shona at 7:30, Karen Rowe at 7:45 and Dr. Deb at 8:05

Have you caught Pastor Leonard yet on KKIM? What an AWESOME addition to the KKIM line-up! He helps me out on New Mexico News and Views and also does his own program, "Bible Booster" Monday's and Friday's at 5:05pm.......By the way Leonard Pastor's at Valley View Christian Church in Edgewood, NM

February 19, 2009

Your Bible Boost for today comes from Isaiah 50 verse 10, “Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust the name of the Lord and rely on His God.”

Have you ever had a dream where it seemed there was “NO WAY OUT?” I have. Boy was it sure vivid and striking in every detail. I’m driving along when I come upon a narrow two land bridge. Approaching from the other direction in a very high rate of speed is an 18 wheeler. My thought is, “if he stays on his side of the road, I’m o.k.” But even as that thought is birthed, the 18 wheeler begins to drift over into my lane. As I look to my right, the bridge guard rails prevent me from escaping to the right. The 18 wheeler is crossing over the center lane towards me. To stay the course means an “unavoidable”, “no way out” collision. As we approach each other I hear brakes squealing, people screaming, and just before impact…I wake up. My heart is racing, I’m panting, I am bathed in sweat and I’m all out of breath. It was just a dream.

Maybe each of us has been in such a circumstance and it wasn’t just an unavoidable car wreck in a dream. Maybe it was an unavoidable wreck in the journey of life. Maybe an unavoidable divorce. Death of a loved one. Teen on drugs where it seemed there was no way out. Unavoidable Depression. Or a myriad of other “unavoidable” situations. Where do you go? Maybe you feel like I did in that dream of mine where I was boxed in on all sides. No place to turn. No way out. All of the choices were either tried or rejected. If you have not faced such situations in your life, trust me, you will. Life is just like that. There are, OR there will be circumstances, in life, that appear to offer “NO HOPE” and NO WAY OUT!.

Well, my friends, Isaiah offers us HOPE. HOPE when everything seems out of control. Hope when it seems all is lost, unavoidable. Hope in the darkness. LISTEN CLOSELY to Isaiah; “LET HIM WHO WALKS IN THE DARK, WHO HASNO LIGHT, TRUST IN THE NAME OF THE LORD ANDRELY OF GOD”.

There you have it. When times of “no hope”, or “unavoidable situations” appear, there is HOPE in GOD. When it seems there is NO WAY OUT. Trust in the name of the Lord. When we trust in GOD He provides the strength for those “NO WAY OUT” situations. When we rely on HIM, He guides, guards and supports us through those tough unavoidable situations of life.


I am praying for you,


Nik sent this into us!

Loving God's People
Bishop Walter S. Thomas

Hebrews 10: 24-25 says this:
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

It goes without saying that often in life we feel alone. We feel as if we are standing against the storm alone, fighting the rising tide alone, dealing with the difficulty alone, and living the great moments alone.

Life has been so unkind to so many of us that we have failed to cultivate or revisit the art of being close to persons and knowing the joy that comes from true and genuine fellowship.

We can find ourselves seeking to be alone because we feel it is safer and we won't be hurt. The real truth, however, is that we are missing out on what God has purposefully put in our path: His people.

God knows we cannot make this journey by ourselves and still know the fullness of the joy God has for us. What God has for us is intricately woven into fellowship and cannot be fully experienced until we allow ourselves to embrace the community of which God has us a part.

He has given us His people and now we must learn to love again. Jesus said that we would be known as his disciples 'by our love one for another.' God allows us and teaches us how to love and just what love means.

He teaches us that within the confines of God's family, we must learn how to love and to forgive. We must learn how to care and to be compassionate. We must learn how to celebrate and to serve.

I must admit...I love the people of God. They have been my instructors in life, my companions in suffering, my cheerleaders in success, and my friends in life. The writer of Hebrews said that we should not take this love 'for granted.'

We should seek out ways to build upon it and to encourage one another. We have a community that is always looking for new ways to inspire and to edify us. In the midst of a world that wrestles with the meaning of love, God has placed us in a community that seeks to practice love.

Let us not be naive; the church is far from perfect. It has its flaws and makes its mistakes, but it is the bride of Christ being prepared for her Lord.

A love for God's people can help us all to realize that we should not live out our lives' journey by ourselves.

Let us close in prayer...........

Dear Heavenly Father, Remind us once again that YOUR WILL will never lead us where YOUR grace won't sustain us. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Dear KKIM Family,

Is there anything worse than blindness?

Oh Yes! A person with sight an no vision. Helen Keller

Are we blind to what is going on around us?

Are you going through your marriage blind? (I have at times!)...too many times!

I am really thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to have gone to the Weekend to Remember Marriage conference! I also am so blessed with our relationship with all the folks at Family Life Today, which you hear on KKIM at 7am and 8:30pm weekdays.

In the session for men, we were only separated from our wives for about an hour and a half.....Tim Muelhoff, who I want to have on my program, addressed the men.

A man takes responsibility, to follow Christ.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Cor. 16: 13-14

I am going to be sharing, Lord willing over the next couple posts, things I learned at the Weekend to Remember, and then maybe you will go the next time.

Be strong..........but do it all in love.

A Man acknowledges Christ as the absolute leader in his life.

AMEN! The Lord must be our leader men, not TV, golf, softball, video games etc.......

He follows Christ.

"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Matt. 16:24

To many of us end up at times following something else.
So many of the problems we face today in America is because us men, have not done our duty. The good news is that we can correct ourselves!

He obeys Christ.

"If you love me, you will keep my commandments." John 14:15

He depends on the Spirit moment to moment.

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Gal. 5:25

He courageously assumes the responsibility to love and lead his wife and family.

A man takes responsibility for his role as a husband.

God has designated the husband as the head of the relationship.

For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is also the head of the church, he himself being the Savior of the body. Ephesians 5:23

His leadership is NOT BASED ON SUPERIOR ABILITIES but on divine placement.

Headship means:

Assuming responsibility for the marriage.

being accountable to God.


Tim said in the session, in the room about our size, 250 men, about 2 to 3 percent are beating their wives. Pornography is also a huge problem in the Church.

God has designed the husband and wife with equal value.

There is neither Jew or Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:28

God loves man and women equally.

I will close this today and Lord willing wrap it up on Thursday or Friday.

Just remember men............

A wise husband values his wife as his partner and helper.

Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." Gen. 2:18

I PRAISE GOD for the Marriage conference........if you want more info on Family Life Today and Weekend to Remember go to

Men, how long has it been since you have tuned up your marriage? It had been too long for me!

I repeat if men would be doing better at what we are supposed to do in serving the Lord and his commands, we would not have so many problems today.

Please allow me to close in prayer...........

Lord God, Truth and Life, Let us savor the moments and not fret the what-ifs and might-have-beens. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


A sad day at the Roundhouse/ Prayer needs KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

I come to you tonight with a heavy heart. The Domestic Partnership bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon.

A bill allowing domestic partnerships has cleared a difficult hurdle Monday in the Legislature and is heading to the Senate for debate.
The legislation will give same-sex couples the same legal protections and benefits as married couples.
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-5 to send the bill to the full Senate without recommendation whether it should be approved or rejected.
The bill had stalled in the committee on tie votes. However, Democratic Sen. Bernadette Sanchez of Albuquerque broke the stalemate by voting to move the legislation to the Senate for consideration. This bill will lead to same sex marriage in New Mexico.

