Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A Cup of Honey from start to finish KKIM/DDC

Dear KKIM Family,

First off want to thank Brenda for her wonderful note yesterday. Your kind words are like honey to the soul. Also has anyone heard from Missy Colburn? We miss hearing from her and understand she has moved to Texas. Please let us know if you have any information.

Praise Note..If you have been to my office on my door I have pictures of what we call, Dewey and Sharon's kids....Our niece, Hayden, and then we are the unofficial Aunt and Uncle of Haley, Chuck Bates daughter, also Kyle Martins children, and many more. We just love kids!

So you can imagine one of the things I am so excited about is very soon I will be able to do baptism's!!!

What happened to the tradition of Godparents?

I have Godparents......In fact, Uncle Joe is not only my Uncle but my Godparent. He is to watch over me as a parent in case anything would happen to my Mom and Dad, well he has been like a Dad to me since my Dad passed away almost 20 yrs ago now. Mom passed away 2 yrs after Dad.Is that still done? Godparents was something that was very special.

Anyhow our PRAISE note is that Rudy and Dorothy are Grandparents once again this time to Race James Sedillo a healthy boy! Their daughter Jennifer gave birth yesterday. God Bless you all!!!

We have this prayer need from Chris in Bakersfiled........

For Sheryl Giesbrecht (Geese-brecked) of KAXL 88.3 Radio here in
Bakersfield. Her husband Paul was killed in a motorcycle accident Saturday
night. Paul was an AWESOME man of God who loved The LORD with all his heart,
soul, mind and strength and "kept it real." Our prayers to Sheryl and her adult children,
Sarah & Ben. Paul, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

The news of the birth of James and the passing of Paul is a reminder for us all..Today please read James 4: 13-17

Verse 13-15 says.......

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit."
whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."

Let us turn ourselves over to the Lord. Let the Lord's will be done in our lives. Let us also introduce others to Christ.

Let us also pray for Pastor Leonard Navarre and Diane as they travel........Let us also pray for the NM Legislature and Gov. Richardson as they continue to meet in special session.

Here is a sermon from "Reb" in the new book, "Have a little faith" It fit's today's posting ....

1958 sermon.........

"A little girl came home from school with a drawing she'd made in class. She danced into the kitchen, where her mother was preparing dinner.

"Mom, guess what?" she squealed, waving the drawing.

Her mother never looked up.

"What?" she said tending to the pots.

"Guess what?" the child repeated, waving the drawing.

"What?" the mother said tending to the plates.

"Mom, you're not listening."

"Sweetie, yes I am."

"Mom, the child said, "you're not listening with your eyes."

There is a message for all of us in today's birth and death, scripture from James and the story of the little girl. Let us all listen not only with our ears.......but with our Eye's! You can't get back those times with the kid's.....or grandkids........or friends.......


By the way there are two huge events in the Duke City this weekend..go to www.mykkim.com for all the details.....People of ALL FAITHS coming together for BOTH events.....For GOD'S GLORY ALONE!

Here is a response from Karen on yesterday's posting......by the way Karen is from Mayberry, NC!!! Tell Floyd hello .I need a trim soon!

Dear Dewey,

I write today in agreement with what you wrote! We are all called to be pastors, as we allow God to work through us for HIS good purposes. That is a WOW in my mind!
Yes, we are all called in different ways...some are called in the traditional way of thinking, but we are all called to allow God to work through us.

I was praying a prayer to God about 2 weeks ago as I asked God for HIS wisdom in my day, so that I could serve HIM in any way that HE called me to in that day. I need to be "Prayed up!"
I asked HIM to guide me always and to give me HIS words and then to shut my mouth when HE was done!

I smile as I write this because in my prayer, I humbly, but boldly 'reminded God' that I was not a preacher... in reference to something "good" that Robert had said to me about Hope In Today...
AND I smile too, as I also in the same breath "reminded God" that I was shy...LIKE GOD DIDN"T KNOW!

And yes, I believe that God has a very good sense of humor!

If you would meet me, you wouldn't probably see shyness in me anymore...I can't explain how much God has done in my life! HE has given me HIS confidence in me,...
But this was in reference to something specific that was bigger than I wanted to face.

I received a message that day ...mid - breath...mid sentence...

No I am not a pastor, but God IS! And God IS in me! And I CAN do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength and courage!

That is a high wow factor in my mind!
So, I do little stuff...I share what God shares with me, and I share as God works through me...sometimes I just share a friendly smile or a kind word that God has given me...All for God's glory and good purposes!
I share this today because sharing what God puts on our heart is something that we are all called to do. Isn't that COOL?!!!

And it is all about learning to listen to the Holy Spirit and trusting in God's capability! I used to do small insignificant acts of "trust and obey" ...and now God has me doing bigger, more significant acts of trust and obey. However, even still, as I write this, I also know that there will be times that God may ask me to trust HIM EVEN BIGGER, which is hard and impossible in my own strength, power and mind set, but NOT in God...all things are made possible with God, through Jesus who paved our way!

Prayer is required! FAITH is the key! ..."I do this little thing and then God does the big stuff"...God trains us up in trust, the more we trust...the more we KNOW...the more we know, the more we see...the more we see God's realness.

Thanks for your time and I hope this is a blessing to someone.

Be blessed in your journey! God CAN do amazing things when we just trust and obey and apply a mustard seed of FAITH!
We just have to take a leap in Faith and Trust God in HIS capabilities, with a mind set on a heart of God. The reward is GREAT...God gives us the blessing of Peace and Joy!

Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe
Hope In Today

Dr. Deb is letting us know what is up on Saturday...........

Hi, Dewey,
Here is the information about this Saturday's show.

Ordinary women – this is you and me. Yet God has a plan for each one of us and will work in our lives in wonderful ways when we call out to Him. This week will be a personal story from an ordinary woman who has relied on God to help her live through extraordinary situations in her life. Debbie Forthman has agreed to be my guest to tell us her story and how she turned to God with a faith that at times could have been hard to hold on to. Yet she did and you will to hear how God is now using her and her daughter to serve Him by ministering to other women. We will both laugh and cry together. Plan to tune in for this show.

In obedience to Him,

Dr. Deb

Deborah L. Gunderman, D.Min.
Walking in The Way
It makes the difference in life!

P.O. Box 21283 Albuquerque, NM 87154-1283 505-385-7063 505-385-7063 www.walkingintheway.com

Thank you all for stopping by for a CUP......We love you all.

Let us pray..........

Lord, Thank you for this gathering of your people today. Let us make it a point today to also hear with our eye's! In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

In the Love of Christ, Dewey Sharon and family





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