I was at the KKIM news desk all afternoon reporting live........We gave updates all day.....with State Rep. Nora Espinoza giving us all the details. At about 3:55 Nora called to say that the bill had been tabled as Sen. Sanchez walked out and did not vote......then about 10 minutes later Nora is calling again saying another vote was taken and Sen. Sanchez voted in favor of the bill, after saying she would vote against it. Like many of you, I was so sad to hear this.

So while we were doing New Mexico News and Views I get this News bulletin out of Washington D.C. from The Human Rights Campaign, the Nation's largest lesbian, gay,
civil rights group....they sent me this text message right away celebrating the passage.........

Domestic Partner Bill Advances in New Mexico Legislature
Bill would permit unmarried couples to receive rights, responsibilities of marriage under state law

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights group, today praised New Mexico’s state Senate Judiciary Committee for voting 6-5 to advance the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act, which would allow gay, lesbian, or straight couples to enter into domestic partnerships and receive the rights, benefits, and responsibilities of marriage under state law. The bill now moves toward a floor vote in the Senate. Similar legislation is pending in the House of Representatives.

“The Human Rights Campaign is pleased that the New Mexico Senate has taken this important step toward enacting much-needed protections for all couples in New Mexico, and we’re hopeful that this legislation will ultimately pass the Senate and House, and be enacted into law. ” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. “This is simply about making sure that all loving, committed couples in New Mexico receive the equal rights that they and their families need and deserve.”

New Mexico’s legislature has considered similar legislation in each of the last two years, and the bill has, in the past, come within a single vote of passing. New Mexico’s legislative session runs through March 21, 2009.

The Human Rights Campaign has a field director and two field organizers on the ground in New Mexico working to organize grass roots support for the domestic partner bill.

The proposed legislation would provide unmarried couples, gay, lesbian, or straight, with the opportunity to receive important rights and benefits including, but not limited to, hospital visitation, the right to make a medical decision for an incapacitated partner, the right to file a joint state tax return, and inheritance in the event that a partner dies without leaving a will.

Five other states – California, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, and Vermont -- as well as the District of Columbia have enacted domestic partner or civil unions laws that provide the same benefits under state law that would be provided by the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act in New Mexico, if enacted.

Two states, Massachusetts and Connecticut, recognize marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples under state law. Three states, Hawaii, Maine, and Washington, provide limited rights to gay and lesbian couples who enter into a domestic partnership or similar relationship. Currently, no gay or lesbian couple receives any of the more than 1,100 federal rights and benefits available to married couples, and the New Mexico bill would not provide any of these rights.

Gay and lesbian couples do not receive federal rights and benefits in any state. To learn more about state by state legislation visit:

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.

Now back to Dewey.........

They are celebrating and Gov. Richardson is so happy!

There is a ton of money involved in this.

I predicted months ago that same sex marriage would pass in New Mexico in 2009 if God's people did not speak up.......We are going down the fast track now to it happening.

Please make this a matter of prayer. I heard from a Pastor today that people have left his Church because of his stance on same sex marriage. I have lost two people here at the Cup because of my is not my is God's!

Satan is having a party!

Let's hear from the New Mexico Watchman, our dear friend Jose..........

New Mexico Watchman

Homosexual Marriage Moves Forward
Monday, February 16, 2009

In a surprise move, Senator Bernadette Sanchez allowed SB 12 Domestic Partnerships to move forward and on to the Senate floor for consideration by the full chamber. Her explanation was simple: this legislation is "much too complicated" to be addressed by the Judiciary Committee alone; the full Senate should hear the bill.

The reality was in itself much more orchestrated. Senator Sanchez was the systematic target of the ACLU. First, ACLU staff canvassed Senator Sanchez's district by going door-to-door, endorsing and encouraging passage of SB 12 Domestic Partnerships.

Once that was done, the ACLU purchased a survey in her senatorial district that presented the issue in the most favorable light, i.e. "allowing medical decisions ... health and financial protection," etc.

Thirdly a petition and postcards were generated to demonstrate what appeared to be a groundswell of support.

Ms. Sanchez's senatorial office stopped receiving phone calls at some point. They simply went unanswered. On Friday of last week Senator Sanchez complained of being bombarded by "threatening" phone calls at home.

Today, Monday, the Judiciary Committee finally met at 4:00 p.m. following a 2:00 scheduled start time. Ms. Sanchez was not present. The initial vote was again a tie and supporters of the legislation began to leave the room. Moments later, Ms. Sanchez appeared, apologized for her absence and explained that she was involved in a number of other legislative efforts.

Again a vote was taken, this time to move the legislation forward. She explained that, although the Research & Polling survey did not mention homosexual marriage, the implication of the legislation was necessarily the same. She made reference to other states that had passed similar laws and where, as the result of judicial intervention, same sex marriage had resulted. She expressed reservations about the poll because it did not mention same sex marriage.

In the end Senator Sanchez voted to move the legislation forward, thus breaking the tie and side stepping political responsibility for offending the homosexual community.

The Domestic Partnerships bill (SB12) will be considered by the full Senate soon, though probably not before Thursday. If the legislation passes the Senate, the House of Representatives will, without question, open the door to homosexual marriage in New Mexico.

During New Mexico News and Views, Jonathan Olivas joined us and sounded the shofar.......
Here is a note from a listener, Chris........

Shalom Dewey,
How appropriate that the young man is on News and Views with his Shofar today. The clarion Hebrew call to charge forward as Joshua spoke to the Israelites:
Hazak vey ematz – be strong and very courageous
From Joshua 1:6
Only be strong and very courageous, to observe to do according to His instruction, which Moses My servant commanded thee; turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest have good success whithersoever thou goest.
Chris Tomlin
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the House of the G-d of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His Paths. Isaiah 2:3

This note from Rebecca Shuman from the Arc of New Mexico........Please keep this in your prayers........
Sad news for people with developmental disabilities and their families who lost a terrific advocate. Patty Jennings died last Saturday. You can go to the obituary at this link: 2&ArticleID9466&TMF292.45

This prayer need from Pastor Vic Tafoya of Truelife Fellowship.........

Pro-life pastor prepares for sentencing

Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 2/15/2009 4:10:00 AM

An Oakland, California, pastor could face jail time for expressing his pro-life views.

Pastor Walter Hoye ran into trouble with an abortion clinic while doing an informational picket. Dennis Howard, leader of The Movement for a Better America, believes Hoye is innocent.

"His approach was simply to carry a sign that said 'Jesus Loves You. Can We Help?' and offering those who wanted it some information about alternatives to abortion," Howard explains.

A complaint was filed and Hoye was found guilty in spite of proof to the contrary. "There was a video taken of him doing this, and it shows that he was not harassing anybody," Howard points out. "In fact, he was being harassed by escorts from the abortion clinic."

Pastor Hoye faces up to two years in jail and a $4,000 fine. Howard is calling Christians into action. "We feel that pro-life organizations around the country ought to take up this man's cause and pray and fast between now and February 19," he concludes.

That is when Hoye is due to be sentenced.

Some notes from today's posting............

Oh Dewey, I too feel like you have been gone for soo long. Welcome HOME.

Greetings from a warrior in Fresno, Ca. You mentioned how Sharon has paid a price for your ministry. She is a blessed woman. And sure she knows it. But how great that you felt so blessed with blending more with your relationship. You and Sharon are much needed. Keep up the tuning. :)

This morning I have read alot. The rain outside makes me want to do that. But anyway, I have been reading Jesus's words in Matt. 5-8 about how we should live our lives here on this earth. It touches on just about everything we need to know. Jesus's words always come alive.

You mentioned the Holy Spirit' . I too have thought alot about that lately, and how through the Holy Spirit now we have the ability to see the Truth, the Life, and the Way. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. are one. And as our Lord said, He had to go, so we could have the Holy Spirit. I for one believe that when I hear scripture or a testimony that gives me 'goose bumps' Or a washing from my head to my toes. That is the Holy Spirit! He is getting my total attention, for the feeding of my Poor Soul. I am so very Thankful this rainy day for our Saviors Unconditional Love for us all. And to God the Father for sending His only Begotten Son. So that we too shall reap a blessed harvest.
In Gods Grace, sam

You captured the essence of WTR so well! Thrilled you and Sharon we’re able to enjoy it and that you’re hearts were encouraged!!

Michelle Blood

One more note on prayer needs from John Robb........

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” – Martin Luther
“We can accomplish more by time and strength put into prayer than we can by putting the same amount of time and strength into anything else.” – R.A. Torrey

Dear Friends,
It has been several weeks since I have written due to a focus on other things as well as observing a mini-sabbatical. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Here are some current serious concerns I would like to share with you for prayer.

Pakistan- A friend of mine who is a convert to Christ out of Islam is asking for your prayer about the growing unrest and mayhem caused by the Taliban in the Northwest part of the country. I am attaching his request in his own words with slight editing:

“Some of you know already that Taliban are very active, brutal and have network all over Pakistan. They have closed more than two hundred schools for the children in only one city ... They burnt up many of those schools. They are following those who are teachers by profession. Except slaying people like animals, they do nothing. One million people left their homes, town, properties and belongings and migrated to other cities to save their lives. My friend also changes his station every day to take a nap. He said that the day they found him that would be the end of him. The Taliban do not know about Islamic Law but they do all of this in the name of Allah. There is no security being provided in that area. Taliban are against those who send their daughters to schools. In the bazaars they slay people and throw them on the spot. I have encouraged my friend that I will ask a few of my friends to pray for those who are the target of these brutal people. So I would like to ask you to please pray individually and in your church against this Talibanism. Pray against these strongholds and for the safety of those human beings who reside there. May God bless you.”

Afghanistan- The international community of believers, most of whom are involved in humanitarian efforts, are being pressed to give up their place of worship by an unjust judicial proceeding. Pray that they will be vindicated and able to keep their meeting place. Pray also for their security and protection along with all other followers of Jesus in this more and more dangerous nation. A few days ago, armed militants carried out an attack in the middle of the capital of Kabul. These terrorists are the same Taliban with whom the government of Pakistan is contending. Pray that both governments, and the supporting coalition forces in the case of Afghanistan, will be able to prevail and that the Taliban will give up their destructive conflict, dissolving as a political and military force. We saw the same thing happen with the Khmer Rouge in 1994 and 1995 as God’s people began to pray unitedly and specifically for this to happen. They dissolved and came to nothing. Let’s ask the Lord to do it again!

Zimbabwe- A few days ago, Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the opposition, was became the new prime minister of a unity government with the party of Robert Mugabe, the president. This could be the “start of a momentous political transformation”, but there are huge hurdles to overcome, such as holding new, legitimate elections, rebuilding a tattered infrastructure and restoring the national economy in which 8 out of 10 are without work. Please pray for Mr. Tsvangirai and for this longsuffering nation to make a new and good beginning.

World Economic Situation- America and many other nations around the world continue to suffer a global financial meltdown. Please pray for the Obama administration and U.S. Congress as well as for the leaders of other governments to have God’s wisdom, humility and uprightness in finding the good solutions to restore long-term economic wellbeing to our planet.

Prayer Initiative in the heartland of America- For Omaha and its sister city, Council Bluffs, Nebraska, there will be a special prayer initiative with local pastors, young people and intercessors. Please pray with us for His strong anointing on all who are involved and for the movement of prayer in the region to be refreshed, strengthened and enlarged.

Thanks so much for praying. May the Lord bless, refresh and encourage you as you do!

Warm greetings,
John Robb
International Prayer Council

As we close tonight, please pray for the State of New Mexico......

Love, Dewey Sharon and family

Monday, February 16, 2009



Getting phone calls here at the station.......we are standing the vote takes place this afternoon at 2:30.......Here is the latest from Jose at the Roundhouse.......
New Mexico Watchman

Dear Friends,

Today Equality New Mexico and the ACLU, the organizations advancing the homosexual agenda in New Mexico, will hold a rally in the Rotunda of the Capitol at noon. Many from the Christian community throughout the state have traveled to New Mexico today, Monday, to join in prayer for them and for the final defeat of SB 12 Domestic Partnership Legislation. Please join us in that prayer.

Below is the Legislative Update regarding a number of bills we have been following. You can see where they stand and what can be done in relation to each.

God bless you.

Jose Vasquez

Legislative Update
February 16, 2009
Current Bills
SB 12 Domestic Partners Right and Responsibilities: Sponsor: Cisco McSorley
· What the bill does:
Gives all the legal benefits of marriage (including pension and inheritance benefits) to any two people who apply. Applies to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples. Partnership would be ended only by divorce. This legislation has always lead to gay marriage.

· Where is it now:
The Senate Judiciary Committee meets today. The bill will probably be voted on today. It is expected that the legislation will not move forward if the announced vote remains.

Action to be Taken:
Attending the Judiciary Committee meeting in room 321 at 2:30. In addition please let each of your legislators know you oppose this bill. Also, please make a special effort to thank Senators Bernadette Sanchez ((505) 986-4267 Room 218A) and Richard Martinez ((505) 986-4389 Room 217) for standing against this bill. Also thank Sen. John Ryan ((505) 986-4373 Room 414C), Sen. Clint Harden ((505) 986-4369 Room 414B), and Sen. Sander Rue ((505) 986-4375 Room 415F) for voting against the legislation.

HB 256 Freedom of Choice Act: Sponsor: Mimi Stewart
· What the bill does:
Removes all barriers to abortion, forcing every doctor and hospital to perform abortions despite contrary beliefs. Immoral, and could cause health care providers to leave NM.

· Where is it now:
Passed House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee (HCPAC). To be heard in the House Judiciary Committee (HJC).

Action to be Taken: This bill may be heard on Saturday, February 14, 2009.
Let members of the House Judiciary Committee (see List 1 below) know you oppose this bill. Ask them to vote "No" on HB 256.

SB 77 Stem Cell Biomedical Research Act: Sponsor: Senator John Ryan
· What the bill does:
Allows for embryonic stem cell research

· Where is it now:
Passed the HCPAC with "no recommendation". To be heard by Senate Judiciary Committee.

Action to be Taken:
Let members of the SJC (see List 3 below) know you oppose this bill. Ask them to vote "no" on SB 77.

SB 380 Access to Quality Childcare Workforce Act: Sponsor: Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino
· What the bill does:
Requires unionization of childcare facilities and preschools if 1/3rd of the employees at the school agree to unionize. Civil right legislation including non-discrimination of sexual preference will be enforced.

· Where is it now:
To be heard in the Senate Public Affairs Committee (SPAC).

Action to be Taken:
Let Senators know you oppose union intervention in church child care, kindergartens, and schools. Ask members of the SPAC (see List 4 below) to please vote "No" on SB 380.

Thank Yous
SB 121 Parental Notification Act: Sponsored by Senator William E. Sharer
· What the bill does:
Requires that parents of underage girls be notified 48 hours prior to an abortion.

· Where is it now:
Tabled by the Senate Public Affairs Committee along party lines on February 10, 2009.

Action to be Taken:
Please thank Senator Bill Sharer ((505) 325-5055 Room 415) for sponsoring the bill and thank Mark Bolitano ((505) 798-1092) Room 415), Gay Kernan ((505) 986-4274 Room 415) and Vernon Asbill ((575) 302-8135 Room 415) for voting for it.

HB 118 Definition of Marriage Sponsored by Rep. Nora Espinoza
· What the bill does:
Legally defines marriage as being between one man and one woman in New Mexico.

· Where is it now:
Tabled by the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee by a vote of 5 to 2 along party lines.

Action to be Taken:
Thank Rep. Nora Espinoza ((505) 986-4221 Room 202A) for the Definition of Marriage and express your future support.

HJR 2 Constitutional Amendment Marriage between one man and one woman Sponsored by Rep. Gloria Vaughn
· What the bill does:
Offers New Mexican's a chance to vote on changing the state constitution to defines marriage as being between one man and one woman.

· Where is it now:
Tabled by the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee by a vote of 5 to 2 along party lines.

Action to be Taken:
Thank Rep. Gloria Vaughn ((505) 986-4453 Room 2031 CN) for the introducing the amendment


Back from The Marriage Conf. Cup KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

Random thoughts from this weekends Marriage Conference.........

It is such a blessing to be back with you! I was talking to Cowboy Clarence last night and I was telling him that it seems I have been on the road for a month! First it was Indiana, then NRB and this past weekends, Marriage Conference. I treasured all the events, but it is good to sleep in your own bed!

Over 500 people attended this past weekend's Marriage Conference!!! What a blessing!!! The folks with Family Life do such an AWESOME job! I met many KKIM listeners! Thanks to you all who came up to me and Sharon and introduced yourselves. Mr. and Mrs. John Chitwood were there, of Southern Boulevard Automotive, they are also KKIM Ministry sponsors.

At the end of the conference, Sharon and I renewed our vows! Many couples did! People gave their lives to Christ! WOW!

For me to sit still for 2 1/2 had to be good! It was like a tune-up on our marriage. For Sharon it was a minor tune-up.......for me it was more of a major tune-up. As I was sitting there, I thanked God for enabling me and Sharon to attend. I was thinking, Wow, why have I not done this before! You get the car's oil need to take care of the ways that I was not thinking about. For one thing I spend to much time working........Sharon has paid a price for the work I do at KKIM and the Cup. I am still processing all that I learned this weekend and have my Marriage Improvement list with me!

I find it so interesting that for the last 3 months we have been talking about this Marriage Conference and at the same time same sex marriage in New Mexico. Please go to and click under programming, then news and Frank Haley has the latest on today's vote. I will have more for you at 4:30 today during New Mexico News and Views. State Rep. Nora Espinosa just called me and asked that you all call.....go to for the info. There is a huge Gay and Lesbian rally at the Roundhouse the vote takes place. Satan is at work.

The wonderful thing about "The Weekend to Remember" is that it is all Biblically based.

Here is a sample of what was covered........

God's purposes for marriage are challenged by an opposing force.

A. From the beginning, the Scriptures state that Satan has challenged God and HIS purposes for marriage. (We sure are seeing that in New Mexico and through out the world)

B. Satan's opposition is focused on Independence from God. (Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:12-18

C. Satan's purposes are threatened by couples who are becoming one; therefore, Satan concentrates his major attacks on them.

Here is what Paul says........

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

We have a HUGE spiritual battle going on folks........Satan is our enemy!

Is your marriage tied in with God? Do you have oneness in marriage? PRAISE GOD if you do! if not please get help.......It will erode your marriage.....God's purpose for your marriage will not be fulfilled. If you would like some resources just email me or go to

The purpose of Marriage is to reflect GOD!

To truly experience oneness in marriage, we must first experience the POWER that comes from oneness with God.

Oneness in marriage is the result of fulfilling God's purposes and following God's plan for marriage.

Oneness with God begins as we establish a relationship with HIM and continues as we experience an ongoing relationship with HIM.

THAT IS SO AWESOME!!! What a gift from GOD!!! Sharon and I have that......Oneness with GOD!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Men, make yourself vulnerable in the Lord.......look at your marriage......are you tied in with God? It maybe time for a tune up or overhaul.

This whole conference was wrapped around our relationship with Jesus Christ. We just cannot call ourselves religious and go to Church! We have to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I am so THANKUL for all the folks with Family Life...they are AWESOME! My thanks to Doug Scarborough, who I did not get to say bye ya Doug! Thanks to all the staff and me dear friend Michelle Blood!

Just one more thing, one of the speakers was, Tim Muehlhoff and he even talked about the Holy Spirit......he hit the nail right on the head, that there is a lot of confusion in the Church about the Holy Spirit these days.........

The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son.

The Holy Spirit helps us understand the Bible and He guides us in truth as we follow Christ.

"But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." John 14:26

The other main speaker was Gary Stanley who also did an excellent job and Tim's wife spoke to the women.

A marriage conference tied right into the word of what more than 500 folks got this weekend, thanks to the folks at Family Life! Remember you can hear Family Life Today at 7am and 8:30pm weekdays on KKIM!

Only those who stay close to Jesus Christ can help others who are far away. The needs of the world are much deeper than political freedom and security.......much deeper than social justice and economic development, much deeper than democracy and progress. The deeper need of the world belongs to the sphere of the mind, heart, and spirit, a spirit to be penetrated with the light and grace of Jesus Christ.......
I really do not know what will remain of civilization and history if the accumulated influence of Jesus Christ, both direct and indirect, is eradicated from literature, art, practical dealings, moral standards, and creativeness in the different activities of the mind and spirit.

The heart of the whole matter is faith in Jesus Christ................a personal relationship with HIM.

Religion is our efforts to reach up to God..............we feel we must do this or that to obtain God's attention and pleasure.

Christianity, however is the story how God reached down to begin a relationship with us. HE did this by sending HIS perfect son Son, Jesus Christ, to open a way for us to have a deep and meaningful relationship with the God of the universe.

Taken from Bill Bright and Dr. Charles Malik in the book "Discover the Real Jesus"

Let me close in prayer..........


Free our timid hearts to let YOU love us in ways we don't really understand and would never expect.

In Jesus name, AMEN!

Love, Dewey Sharon and family

Friday, February 13, 2009


Just a Quick Cup before Weekend To remember4 KKIM/DDC


I thank you heartily for coming by and saying hi to me and the FLT guys! You are a treasure beyond words.

Praying for those couples attending the Weekend to Remember that their hearts would be open to hear God’s message for their marriage. Thank you for all you’re doing to impact Albuquerque and beyond.

Blessings to you, friend!

Michelle Blood


Michelle words touch my heart so much........

I Praise God for people like Michelle, who work for the Lord everyday!

Here is the scripture that is on my heart............

Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. James 4:17

I continue to be blessed by all the new folks who are discovering KKIM....just got a call from a James who said he just found KKIM and loves the news and information! PRAISE GOD

Until we meet again, Love, Dewey Sharon and family



Dear KKIM Family,

Welcome to Friday and the Weekend........Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Hope to see you tonight at the Weekend To Remember! Sharon and I will be there........look for the KKIM booth!

Let us all surrender to God's Holy Will.

Let us pray for all those who were killed in the plane crash last night in Buffalo, NY. 48 were killed on the plane and the man in the house that the plane crashed into also died. Let us pray for the families.

Let us pray for all those unspoken pray requests through out the world. People who want to pray but just don't........for the people who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

Happy Birthday to my brother Daryl and on Valentines Day my brother David! Way to go guys!

Two wonderful messages below by Karen Rowe and Max Lucado.........make sure and read them, please.

I want to share this with you........

A true worshiper--------does not claim his own rights. He does not complain about slights and grievances, because he knows that his Master has ordained them and may even be using them for marvelous purposes. He bypasses the world and it's desires. He throws his own personal agenda in the trash, no matter how many goals and dreams and preferences are on it. (WHAT FREEDOM) he does not make out his own schedule, he does not consider any possession his own, he does not make decisions from human reasoning, and he disregards the cultural warnings that too much selflessness is unhealthy, because his health is not the issue. GOD alone is the issue. HIS will, HIS character, HIS plans, and HIS providence are paramount.

From Chris Tiegreen The One Year Worship The King Devotional

Please share this devotional with others........Chris hit's the nail right on the head.
Let us give all of our heart and soul to the LORD......Let HIS will be done in our lives!

Keep reading this CUP will fill you up with goodness.

I want to thank Dave Fjeld of the Windom, Minnesota newspaper for all the pub he has given the Daily Cup and KKIM. He plugged us gain in the Feb 4th issue. While many newspapers have cut down the size of their paper, the Citizen keeps plugging away full blast. It is one of the best newspapers in the country and keeps winning awards! I also appreciate my friendship with Sandy and Rahn from the Windom paper. I also want to thank all of you who are spreading the word about the Cup and KKIM. Just heard from another listener in Colorado!!!!

We are taking a poll at We would like your opinion! Should New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson be Impeached? should he be censored by the Legislature, or do you think he is doing a good job. Give us your thoughts and we are going to pass along the results to the Gov's office and the Legislature. The members of the New Mexico Legislature must take the lead here.....they must not be intimidated by the Gov. Illinois impeached it's Gov........why can't the New Mexico Legislature at the very least demand answers from Gov. Richardson??? The truth must be brought to the front here. Corruption must end in this state. The Legislature is contributing to this dysfunction, by not holding people like the Gov. responsible. This may be a Goliath type problem, but we are called to be DAVID's.........persevere......persevere......persevere...Have faith in our Almighty the the the not be afraid!

As the famous basketball coach John Wooden said, "A soft pillow is a clear conscience."

If I did not share the truth with you......I could not sleep as the Lord has given me this duty.

Talk at the NRB Convention is that the Fairness Doctrine (WOW! They sure now how to market this legislation as it should be called the UNFAIRNESS DOCTRINE)) will pass. If so that will hit KKIM and all Christian radio hard. Please pray for the defeat of this legislation. If you would like a copy of Dr. Kenneth Hill's book on the Fairness Doctrine, the first 5 people that email me win his book.

Another subject at the NRB.........Christian Leaders, whether they be the head of a Ministry or a Church not speaking out about wrong!!!! One leader said at his press conference at the NRB it does not do any good anymore to call our elected officials and let our beliefs be heard! Can you believe that! We must be leaders for Jesus! For all of you who call the Roundhouse and let your voice be heard........GOD BLESS YOU!

Some might say, that Dewey you are getting to am here just to speak the truth on matters that are very important to God's people. We need to speak up. I look at Hayley, Chuck Bates(Co-Host of News and Views) 2 year old daughter.....I saw her during the NRB convention, when I looked at her,God said loudly to me that is why you need to press on Dewey for MY children.....for their future. If we do not speak up for God's people, who will?

At the bottom of this posting is an Action Alert from Pam Wolfe of the Traditional Values Action Committee, so please make sure and read it.

We do not get to hear from Karen Rowe on the Cup much anymore since she started her Saturday morning show on we are so blessed to have her with us this morning.........

Is God really here?

No matter how much we think we deserve a quick conversation, it doesn’t mean that we’ll hear from God immediately.

Peace is to know that God IS here anyway. Really, that peace is available all of the time and it is by faith that we don’t need to hear or see something more.

So, “Is God really here?”

Is God really invisible?

Or do we just expect HIM to look a certain way?

How can you trust someone that you can’t see?

If you can’t see God, does that mean that HE is not there?

God is more than we can comprehend, but HE enables us to understand HIM at least in the simplest ways; not in full, but all we need.

Of course God is here with us watching over us as a loving Father…

And, if we ever doubt that, then we need to spend some time finding out why we doubt. God has not forgotten you or me when things get tough…

We have all heard the word “faith”

Now, maybe some of you got this earlier than I did, but things started happening to me before I understood that it was because of my faith. I had faith; I just didn’t know how valuable it was to God.

Today, I hope to illuminate that faith is designed by God to be powerful.

Let’s start by looking at childhood.

We believe with wondering eyes to know more…

As an adult that is how my faith grew…I began seeing more from God because of faith and my wondering eyes started seeking to know more with faith

…By faith I believe.

Faith is a journey, not a designation…maybe we are always growing in faith? I seem to be!

A child accepts the truth as it is given by someone they trust.

We are a child of God and HE gives us the truth…but it takes faith and a willing heart to receive the truth from HIM.

God has given us the truth and we can trust HIM…

I was blessed to grow up being taught about Jesus and to respect the Bible. And as I grew up, that knowledge stayed with me in my heart…

I want to take a different view at this though…

Any child could believe what they are taught by their family…at least for a while, but eventually a child grows up.

My view is that I was blessed to grow up knowing the truth, but I realize that many people grew up differently.

I grew up knowing the truth…I said that on purpose…I already knew the truth…But the really amazing thing to me is that I found out as I got older…God IS also a teacher!

God IS more than I believed HIM to be as a child.

Just because you can’t see God or figure out how HE does amazing creations…or how God can do the impossible….only means that God is a higher power…

But in Faith…by faith and through faith and with faith we stand in the presence of God’s wisdom and power…Faith enables the impossible!

God gives us the gift of Faith and Faith is available to all who believe.

Faith is more than a word with a definition hooked to it to read or even somewhat understand…

Faith is more than understanding the word…Faith is power in God and Faith is a precious gift that we have received by Faith in Jesus Christ.

God has sent us Jesus

But have you received HIS hope by faith?

Not by work or deeds…, but by faith we can receive what God has given by HIS grace and mercy toward us…

I could give you testimonies of the most miraculous things that God has done before my eyes…

But could you believe?

Or would you question other possibilities of the occurrences?

Jesus went from town to town performing miracles and many believed, but some turned away, because of confused logic…

...I pray that you may have the power in believing to have faith and receive the hope that God offers and walk as a heavenly ordained person everyday!

Our HOPE is Jesus and that is praiseworthy to God!

Listen with your heart:

1 John 5:9-10

“We accept man’s testimony, but God’s testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which HE has given about HIS Son.

Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart.”

…and verses 11-12

“And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is HIS Son. He who has the Son has life:”

God Bless you and Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Shona is on at 7:30am on Saturdays.....followed by KAREN AT 7:45am..........and then Dr. Deb at 8:05am.......Here is a note from Dr. Deb........

Dear Listeners,

Ever wondered what it means to wait on God? My guest this week is Van Walton, an author and facilitator with the Proverbs 31 ministry. She will guide us through the Biblical understanding of waiting on God. This is a show all will want to hear.

The show airs from 8:05 to 9:00 AM this Saturday February 14 on KKIM-AM1000 or FM94.7 in the Santa Fe /northern NM area. The show is also audio streamed live on If you have a question or comment, please give us a call. In the Albuquerque area the phone number is 998-0021. You can also call toll-free at 1-866-523-5008. I am looking forward to being with you this Saturday morning.

Until then, my all be blessed. Dr. Deb
Deborah Gunderman, D.Min.

Walking in The Way
It makes the difference in life

It's Going to Be Okay
by Max Lucado

Bill Tucker was sixteen years old when his dad suffered a health crisis and consequently had to leave his business. Even after Mr. Tucker regained his health, the Tucker family struggled financially, barely getting by.

Mr. Tucker, an entrepreneurial sort, came up with an idea. He won the bid to reupholster the chairs at the local movie theater. This stunned his family. He had never stitched a seat. He didn't even own a sewing apparatus. Still, he found someone to teach him the skill and located an industrial-strength machine. The family scraped together every cent they had to buy it. They drained savings accounts and dug coins out of the sofa. Finally, they had enough.

It was a fine day when Bill road with his dad to pick up the equipment. Bill remembers a jovial, hour-long trip discussing the bright horizons this new opportunity afforded them. They loaded the machine in the back of their truck and secured it right behind the cab. Mr. Tucker then invited his son to drive home. I'll let Bill tell you what happened next:

"As we were driving along, we were excited, and I, like any sixteen-year-old driver, was probably not paying enough attention to my speed. Just as we were turning on the cloverleaf to get on the expressway, I will never ever, ever forget watching that sewing machine, which was already top-heavy, begin to tip. I slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. I saw it go over the side. I jumped out and ran around the back of the truck. As I rounded the corner, I saw our hope and our dream lying on its side in pieces. And then I saw my dad just looking. All of his risk and all of his endeavor and all of his struggling and all of his dream, all of his hope to take care of his family was lying there, shattered.

"You know what comes next don't you? 'Stupid, punk kid driving too fast, not paying attention, ruined the family by taking away our livelihood.' But that's not what he said. He looked right at me. 'Oh, Bill, I am so sorry.' And he walked over, put his arms around me, and said, 'Son, this is going to be okay.'

God is whispering the same to you. Those are his arms you feel. Trust him. That is his voice you hear. Believe him. Allow the only decision maker in the universe to comfort you. Life at times appears to fall to pieces, seem irreparable. But it's going to be okay. How can you know? Because God so loved the world. If God can make a billion galaxies, can't he make good out of our bad and sense out of our faltering lives? Of course he can. He is God.

Action Alert

Today 2/13 at 2:30 PM
New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee will meet

There is a STRONG possibility that
SB 12 - Domestic Partnership
will be revived for a vote
If not, then almost certainly at Monday's 2:30 PM Judiciary Committee meeting, a vote will occur

Urgent Action Needed NOW!

Please, contact the senators below to:

thank them for their COURAGEOUS support for traditional marriage
ask them to remain steadfast in their support for traditional marriage
Richard Martinez-Democrat (505) 986-4389

Bernadette Sanchez-Democrat (505) 986-4267

Both of these senators have, thus far, resisted pressure to support SB12.
They can both be faxed at 505-986-4280

For those who are able to come to the Roundhouse Friday or Saturday to visit senators,
especially Albuquerque and Española residents, and for any who call or write,
please remain respectful and pleasant in your interactions. Show appreciation for their support.

If you would, please make this a prayer focus for the protection of life, marriage and families PRIOR to 2:30 PM on Friday, 2/13.
Please, encourage your family and friends to subscribe for up to the minute updates at

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to life, marriage and families.


Pam Wolfe
Traditional Values Action Committee

Until we meet again in the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family



Dewey meets George Bush ???

okay....maybe not the REAL George Bush.. but a very close second!


I missed you all so much!!!

I am so BLESSED to be able to be with you and yours! You are such a blessing to me! I am so BLESSED! Got an email that got wiped out when son Lars cleaned up my computer over 2,000 emails when I was gone......but the email stated that she loved the cup and said it was like I was on the other side of her computer.....that is such a blessing to me.....that is why we are here everyday or so to share a cup............share our Praises and sorrows.......we are a family in Christ. PRAISE GOD!!!!

I was gone 6 days! WOW! I got homesick! As Dr. Larry Bates said, that is not a bad thing! Lars and his friend Austin met me at the Airport yesterday (Sharon was at work) and the Dogs gave me a warm welcome home! It was a WONDERFUL trip, but glad to be home!

Let the hearts of those REJOICE who seek the LORD! Psalm 105:3

Please take in today's entire CUP....make sure and read until the end.

I tried emailing you all from the Convention but I had AOL problems.

How about the guy to the left? Not me but the George Bush look-a-like!!!
His name is John Morgan a George Bush Impersonator who appeared at the National Religious Broadcasters convention. He is so GOOD! I asked him if he had talked to Dick Cheney since they left office and he replied, "Oh yea, Dick is still trying to tell me what to do!" HA! HA!

Let me first start out wishing Doug Moore a Happy Birthday! Doug is 37 today! Doug is the morning man at WFRN.! Way to go Doug!!!

Please pray for Doug's Mother, Jan, as she goes through the process of praying and seeking the Lord's will if she should have a liver transplant. Please keep Jan and the family in your prayers.

Just got an update from De Etta Coe on her sister Ruth Ann, who we have been praying for. Ruth Ann underwent 4 1/2 hours of surgery to remove the cancer from one of her lungs. Please continue to pray for Ruth Ann as she recovers from her surgery.

Also this from out dear friend Miki in Santa Fe........

Hi, Dewey -

Here's a prayer request from Steve Pearce (Congressman) about a friend of his.


Mark Van Dyke's wife was flown to Albuquerque to University Hospital
with bleeding on the brain. She was stabilized but as of about noon today
(Monday) no new word. Not sure what is causing the problem. Say a prayer
for her and for Mark. I will update you when I get new information.

Please keep us posted Miki.

Preserve me, O God, for in YOU I put my trust. Psalm 36:1

Is that not these times and all times let us put our trust in the Lord. I had a nice talk with a few Vietnam Vet's who were at Dr. Larry Bates seminar in Nashville and they said they had a rude awakening fighting in that war.....they would never trust the government again. They put all their trust in the Lord and witness to others. I respect so much the people who have and who are serving our country. Last night on the way home from Dallas, one of the stewardesses announced on the plane that we had a few military people flying with us who had just come back from the Iraq and Afghanistan and the plane erupted in cheers, clapping and thanks!

I am now officially Uncle Dewey to Dr. Larry Bates family. Chuck Bates, co-host of News and Views, his daughter Hayley turns 2 this Sunday. She is so precious!!! She call's me Uncle Dewey! I wanted to bring her home with me but Chuck and Missy (Chuck's wife) wouldn't let me! HA! HA!

All the folks at IRN/USA Radio treated me so nice while I was with them for the week. I am so thankful for the relationship we have!!!

I got to meet folks who read the Cup everyday! Lee Ann and Michelle with Ambassador, Emmett and Michael with Family Life Today, Tom and Jim with Programming Plus and many more! I am so thankful for the relationships in Christ!

Mentioning Family Life Today.........this weekend is the "Weekend To Remember" in Albuquerque! Sharon and I will be there! KKIM will have a booth........stop by and see us! I have not checked with my buddy Doug, who reads the cup!, but there still may be room for you! What a gift for your wife.........check it out at

I had a nice talk with Dr. Charles Stanley heard weekdays/nights on KKIM at 8:05......What a lovely man....had a short visit with Woodrow Kroll He is on weekdays at 9am. Woodrow loves to teach the Bible!

Psalm 25:7

Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions;
According to YOUR mercy remember me, For YOUR goodness' sake, O LORD.

Other Notes..........

Thanks to Pastor Mark Tross, Pastor Leonard Navarre, Frank Haley, Richard Spray and Bobby Jones for filling in for me while I was away.......I heard the ratings went up while I was gone!

Thanks to you all who kept Pastor Mark and Leonard informed on the news from the Roundhouse.

Thanks to Linda and Shannon, Dr. Bates assistants, for being so nice to me!

I was wondering while I walked the convention floor........and saw so many Christian books on display........all the major publishers were there............with so many books on Christian living.......why do we have so many problems???........more books on the Christian way of life than ever.

One sad note.........A man was walking around dressed up like Jesus.......and having his picture taken with folks (Like Santa Claus) It made me sad to see this at the NRB.....George Bush impersonator I can understand..........but not JESUS!

I did not meet one person who is in favor of the present bail out bill.

Many can not understand why Bill Richardson is still the Gov. of New Mexico. If he was not good enough to serve in Presidents Obama's cabinet, many feel he should not remain as Gov. Please pray for Bill Richardson that he will invite the Lord into his heart.

The State of New Mexico is in the prayers of many for the anti-Christian legislation being proposed at the Roundhouse.

Attended a meeting where the press could not bring recorders or cameras, Voice of the Martyrs, had a wonderful man from China talk about how he was sent to prison for distributing Bibles. China is not as free in this area as many have been led to believe.

If you have not read Dr. Larry Bates book, "The New Economic Disorder" Please go to and get it need to read it!

I am going to close with this...........

From our Dear Friend The New Mexico Watchman, Jose, who watches the Roundhouse for us.......

Dear Friends,

We continue to follow specific legislation in the 2009 New Mexico State Legislature. We are in the four of the nine week session. Your contribution of prayer, legislative visits, phone calls and emails are most appreciated.

Thank you and God bless you.

Jose Vasquez

Legislative Update for
February 11, 2009

Current Bills
HB 256 Freedom of Choice Act: Sponsor: Mimi Stewart
· What the bill does:
Removes all barriers to abortion, forcing every doctor and hospital to perform abortions despite contrary beliefs.

· Where is it now:
Passed House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee (HCPAC). To be heard in the House Judiciary Committee (HJC).

Action to be Taken:
Let members of the House Judiciary Committee (see List 1 below) know you oppose this bill. Ask them to vote "No" on HB 256.

SB 77 Stem Cell Biomedical Research Act: Sponsor: Senator John Ryan
· What the bill does:
Allows for embryonic stem cell research

· Where is it now:
Passed the HCPAC with "no recommendation". To be heard by Senate Judiciary Committee.

Action to be Taken:
Let members of the SJC (see List 3 below) know you oppose this bill. Ask them to vote "no" on SB 77.

SB 380 Access to Quality Childcare Workforce Act: Sponsor: Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino
· What the bill does:
Requires unionization of childcare facilities and preschools if 1/3rd of the employees at the school agree to unionize. Civil right legislation including non-discrimination of sexual preference will be enforced.

· Where is it now:
To be heard in the Senate Public Affairs Committee (SPAC).

Action to be Taken:
Let Senators know you oppose union intervention in church child care, kindergartens, and schools. Ask members of the SPAC (see List 4 below) to please vote "No" on SB 380.

Thank Yous

The following bills have been side-stepped by this Legislature. A show of support for those who have brought bills forward, opposed bills and voted carefully is most necessary and appreciated.

SB 121 Parental Notification Act: Sponsored by Senator William E. Sharer
· What the bill does:
Requires that parents of underage girls be notified 48 hours prior to an abortion.

· Where is it now:
Tabled by the Senate Public Affairs Committee February 10, 2009.

Action to be Taken:
Please thank Senator Bill Sharer ((505) 325-5055 Room 415) for sponsoring the bill and thank Mark Bolitano ((505) 798-1092) Room 415), Gay Kernan ((505) 986-4274 Room 415) and Vernon Asbill ((575) 302-8135 Room 415) for voting for it.

SB 12 Domestic Partners Right and Responsibilities: Sponsor: Cicso McSorley
· What the bill does:
Gives all the legal benefits of marriage (including pension and inheritance benefits) to any two people who apply. Applies to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples. Partnership would be ended only by divorce. Would lead to gay marriage.

· Where is it now:
Rumored to be moved out of the Senate Judiciary Committee where it is now technically dead and on to the Senate floor if 50% of the Senate votes to hear it. If approved by the Senate, it is sure to be passed by the House and become law. Note that an identical bill, HB 21, might be launched.

Action to be Taken:
Let each of your legislators know you oppose this bill. Please make a special effort to thank Senators Bernadette Sanchez ((505) 986-4267 Room 218A) and Richard Martinez ((505) 986-4389 Room 217) for standing against this bill. Also thank Sen. John Ryan ((505) 986-4373 Room 414C), Sen. Clint Harden ((505) 986-4369 Room 414B), and Sen. Sander Rue ((505) 986-4375 Room 415F) for voting against the legislation.

Past and Future Concerns

HB 118 Definition of Marriage: Sponsored by Rep. Nora Espinoza
· What the bill does:
Legally defines marriage as being between one man and one woman in New Mexico.

· Where is it now:
Tabled by the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee by a vote of 5 to 2 along party lines.

Action to be Taken:
Thank Rep. Nora Espinoza ((505) 986-4221 Room 202A) for the Definition of Marriage and express your future support.

HJR 2 Constitutional Amendment Marriage between one man and one woman Sponsored by Rep. Gloria Vaughn
· What the bill does:
Offers New Mexican's a chance to vote on changing the state constitution to defines marriage as being between one man and one woman.

· Where is it now:
Tabled by the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee by a vote of 5 to 2 along party lines.

Action to be Taken:
Thank Rep. Gloria Vaughn ((505) 986-4453 Room 2031 CN) for the introducing the amendment and express your future support.

Legislative Committees

1 House JUDICIARY Committee
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays - 1:30 p.m. - Room 309

Al Park - (D) Chair

Joseph Cervantes - (D)

Eliseo Lee Alcon - (D)
203C CN

Paul C. Bandy - (R)

Elias Barela - (D)

Gail Chasey - (D)

Zachary J. Cook - (R)
203J CN

Dennis J. Kintigh - (R)
203I CN

Antonio "Moe" Maestas - (D)
203B CN

W. Ken Martinez - (D)

Bill B. O'Neill - (D)
203C CN

William "Bill" R. Rehm - (R)
203H CN

Mimi Stewart - (D)

Gloria C. Vaughn - (R)
203I CN

Tuesdays & Thursdays - 1:30 p.m. - Room 315


Gail Chasey - (D) Chair

Antonio "Moe" Maestas - (D) Vice Chair

203B CN

Thomas A. Anderson - (R)

Zachary J. Cook - (R)
203J CN

Karen E. Giannini - (D)

Bill B. O'Neill - (D)
203C CN

Al Park - (D)

3 Senate JUDICIARY Committee
Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 2:30 p.m. (Room 321)


Cisco McSorley - (D) Chair

Richard C. Martinez - (D) Vice Chair

Tim Eichenberg - (D)

Clinton D. Harden - (R)

Linda M. Lopez - (D)

Sander Rue - (R)

John C. Ryan - (R)

Bernadette M. Sanchez - (D)

Michael S. Sanchez - (D)

Peter Wirth - (D)

William H. Payne - (R) Ranking Member

4 Senate PUBLIC AFFAIRS Committee
Tuesday, Thursday (Room 321) &
Friday - 2:30 p.m. (Room 303)


Dede Feldman - (D) Chair

Tim Eichenberg - (D) Vice Chair

Vernon D. Asbill - (R)

Mark Boitano - (R)

Mary Jane M. Garcia - (D)

Eric G. Griego - (D)

George K. Munoz - (D)

Cynthia Nava - (D)

Gay G. Kernan - (R) Ranking Member

May The Lord be with you and yours...see ya' on the radio today at 4:30!

Dewey Sharon and family

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Dewey meets George Bush ???

okay....maybe not the REAL George Bush.. but a very close second!

Take a look - Dewey says he sounds just like him too.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Say a little prayer

Hi, Dewey -

Here's a prayer request from Steve Pearce about a friend of his.


Mark Van Dyke's wife was flown to Albuquerque to University Hospital
with bleeding on the brain. She was stablized but as of about noon today
(Monday) no new word. Not sure what is causing the problem. Say a prayer
for her and for Mark. I will update you when I get new information.


helloo from Nashville posting

Hello Everyone, This is Dewey and Former President Bush!!!

Okay....not really! HA! HA! I When I first saw this guy walking around the Religious Broadcasters Convention here in Nashville I thought at first it was the real George Bush! The Impersonator is John Morgan, he even talk like the Former President!

I am going to have him on my show!

Anyhow, today is the last day of the convention and I am ready to get home to Sharon, the kids and doggies! I also miss you guys!

I did however, meet folks here that read the CUP!!!! WOW!!! Praise God!

KKIM also got a lot of attention for it's on going News coverage at the Roundhouse..............KKIM is being used by IRN/USA Radio as a model for other stations!

I had a nice visit with Charles Stanley.........Woodrow Kroll...............of course Dr. Stanley is on weekdays at 8:05am and Woodrow is on at 9am.

I have reconnected with many friends here in Christian Radio!

I had a nice visit with the folks from Family Life Today!!! Don't forget that Weekend to Remember is this weekend. go to for more info.

This is our last day here in Nashville and then I go on to Memphis with Dr. Larry Bates and staff and fly out Wed. morning for home!

I have been brought into the family as an Uncle to Haley Bates the 2 year old daughter of Chuck Bates, co host of News and Views.
She is such a little angel!!! This is why we get up everyday and fight for God's children can live in a Godly world.

I have really missed you folks!!!

Let me share this with you...............

The other night I attended a meeting of the "The Voice of the Martyrs..............

No recorders, no pictures were allowed..........They had a Chinese gentleman tell his story how he was arrested and put in jail for selling Bibles in his homeland.............Many of been led to think that the Chinese are letting up on Christians..not true! You should have heard his story! We should not take our freedoms here in the United States for granted!

A special Hi to Lisa, Michelle, Emmitt, and Michael all who are here and read the CUP!

Please pray for Sharon and I and the family.............Lord willing I will be back in the Duke City Wed late afternoon..............Love the sweet tea here!

The World and it's desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17

PS Sharon and I will be at the Weekend to Remember.........hope to see you!!!

In the Love of Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Dewey saying Hello!

Hello from Nashville! We are have been on the road with Dr. Larry Bates, first doing an economic seminar

in Nashville now on to the opening of the National Religious Broadcasters Convention.

I would like to share with you this scripture I shared with the folks at the seminar yesterday.............

They do not fear bad news............they are confident and fearless. Psalm 112:7-8

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed or broken...........We get knocked down , but we get up and keep going. 2 Corinthians 4:8,9

In the Love of Jesus Christ, Dewey

Thursday, February 5, 2009



Dear KKIM Family.............

This is a Cup full of Love as I leave for the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. Please pray.

I feel like I am leaving with so much unfinished business.

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our LORD and of HIS MESSIAH, and HE will reign forever and forever." Rev. 11:15, nrsv

We have access to God's grace, but even more, we have access to HIM. R.C. Sproul

Please pray for Gwen Browne. She undergoes surgery on Friday.

Please pray for Reenesha Box as she undergoes a liver biopsy on the 19th.

Sharon wanted to share this with you...........


A minister passing through his church in the middle of the day,
Decided to pause by the altar and see who had come to pray.

Just then the back door opened,a man came down the aisle,
The minister frowned as he saw the man hadn't shaved in a while.
His shirt was kind of shabby and his coat was worn and frayed, the man knelt, he bowed his head, Then rose and walked away.

In the days that followed, each noon time came this chap,
each time he knelt just for a moment, A lunch pail in his lap.

Well, the minister's suspicions grew,with robbery a main fear,
He decided to stop the man and ask him,'What are you doing here?'

The old man said, he worked down the road.
Lunch was half an hour.
Lunchtime was his prayer time,
For finding strength and power.

'I stay only moments, see,
because the factory is so far away;
as I kneel here talking to the Lord,
This is kind of what I say:


The minister feeling foolish,
told Jim, that was fine.
He told the man he was welcome
To come and pray anytime.
Jim smiled and said 'Thanks.'
He hurried to the door.
The minister knelt at the altar, he'd never done that before.

His cold heart melted, warmed with love,and he met with Jesus there.
As the tears flowed from his heart, he repeated old Jim's prayer:


Past noon one day, the minister noticed that old Jim hadn't come.
As more days passed without Jim,he began to worry some.

At the factory, he asked about Jim, and learned that he was ill. The hospital staff was worried, But he'd given them a thrill.

The week that Jim was with them, Brought changes in the ward.
His smiles, a joy contagion Changed people, were his reward.

The head nurse couldn't understand why Jim was so glad,when no flowers, calls or cards came, Not a visitor he had.

The minister stayed by his bed, He voiced the nurse's concern:
No friends came to show they cared. He had nowhere to turn.

Looking surprised, old Jim spokeup and with a winsome smile;'the nurse is wrong, she couldn't know,that he's in here all the while everyday at noon He's here,a dear friend of mine, you see, He sits right down, takes my hand, Leans over and says to me:


Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends
will leave footprints in your heart

So this is me ... Just Checking In

Thank you honey........Now until we meet again this is Dewey saying so long for now.........God Bless, Dewey Sharon and family

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